Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Midnight-An Epic Love Story?

Kick Ass

by SmashAuthority2 4 reviews

The dudes fight and Frank has a strange request.....

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor,Parody,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-03-26 - Updated: 2010-03-26 - 1989 words - Complete

Thank you for all the reviews and advice ( especially Amy Revenge!x
I'm glad you're all glad I'm back!!

The look on Gerard's face is a picture. A picture of hatred that is. He looks so furious I think he might explode with rage. I approach him slowly, of course he would never hurt me but angry Gerard is someone I don't like to confront often.

"Hey," I greet him cautiously.

He doesn't reply. He is staring past me towards Jacob. Hie eyes are blazing and he looks paler then usual.

"Gerard?" I call softly. He ignores me yet again.

When I am inches away from him he springs into action. He grabs my arm and pulls me roughly towards him. I yell in indignation-I swear, I'm sick of being manhandled today. I crash into his chest where he holds me steady.

The next thing he does baffles me totally. He leans in and sniffs my hair. I know he's hot and everything, but sniffing a girls hair is an extremely weird thing to do.

He lets me go quickly and I look at him, perplexed, only to shiver in fear. If he looked mad before it's nothing to what he looks like now. His face is deathly pale and his eyes are coal black.

"You smell like him," he growls. "Why is that?"

I give him a puzzled look then I feel the blood drain from my face. It dawns on me that Gerard can smell Jacob's scent on my hair, my skin. That's because he kissed me earlier. Oh, crap.

Before I can reply he holds out a hand silencing me. He cocks his head to one side like he is listening to something, but there is only silence around us. That's when I remember Gerard CAN HEAR PEOPLES THOUGHTS!

What happens next is a total blur. One second Gerard is in front of my eyes, next, when I blink he is gone. I spin around and scream when I see he has thrown Jacob off his bike onto the ground and is on top of him, choking him to death.

"Gerard!" I scream. "Get off him!" I run to them but have to stand back as they roll around like maniacs on the floor.

"Get off! Get off!" I continue to yell, but it's to no avail. They continue to fight like loons.

I throw a small stone at his back but it just bounces off him. I look around for a bigger weapon.

"How dare you kiss her with your filthy lips, dog?" spits Gerard mid-punch.

Jacob responds with a kick to he groin. "Stop it! Now!" I order. I take off my shoe and aim it at Gerard's head. I let rip but miss. God, I throw like a girl.

I stand outside my house, utterly helpless as they continue to tear each other apart. I mean, I know some girls would be flattered two extremely hot guys are fighting over her, but not me, not when I know one of them can rip the others throat out.

"What are they fighting over now?" giggles a voice in my ear suddenly, making me scream in shock.

I fall backwards onto the grass and look up. It's Frank. He looks ecstatic that Gerard and Jacob are fighting. He holds out a hand for me and I take it.

"So, seriously, why are the two dumbasses fighting now?" he repeats when I'm back on my feet.

"Jacob kissed me," I explain wearily.

"Eww!" He wrinkles his cute little nose in disgust. "That's just nasty!"

I roll my eyes. "Can you make them stop, please?"

He sighs dramatically. "It'll cost ya."

"What do you want?" I demand impatiently.

"I'd like to borrow a dress," he replies with a mischievous grin.

I stare at him like he's lost his marbles-which he probably has. "And why the hell do you need a dress?"

He shrugs. "Oh, you know, this and that." He waves his hands around casually.

I am temporarily distracted away from the whole Gerard situation. "What the hell are you going to do with a dress?"

He looks at me like I'm stupid. "Duh, I'm gonna put it on," he replies like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"So let me get this straight," I say as Jacob goes flying through the air. "You're a cross dressing vampire?"

"I like to think of it as being in touch with my feminine side, you know?" he smiles.

"It's still a little....," I choose my words carefully as I don't want to offend him. "Unusual."

"Yeah, well, what are ya gonna do?" he sighs as Gerard throws a rock at Jacob's head.

"Wow," I breathe. "This is a first, I must say."

"We're full of surprises," he says and tickles my stomach.

I giggle then cry out when Jacob slams into my truck. "Oh, crap! I totally forgot about those two. Look, you can borrow what you like, but please stop the madness!"

He gives me a salute before springing into action. He charges full speed at Gerard and pounces on him. They both land on the grass with Frank on top.

"Victory is mine!" he screams at the top of his lungs.

"Get off me, Iero," orders Gerard as I rush to Jacob's aid.

"Oh my god! Are you alright?" I cry.

He is lying slumped by my truck-which now has a massive dent in it, and is breathing heavily. I kneel beside him to check him for wounds. His lower lip has a gash in it and is bleeding heavily, there is an ugly bruise forming on his cheek and I see the makings of a black eye. Aside from that he is just peachy.

"I'm good. If that's the best he's got then I've got nothing to worry about," he laughs.

"If Stella wasn't present I'd show you the best I've got, dog," Gerard yells angrily from across the yard where Frank is still straddling him, and enjoying it.

