Categories > Movies > High School Musical > Start of Something New

Chapter 6 - Two Conversations About One Thing - Part I

by starlightmint 0 reviews

The continuing romantic adventures of Zanessa.

Category: High School Musical - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Published: 2006-04-21 - Updated: 2006-04-21 - 1645 words

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the HSM characters or anything. Also, though this story involves the names of real people, it is a complete work of fiction in terms of characterization and plot.

Author's note: So chapter 6 is in two parts this time around. It's so long, but there was just so much to say! And I should be studying for an exam, but damn it, this story is just so much fun I couldn't waste my time with something so productive. Anyway, I've got the next couple of chapters planned out, and there's some Zanessa moments I'm so excited to write-I hope you stick around for them.


Chapter 6 - Two Conversations About One Thing

Part I

Half-turned in his desk on the classroom set, Zac realized he could catch a glimpse of Vanessa at her desk at the back of the room. Almost the whole cast was on set today, waiting for the lighting crew to finish up so they could film all of the classroom scenes in a row. The lighting was taking longer than expected, but under the present circumstances, Zac didn't mind at all. God... how did she get so beautiful?

He put his hand under his chin and tried to flick his eyes over in Vanessa's direction discreetly. He could see her chatting animatedly with Lucas and Monique, gathered around her desk. Lucas waved his arms around and seemed to be telling a story, making Vanessa double over with laughter. A strange feeling came over him, like he wanted to shove Lucas through a wall. He shook it off. Get a grip. And stop looking at her. You're trying not to like her, remember?

At the desk behind him, Corbin said something to him, jolting Zac back to reality. "Sorry, Corbin. I missed that. What did you say?"

"Well, I was saying that I think the Wildcats are probably the only high school basketball team that always practices in their game uniforms." Corbin looked thoughtful, rolling the basketball he was holding around the top of his desk.

At the desk next to Zac's, Ashley snorted out a laugh. "Probably. But Disney just wants you guys to look your prettiest." She batted her eyelashes sarcastically at Corbin, then caught Zac's eye and laughed.

Zac grinned back at her. "Anyway Corbin, you should know by now that East High does nothing by half-measures," he said, turning to look at Corbin. "I mean, they've even got a rooftop garden with a gorgeous view of the Utah mountains. It's an expensive view to get from the middle of Albuquerque, but damn it, East High knows what its students deserve."

"OK, OK, I get it." Corbin laughed. "So I guess this movie isn't exactly consistent all over."

Ashley shrugged, smiling. "But it's a ton of fun, so I'm not fighting it." She turned sideways in her seat to face Zac and Corbin, neatly smoothing her pink skirt over her legs. "I mean, I feel like I'm at summer camp for actors or something. And you know, it's the first time I've gotten to work with Zac on anything, and I've known him forever."

She looked over at Zac expectantly, but there was no response. Zac seemed to be lost in his thoughts, zoned out. Corbin waved a hand in front of his face and Zac jumped.

"What?" Focus, Zac. He snapped back to attention. "Sorry, sorry. Did I miss something?"

"I was just saying that this is the first time we've worked together," said Ashley, smiling at him. "Right?"

But Zac's attention was gone again. It had suddenly become a tiny pinpoint, focused only on Vanessa. She was laughing again, clutching at Lucas's arm. His stomach churned. Jesus, man. That's what she does-flirts with lots of guys. Just stop torturing yourself. Tearing his eyes away, he turned back to Ashley and Corbin.

"Sorry, what?" he repeated, trying to get back into the conversation.

But Corbin and Ashley were already looking curiously in the direction he was staring. A troubled look seemed to pass over Ashley's face as she turned back to him.

Oh, no.

"Are you..." she started.

But Corbin jumped in. "... looking at Vanessa?" He eyed Zac slyly and gave a wry laugh. "So... what's up with you two, anyway?"

"Nothing!" Zac blurted out quickly. His mouth suddenly felt dry. Help. "Nothing's up. You know, it's just that scene later, where I'm looking over at her. I'm... just trying to practice." His eyes darted wildly between their disbelieving expressions. "Seriously! I am dead serious. Vanessa and I... we're just... friends. Simple as that."

"Efron, I have seen you two together, and you have got to be kidding me," said Corbin disdainfully. "I mean, you and I are friends, but you don't try to pin me down and tickle-fight with me when we hang out."

