Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Midnight-An Epic Love Story?

I'll Protect You

by SmashAuthority2 4 reviews

Gerard gets over-protective, but is it enough to keep Stella safe?...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor,Parody,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-04-10 - Updated: 2010-04-10 - 2281 words - Complete

Upon hearing Ava has escaped, Gerard turns into a bit of a tyrant and absolutely refuses to let me out of his sight. He marches me back indoors to my bedroom and slams the door shut before heading downstairs to talk to Mikey and Frank. I pace the floor feeling annoyed and a little freaked out, after all, Ava is a fruit cake and may be coming after me.

I decide this is the perfect time to put my Kickboxing skills into good use so spend the next fifteen minutes practising some badass moves I learned back in the day, though what use they will be against a crazy vampire, I don't quite know.

As I practise my roundhouse kick I accidently knock a lamp over sending it crashing to the floor. Before I know it my door is kicked in and in bursts Gerard and Frank looking ready to kill someone. Gerard knocks me to the floor like I am the president and he is taking a bullet for me, and Frank jumps onto my bed with a scream.

"What the heck are you doing?" I cry as I struggle to get up.

Frank goes still on the bed and looks around. "Man! We thought you were being attacked!"

"Sorry," mutters Gerard as he helps me to my feet and surveys the room, just in case.

I look at what remains of my door. "Dude, why did you kick it in? It was unlocked."

Gerard looks truly apologetic. "I forgot."

"No, he didn't," giggles Frank landing beside us. "He was so afraid you were under attack he over-reacted, something he does when he's in love with a girl. He gets all over protective and stuff." Frank sighs and bats his lashes at Gerard. "If only he were gay."

"Aww, that was sweet." I kiss Gerard on the lips. "But you owe me a new door."

"You owe me a dress," Frank reminds me seriously.

"What were you doing in here anyway?" asks Gerard ignoring Frank. He looks at my shattered lamp on the floor quizzically.

"Practising my Kickboxing moves," I tell him. "You never know when they might come in handy."

He rolls his eyes. "You won't have to do anything. I'll protect you."

"Yeah," chimes in Frank. "He'll stalk you extra hard now."

"I can take care of myself," I say, feeling annoyed.

Gerard raises his eyebrows but doesn't say a word, which is probably a good thing. He walks over to the window and peers outside.

"Oh, for the love of skittles!" shouts Frank. "She's not gonna be standing out there under a tree is she? She's a nutter, she'll storm right in and try to rip Stella's heart out!"

Gerard rounds on him furiously. "Shut up!" he growls. "I don't want to hear you say that ever again!" He looks so angry for a second I fear he might pounce.

Frank also senses danger and holds out his hands placating. "Okay, okay, man. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."

I decide to intervene before Frank is killed. "Erm, Frank. Can I have a moment with my boyfriend, please?" Saying the word boyfriend brings a smile to Gerard's face and he relaxes visibly. Frank nods gratefully at me before leaving the room.

I approach Gerard and put my arms around his waist. "You need to stop worrying about this Ava girl. I mean, how do you know she's coming here?"

"I know she will come looking for me," he replies as he strokes my hair.

"Can't her family stop her or something?"

"They're working on it."

"What will happen if she does come here?" I ask quietly.

"She'll find out about you-if she doesn't already know."

"How do you think she'll react?" I shudder at the thought.

There is a long pause. "I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe, Stella."

"What do you mean?" I shiver as I consider what he is trying not to say aloud.

He lifts my chin up and our eyes meet. "I'll keep you safe whatever the cost, Stella."

"Maybe she won't show up," I say hopefully.

He smiles grimly at me. "Maybe."

"So, what happens now?"

He takes my and leads me to the bed. "You may see me becoming a little over-bearing and more then a little protective of you over the coming weeks."

"Great, great," I say sarcastically, feeling more annoyed then ever. That's all I need, an all too vigilant Gerard.

He sighs. "Stella, it's my duty to take care of you. My family and I will safeguard you from any danger."

"I don't need an army to protect me, you know. You are more then enough." I say.

He clenches his hand into a tight fist. "She is a very cunning vampire. It would be wise not to underestimate her."

I lie back on the bed wondering how my life became so damn complicated. Why can't I be left alone with my blood-drinking, slightly crazy boyfriend in peace?

"What are you thinking?" he asks softly. He traces his fingers gently over my thigh and I close my eyes.

"Nothing," I lie. I wonder if he wants to make out? I mean, that's a lot better then talking about his ex girlfriend.

"Tell me," he coaxes, his finger travelling up my stomach.

My mind goes foggy and I end up telling him the truth. "You want to make out at a time like this?" he asks, looking half surprised and half amused.

I sit up. "Why not? I mean, it'll take your mind off things and take away your stress."

"Oh," he chuckles. "So it's all for my benefit?"

"Yup," I reply and edge closer to him.

"Any other time I would gladly do whatever you asked of me, but not now." He smiles and strokes my cheek lovingly.

"Can I have a hug at least?" I pout, doing my best to look irresistible.

He opens his arms wide and I jump into them enthusiastically. "Whoa," he laughs. "If I was a petty human, you probably would have cracked a couple of ribs."

I glare at him. "Did you say petty human?"

"Yes, trust me if you were a vampire you would agree," he replies wisely.

I fall silent. His words have just set my mind spinning. I wonder what it would be like if I were a vampire? I've never considered it before. The more I think about it the cooler the idea seems. I consider the pros and cons and list them in my head.

No-one would mess with me again-I'd be indestructible.
I'd live FOREVER, which is just badass.
I'd be ridiculously attractive, which could be interesting.
I could spend the rest of eternity with Gerard.

