Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Loved You Then, I Love You Now


by alligatorpie 3 reviews

Frank was crushed already by a guy he though was "the one". When Gerard moves to town, can he learn to love again?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] [Y] - Published: 2010-03-29 - Updated: 2010-03-30 - 1065 words - Complete

Chapter One: Prologue

"Hey! Iero!"

Frank turned away from where he saw his best friends, Ray and Bob, towards the voice. Sam Eyer was jogging toward him.

"What?" Frank grunted. What the fuck did Sam Eyer want with him, anyway? Sam was a jock, not just a jock, but always the most important player in whatever game he played, and Frank, was, well, an emo kid. Black bangs always pulled over his eye, eyeliner every day, pierced his eyebrow with a safety pin. Sam was a senior, and Frank was a freshman. Sam had never made a secret of his distaste for the "emos", and had more than once yelled obscenities at him, Ray and Bob for standing too close together.

"Do you have a sec?" Sam asked Frank, standing right in front of him now.

"Depends on what you want." Frank said, crossing his arms and inclining his head so that his bangs covered more of his face.

"Well, um..." Sam looked down, seeming embarrassed. "Y'know, the prom is next weekend, and I don't have a date, or anything, so... I was wondering if, maybe, you wanted to go with me?" Sam looked back up from the floor, but he was still looking down at Frank, as Sam was almost six feet tall, and Frank was about 5'4".

"What?" Frank asked, not sure he had heard correctly.

"The prom? Do you wanna go with me?" Sam repeated.

"But I'm a freshman." Frank stammered.

"Yeah, but I'm a senior. You can go with me." Sam said.

Frank hesitated. On the one hand, he had been crushing on Sam all year. On the other hand, Sam didn't like his friends, and had been making fun of him or ignoring him completely.

"Okay." Frank decided, still hesitantly.

"Great." Sam said. "I'll just meet you there, so we don't have to go through meeting parents and all that."

"Okay." Frank said gratefully. His parents didn't exactly know that he was gay. Ray and Bob were the only people who he had told. Sam smiled and ran off, leaving Frank standing there all melted.

"What did he want?" Ray asked, coming up next to Frank. Ray and Bob were both Sophomores.

"He asked me to go to the prom with him." Frank said happily.

"He what?!" Ray demanded, stepping in front of Frank and bending down so that they were at the same eye level.

"He asked me to the prom, Ray." Frank said, smiling dreamily.

"You... what did you say?" He asked, looking fearful.

"'Yes'." Frank said.

"Oh, fuck, Frankie. Why?" Ray groaned.

"I don't know. I've liked him all year."

"Frank...." Ray said, but Bob, who was, apparently, standing behind Frank, put a hand on Ray's shoulder to stop him. Bob murmured something to Ray, then Ray's shoulders slumped.

"I know...." He sighed.

"Let's get out of here." Bob said. He looped his arms through Ray and Frank's, and they walked toward the schools exit.

"Fags!" A jock coughed as they walked by. Frank held his head high, and leaned his head against Bob's shoulder.

On the night of the prom, Frank carefully lined his eyes and did his hair. He put on the tux he had rented for the occasion. He had bought his prom ticket the day before, and double checked that it was in his jacket pocket. He checked the time, and saw that he needed to be at the school soon.

He ran down the stairs. His parents smiled at him as he dashed out the door. They still didn't know that he was going with another guy. When he said Sam, they assumed it was short for Samantha.

Frank only lived a block from the school, so it didn't take him long to walk. When he entered the gym, he stood on his toes, scanning the room for Sam. He saw him in the corner with a bunch of his friends.

Frank pushed his way through the crowd.

"Hey, Sam!" He said, grinning.

"What do you want?" Sam asked, looking at Frank like.... well, like how he always had before. Only then did Frank notice that the head cheerleader was clinging onto Sam's arm.

"I... I..." Frank stammered.

The jocks and their dates all started to laugh. Frank turned bright red, and looked at the floor. He now realized that Sam was tricking him, taking advantage of the way Frank felt about him to humiliate him. How could Frank have thought for even a second that Sam might've changed, after the way he'd always been treated by him?

The laughter grew louder as more people started laughing, and Frank did the only thing that made sense: He ran. He ran out of the gym, out of the school, all the way home. As he ran past his garage, and saw that his parents had gone out. Good. He didn't want to face them. He ran into the house, slammed the door, ran up to his room, slammed that door, too, and flung himself across his bed.

He pulled a pillow close to his chest and sobbed into it. After a while, he caught his breath, and sat up. There were black smears on the white pillow case from his eyeliner, but he didn't care. He changed out of the tux, and into a black tee shirt, red and black plaid pajama pants, and a black hoodie. He pulled the hood down low over his face. He grabbed his iPod off his desk, and turned on the playlist that was pretty much just for his favorite songs. He zipped the hoodie, shoved his hands into his pockets, and shuffled to the bathroom.

He flicked on the light, and looked in the mirror. His eyes were red and swollen, and there were black eyeliner tracks down his face. He started scrubbing at the eyeliner. When his face was clean, he went back to his room. He turned the light off, and crawled into his bed, still blasting music from his earbuds.

A/N: Please let me know what you think! Reviews = love! Keep in mind... this story is completed, I have it all saved in my Google Docs. Let me know how bad you want the next chapter with reviews! I'll update Mondays and Fridays regularly (unless I can't access a computer for whatever reason), but 5+ reviews, and I'll update the next day.
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