"Well, maybe I'm just not ready for that stage of our relationship yet, Corbin," said Zac, letting out a weak laugh. Nobody joined in. Zac could feel Ashley's eyes boring into him from the side and tried not to look at her.

"So... you do like her?" Ashley's voice sounded pinched. Suddenly, she laughed, tossing her head-but her eyes stayed firmly focused on Zac. "Do you?"

Does this have to be so humiliating?

"Ash..." croaked out Zac. "It's... complicated." He opened his mouth, trying to explain, but couldn't find the right words to send out. He clamped his mouth shut and felt his face flush red. Oh, man.

Corbin laughed. "So now you're speechless." He bounced the basketball on the floor beside him. "Come on, man. So you like her. So what? What's wrong with that?"

Everything. And nothing. Zac's voice felt strangled in his throat.

"Come on, Zac," said Ashley, her voice gentle but urgent. "You can tell us. It's no big deal."

Corbin dropped to a whisper. "You don't have to shout it. But take it from me, dude-you might feel better if you don't keep it all in."

They're not going to leave me alone.

He stole a glance at Vanessa and saw she was deep in conversation with Monique and Lucas. Probably telling them some hilarious story, like she always does. Involuntarily, he smiled, then froze and dropped his eyes again.

Well... at least she can't hear you.

Zac closed his eyes and let out a sigh, rubbing his temple with his hand. "OK," he said, matching Corbin's hushed tones. "OK, so I like her. You got me. Happy?"

Strangely, it felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He opened his eyes and saw Corbin twirling his basketball between his hands and smiling knowingly at him. Ashley looked blank, but she smiled almost immediately back too.

Though for a split second there... it looked like the smile wasn't touching her eyes.

Snap out of it.

"But..." Zac hesitated, then continued whispering. "This is dumb, but I've heard that Nessa's kind of... all about stringing a ton of guys along." He caught Ashley's eye, then looked away. "So I guess I like her, but she likes everyone. Complicated, right." He laughed bitterly. "Embarrassing, definitely."

Corbin's brow furrowed. "I don't know... that doesn't seem to jive with the Nessa I know at all."

"Yeah, I'm not sure either. But the source... was definitely reputable."

"I mean, from what I know, Nessa never dated anyone," said Corbin, musing out loud. "It was pretty well known because she's so gorgeous... but she would never just jump in and go out with a guy. Took relationships too seriously, or something." Corbin shook his head and shrugged as if to say, /Girls-I don't get them/.

Ashley cut in quickly. "Well, girls are mysterious creatures. And you guys are never good at knowing the difference between rumour and reality when it comes to us." She rolled her eyes, tossing her hair again. "Anyway, you're a great guy, Zac. You don't deserve to be tossed aside by some girl who's just looking for a new plaything." She smiled at Zac, her eyes full of sympathy. "Even if it doesn't look like she might do that to you."

Zac smiled appreciatively at Ashley, but Corbin put his basketball on his lap and gave them both a skeptical look.

"Well, call me crazy, but I don't know about this. I think Vanessa's a great girl."

He paused. "Look, man. You like her, and you're happy to be around her. We can all see it." Corbin looked over at Ashley for confirmation. She started, then nodded at him vigorously. "And I may not be some kind of all-knowing girl like our friend Ashley here, but I think she might like you too. Definitely." He smiled knowingly, nodding his head at Zac.

"So the way I see it, the only thing that's standing in the way of your happiness is a possibility that she might not take you as seriously as you're taking her." He tossed the basketball and caught it. "But you know, I think love's something you take risks for. You don't go into it to avoid being hurt. You just do it, man. Wholeheartedly. Let the chips fall where they may."

Ashley stared at Corbin, her eyes intense. "I don't know about this."

But Zac didn't hear her. A ray of hope had shone into his head. He's... making a lot of sense. "You really think so?" he said.

"I say go for it, man." Corbin slapped the basketball, and laughed. "You've got nothing to lose but your pride-and I think we took a significant chunk of it already today."

Kenny's voice suddenly boomed out of his megaphone. "OK, it's been a long wait, but we're finally ready! Places, people!"

Finally ready indeed. Zac grinned at Corbin and Ashley and turned to face the front of the room. OK, Nessa, he thought. Let's give this a try.


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