I'd have to drink blood, which is just sick.
I'd have to spend eternity with Mikey around, I'd probably end up killing him, but if I were a vampire I would be able to kill him. Maybe that's not a bad thing.
I'd sparkle in the sunlight, which is just gay.

Gerard waves his hand in front of my face shaking me out of my thoughts. "Hello, earth to Stella?"

I blink and look at him with confusion. "Huh?"

"I've been trying to get your attention forever. What are you thinking about?" he asks, looking mildly irritated.

Before I can reply there is a knock on the door. Gerard gets up immediately and swings it open. Mikey stands with a scowl on his face.

"She..," he starts but Gerard cuts him off.

"I read your mind. Let's go."

I jump to my feet. "Wait! What's going on?" I hate not knowing but Gerard isn't about to let me in on what's happening.

He turns around. "Nothing for you to worry about. Just stay here and sit tight."

I shake my head stubbornly. "No, I want to know what's going on."

He sighs. "Stella. Please don't make this more difficult then it already is."

Hearing the weariness in his voice I reluctantly let it slide. "Fine, but at least tell me where you're going."

"We have to meet someone. I'll be back as soon as I can," he replies.

I roll my eyes. If I was a vampire he would have told me where he was going. "So I'll be all alone then?" I ask.

He looks at me like I'm crazy. "No. Bob and Ray will stay here to look after you."

I fold my arms and try not to lose my temper. Sensing danger, Gerard walks up to me and takes my face in his hands. "Stella," he whispers in a silky voice. "Look at me."

I do as he says. "I hate that it has to be like this, but everything that I'm doing is for our good. The less you know the better it is for you."

"Gerard." Mikey's snide voice pierces the air. "We should be going."

I look into Gerard's eyes and my heart beat quickens as it always does. He smiles and kisses me softly on my lips. "We'll see each other soon, I promise," he whispers in my ear before leaving.


When they have left I head downstairs to greet Bob and Ray. When I enter the living room I find them playing Halo enthusiastically, when I call hello they barely acknowledge my presence which is just charming.

I grab a drink from the kitchen and go back upstairs to my room. Sitting in my chair I decide to call Jacob and see how he is, I also need to yell at him for grabbing my ass earlier on. After two rings he picks up.

"Hey, Stella. How's it going?" he asks, sounding unusually chirpy.

I ignore his buoyant mood and get right down to business. "Who gave you the right to touch my behind, Jacob?" I demand.

To my surprise he chuckles. "Relax. I only did that to aggravate your bloodsucker. It was nothing personal."

I actually feel offended at his distinct lack of interest in my rear. "Oh." I can think of nothing else to say.

"You sound disappointed," he says, clearly amused.

"Why would I be? I'm not disappointed at all. You're crazy." My words come out jumbled and even I can barely understand what I'm saying. I can be such a retard sometimes.

"Oh-kay," he laughs. "So what were you up to?"

"Oh, nothing. Just this and that. How about you?"

"I was playing God Of War."

I sit up straighter. "No way!" I cry. "Wait. How can you play in that shack you call a home? I mean, does it even have a TV?"

"Hey, don't diss my crib, okay?"

"Sorry, sorry." I laugh thinking how easy it is to talk to Jacob.

"So, what's the latest? Any thing I should know?" he asks.

I twirl a lock of hair around my finger. "Well, there is this one thing." He waits quietly for me to continue. "You know that Ava chick? Erm...well, she's kinda escaped."

I hear him suck in his breath. "Stella. Why didn't you tell me this before?"

"I dunno," I sigh. "It slipped my mind."

"A demented vampire is on her way to your home town and it "slipped your mind"?" he snaps angrily. "How can you be so careless?"

"There's no need to get all pissy on me," I grumble. "You're moodier then Gerard."

"Where is lover-boy anyway?" he growls.

"I don't know. He went somewhere with some of the guys."

"Leaving you alone?" he yells in horror.

"No! Bob and Ray are here with me."

There is silence on the other line. I can hear him breathing and it's strangely comforting. "I'm coming over," he finally says and the phone goes dead.

I stare at the phone in shock. I don't know how Gerard will react when Jacob shows up at the house. They didn't exactly part on the best of terms.

I lie on my bed and close my eyes. The house is silent, I cannot hear a sound coming from anywhere. It takes me a minute to realize that this is not normal. I get off the bed slowly and decide to investigate.

When I walk into the living room I know immediately something is wrong. Ray and Bob are nowhere to be found but the TV is still turned on.

I call out to them but get no response. Feeling edgy, I roll up a magazine as a weapon, a crappy weapon, I know, but still. I tiptoe into the kitchen and look around. It's clear, breathing a sigh of relief I check out the rest of the downstairs section. I find nothing, counting Ray and Bob. I seriously hope they didn't get hungry and go l
ooking for a snack.

"Bob?" I yell. "Ray? Where the hell are you, you lazy vampires?" I sigh and flop down onto the coach. Gerard is soooo gonna kick their ass.

"They're not here," says a soft, musical female voice from behind me.

I jump up like I've been electrocuted and spin around. There is no-one standing there. Confused, I do a 360 degree turn but find the living room empty. I scratch my head, wondering if I'm hearing voices in my head when I feel someone's cold breath on the back of my neck. I freeze in shock as chills run up my spine and turn slowly around.

The last thing I see before the world goes dark is a pair of incredibly light blue eyes staring at me with hatred...

I know there was a whole "vampire baseball" scene in the original but i thought Gerard and co were too gangsta for that S**t!!
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