Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > In Saying You Loved Me, Made It Harder at Best.

I'm knocking. Let Me In - Four

by VioletteStella 1 review

Y'know, you've got something in your eye.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-03-28 - Updated: 2010-03-28 - 775 words

Thank you guys for the nice reviews. They mean the world to me. If I could I'd give you all a free hug. Two free hugs. But sadly I can't so, have a free e-hug whilst you're reading chapter numero cuatro

We sprang apart, blushing.
“Should I be asking?” Ray said.
“No” we said in unison.
Ray shook his head, making is afro go haywire, and sat on the opposite sofa.
“Where were you?” I looked at my brother.
“Well, I went to Bobs, and we wrote half a kick ass song. Then I thought my sister might be getting lonely so I walked home. Halfway back Dad texts me. They’re not gonna be back till late, so muggings here’s cooking” he pointed to himself.
“So Ray” Frank began. “Is it finest take out pizza?”
“Frank, my big brothers speciality is takeout pizza”
“Well, you are both correct” Ray beamed. “Are you staying?” he asked Frank, who was reading a text he’d just received.
“Yeah, Looks like I’m here for the duration. There’s some hold up at work”

We resumed watching TV. Frank moved closer to me, semi leaning on me. I became hyper aware of his every movement. I was still struggling to comprehend what so nearly happened.
“I’m gonna go lie down, I’ve got a headache” I looked meaningfully at Frank.
“Kay” Ray wasn’t paying attention but I saw Frank nod.
“I’ll bring you some pills in a bit”
As soon as I was out of the claustrophobic front room, I bounded to my room and flopped on my bed.

Because I was youngest, I got the smallest room. It was about big enough for a double bed, if you were really pro at tetris. The walls were painted off-white but they were absolutely covered in photos, posters, tickets, autographs etc. My floor was black wood, so I could easily clean up spills. I picked at the stitches on my bed spread, waiting for Frank to bring my aspirin. My beds spread was amazing, black with sliver and white stars. It was the last thing my Grandma had ever given me.

I placed my hands over my eyes, trying desperately to think. What the hell had I been about to do? Frank Iero? I was confused, to say the least. I really did have a headache coming on as I tried to work out my feelings for him.
“Alexa” the familiar voice said, knocking on my door. “Alexa, can I come in?”
“Sure” my mouth replied. At least someone knocks.
“Alexa, what nearly happened. I didn’t mean” Frank began, coming over to my bed.
“Shh” I placed a finger to his lips. I sat up, motioning for him to sit next to me.
“Alexa, I…” he stuttered, blushing.
“Shh, Frank” I stroked the side of his face. He was so cute. “Y’know” I said, closing the distance between us, until we were mere millimetres apart. “You’ve got something in your eye”

Then I found myself kissing him. Part of me was screaming this was wrong, but it felt so right I couldn’t stop. He kissed me with so much passion it felt like we were being bound by electricity. He deepened the kiss, running his tongue over my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I hesitated momentarily, biting the bullet, and allowed him it. He was like a drug to me. I felt his hands move to my jeans and pulled away instantly.

“So, this changes things” I looked at Frank.
“A little” he grinned. “So. You and me? Together or pretending that didn’t happen?”
I mulled it over.
“Together” I smiled.
“Suits me.” I could almost here his internal cheer. “So where were we?”
He went back to kissing me.

“Lex? You o…” Ray stopped, saw me and Frank. “Jesus christ! Get a room!” we sprang apart again.
“We did have until you came in!” I yelled at his retreating back.
“Your big brother really needs to learn how to knock” Frank said. Stroking my explosion, sorry, ‘Hair’.
“You think” I melted back into his arms.

Yay! So Frank + Alexa are finally together. I have some really weird plans for this story, you want to hear my idea for Alexas birthday. And Im gonna maybe have injections at school through none other than Gerard Ways eyes. (which will just be LOL) So what will happen when Mikey finds out his perfect girl is in the arms of his best friend? And whats he gonna do about it? And will Ray ever learn to knock? Hope you enjoyed chapter four!
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