"For goodness sake!" I shout. "Put a sock in it, both of you!"

"I'd go through any kinds of pain for you, Stella," Jacob tells me sincerely.

"Pass the sick bucket!" shrieks Frank.

I help Jacob to his feet and he limps towards his bike. Gerard tosses Frank to the side and is up in a second. He marches towards us but Frank grabs him.

"That's enough ass kicking for today, champ," he says. "We've got bigger issues." He gives Gerard-who doesn't have a scratch on him, a significant look. He leans in and whispers quickly into his ear. I watch as Gerard's body stiffens.

"When did he call?" he demands.

I honestly don't know where to look. I want to help Jacob but I also want to know what Frank is talking about. I decide to help Jake first. "I think we should get you to a hospital."

He snorts. "Yeah, right. I'll live, Stella. It's honestly not that big of a deal."

"But you're bleeding, you know, blood," I whisper.

"We can hear you, sugar," Frank informs me in a sing-song voice. "And for you're information, we're aren't interested in his blood."

"Fuck you," responds Jacob.

"No thank you," replies Frank politely. "I have standards."

"Guys, give it a rest. I've had enough for one day," I yell, thoroughly annoyed at their stupid masculinity and Frank's obvious gayness.

"The lady has spoken and I will comply," Frank gives me a bow. "Now, Gee, we need to
go home. There are issues that need to be discussed."

"I want to talk to Stella first," Gerard insists.

"No way, bloodsucker. You can't talk to her," snarls Jacob.

"How are you going to stop me?" smirks Gerard.

"I'll find a way to destroy you, I swear," vows Jacob through clenched teeth.

"Guys, please stop fighting," I plead. "Stop threatening to kill each other."

"Yeah," interjects Frank, "I'm totally not gonna allow you two to knock each other off; you're both too hot."

"I want to speak to Stella," Gerard repeats adamantly.

"Fine," I say and squeeze Jacob's arm reassuringly when he frowns.

He gets on his bike and starts it. I stand next to him, still concerned at his injuries. He on the other hand doesn't look bothered. He smiles bloodily at me. "I'll call you later," he says and prepares to drive off.

"Be careful," I say.

He smirks at Gerard before doing something out of character. He reaches over and pats me cheekily on my behind. I gasp in surprise as he zooms off.

I turn around slowly. "The next time I see him, I will kill him," Gerard says calmly. I would have preferred his anger because this Gerard is even scarier.

"Aw, come on dude!" chimes I Frank. "It was probably an accident."

Gerard gives him a look that silences him in an instant. The next thing I know he's sitting in a tree. "Call me when he calms down!" he hollers from afar.

"Ignore him," he instructs. "Let's walk, shall we?"

Before I answer he takes my arm and pulls me gently with him. We stroll leisurely alongside the road, I almost forget he was just beating the living daylights out of Jacob.

"So," I begin.

"So." He keeps his eyes focused ahead of us as he speaks. "He kissed you." The anger is clear in his voice so I take his hand in mine. He squeezes it and I smile at him.

"I didn't see it coming," I tell him truthfully.

"I know," he sighs. "The dog is sneaky."

"Why do you call him a dog?" I inquire curiously.

He smirks. "I have my reasons?"

I wait for him to continue but he doesn't so I let it go. "Okay, what was Frank telling you?"

His grip on my hand tightens. "Nothing for you to be concerned about."

I release my hand. "You don't tell me anything," I complain.

"Only the things you need to know."

"I'm not a child," I pout, childishly.

He smiles. "I know. I don't want to concern you unnecessarily."

"Fine," I say, giving into his beautiful eyes. "Can we talk about what just happened?"

"What's there to talk about? He kissed you and I punished him."

"I don't want you to hurt him again."

"I won't hurt him," he says evenly. I relax. "I'll kill him. It'll be swift-he won't feel a thing, I promise."


"What? After what he just did, I can't allow him to live." He shakes his head.

"Come on! He was just kidding," I say, terrified.

"Do I look like I have a sense of humor?"

I look at the floor as tears begin to well in my eyes. I know he is serious and am helpless to stop him. "If I ask you not to do it-for me, what would you say?"

"I'll do anything you ask," he replies, gazing into my eyes "Anything but that."

"That's not fair!" I cry tearfully.

"Stella, he is causing too much trouble. He needs to be taken care of."

"I'll make him go away," I say in desperation. "Please give me a opportunity to make him leave town."

He regards me intently. "As you wish," he murmurs finally. "It is only because I love you so much I am giving you this chance."

I throw my arms around him and kiss him. "Thank you!"

"Gerard," calls an all too familiar snide voice.

We both turn to stare as Mikey approaches us with the usual disgusted look on his face.

"What do you want, Mikey?" Gerard asks.

"We have a problem," he replies and gives me a foul look. I return it.

"What now?" sighs Gerard.

"Ava has escaped."

There are only a few chapters left for this story then I can start my take on New Moon!! Yay!! But I have yet to come up with a title for it. Any ideas?
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