Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Loved You Then, I Love You Now

Chapter Two

by alligatorpie 6 reviews

Frank and Gerard meet! Ooh!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2010-03-30 - Updated: 2010-03-30 - 1392 words - Complete

Chapter Two
Gerard's POV

Most people think of the new school year as a new start. It's really a lie, unless you're starting at a new school, which I just happened to be doing today. My parents had never really been okay with my style or personality, so I was dressed semi-respectably in a black band tee, dark blue jeans and black converse. A leather jacket, rather than the hoodie I'd worn yesterday.

I'd spent the day before sitting in a corner of a new house with my younger brother, Mikey, both of us listening to our iPods, watching our belongings being handled by total strangers. After that, we'd unpacked then slept. When I woke up this morning, I'd dressed in all black, and my dad had sent me back upstairs to change. I glared at him before obliging.

The reason we'd moved to Jersey, was because my dad had been promoted. The promotion required moving from where we'd spent the last two years, in New York. I missed my best friend, Matt, already. So here I was, climbing out of the front seat of my dad's Porsche, still with straightened hair, and wearing eyeliner, but not nearly as comfortable as I would've been, had Dad not made me change my clothes and take off most of my eyeliner.

"Have a good day, boys." My dad said as Mikey and I climbed out of the car, which was attracting stares. I grunted, and guzzled the rest of my coffee. Mikey and I climbed up the steps. I noticed the eyes of several people following Mikey and I into the building.

We found our way into the main office.

"How can I help you, boys?" the receptionist asked, smiling up at us.

"I'm Gerard Way, this is my brother, Michael Way." I said, setting my backpack down at my feet.

"Oh, of course." She said, reaching into a drawer. She pulled out a bunch of papers, and laid them out on the desk.

"Okay, Gerard, this is your schedule."

I looked down at it; first period was calculus, second was physics, third was home economics, fourth was lunch, fifth was history, sixth was art, seventh was.... hell in the form of gym.

The receptionist showed me a map, and highlighted how to get to each class in a different color.

"Okay, Gerard, you can go on to class." She said, then laid out Mikey's schedule. I glanced at Mikey's schedule, and saw that we have the same lunch hour, then headed out the door.

I headed towards calculus. I had always been good at math, for some reason that nobody understood. I sat alone, and did the assigned work in silence. I finished before the period was even half over, so I doodled on a spare page of my notebook.

"Mr. Way?"

I looked up. The teacher was standing next to my desk, looking down at me.

"Yeah?" I asked. A glance around told me that everyone in the room was staring at me.

"What are you doing?" The teacher asked.

"Drawing." I said, gesturing to my notebook.

"Give up on the work already?"

"No, I finished," I said, handing the papers to the teacher.

He frowned, and walked back to the front of the room. I continued drawing. The bell rang. I shoved my notebook back into my bag, stood, and slung it over my shoulder.

"Mr. Way, will you stay a minute?" The teacher called as I started to leave the room.

"Yes, Mr...." I looked at his name on the board for the first time, "Wilson?"

"You have a natural talent for math." He said.

"Thank you?" I said.

"Would you be interested in joining the tutoring program? You would tutor a Sophomore for an hour after school a couple times a week, and you'll get a better grade."

"Uh... sure." I said.

"Have you started weighing your college options?" Mr. Wilson asked.

"Not really. I, uh, want to be an artist." I said.

"I strongly recommend a math major. You can make decent money with a career in math."

"I want to be an artist." I repeated.

"Okay, well, you think about it. And I'll get you signed up for tutoring. You'll have a Sophomore assigned to you by the end of the day."

"Okay," I said. I left the room and hurried to physics.


At lunch, Mikey and I fell in with who appeared to be the popular kids. I noticed three people sitting in a corner. They were obviously the outcasts of the school. All three were guys. One had a curly reddish-brown afro. Another had short light gold hair and a beard. The one that really caught my attention, though, had black hair that fell over one eye, eyeliner, and a black hooded sweatshirt. He was.... beautiful.

I found myself staring at him through most of lunch. I nudged the girl next to me.

"Who are they?" I asked her, gesturing towards the three in the corner, who all stood up.

"Losers." The girl scoffed.

"What are their names?" I asked.

"The one with the afro is Ray Toro. The blonde one is Bob Bryar. And," she started laughing to hard to speak. "The short one," she started laughing again. "Frank Iero." She giggled. "Oh, my God, it was so funny! Last year," She giggled continuously as she told me about how a popular jock had asked him to the prom last year as a joke. "He turned up at the prom, walked over to us, and thought Sam actually meant it!" She, and several others at the table, howled with laughter.

I watched as Bob, Ray, and Frank slowly walked across the room. Ray and Bob separated from Frank, and headed towards different doors, Frank's route required walking past our table. One of the football players stuck his foot out, and Frank fell. I winced as I heard his head hit the floor. Everyone in the whole cafeteria except Mikey and I, laughed. Frank climbed to his feet. I saw a purple bruise forming on the side of his forehead.

We made eye contact, and his face reddened. He grabbed his bag and ran from the room. He threw up his arm to block a cup of soda that someone threw at him. I half rose from my seat.

"You okay?" Mikey asked me.

"Yeah. I'll be right back." I said. I grabbed my bag, and followed Frank from the room.

I saw him down at the end of the hallway. It was empty except for us.

"Hey!" I called, hurrying after him. He looked over his shoulder, then sped up. "Wait! Please!" I caught up with him, grabbed his arm, and pulled him around.

"Fuck off." He mumbled, trying to twist away from me unsuccessfully, as I was older, and a good five inches taller. He had pulled his bangs over the bruise.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Fan-fucking-tastic." He said, not looking directly at me.

"Hey." I said, and he looked up at me. I gently moved his bangs so I could see the bruise, which was getting larger. I held his hair back with my fingers, and gently brushed my thumb across the bruise. He winced and gasped in pain.

"Sorry," I murmured. "It looks bad. You should go to the nurse, make sure you don't have a concussion." I said.

"No, it's nothing, really." He looked down. "I've had far worse." He mumbled almost inaudibly.

I reluctantly removed my hand from his soft, silky hair.

"I'm Gerard Way," I said, holding out my hand.

"Frank Iero." He said, hesitantly placing his hand in mine.

The bell rang, and students flooded out of the cafeteria. Frank pulled his hand out of mine.

"I'll catch you later." I said, turning away.

"Yeah.... later...." He mumbled

A/N: I'm a big softie... you know why? Cause I got two reviews, and I'm updating the next day anyway. Sigh... I need to work on that. Oh, BTW, I had an oopsie in the authors notes for the last chapter. I'm going to update Mondays and THURSDAYS (not Fridays), and I never have access to a computer over the weekend, so even 100+ reviews on the Thursday chapter, and I won't be able to update until at least Sunday night. Don't let that stop you, though.
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