Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Midnight-An Epic Love Story?

Let Me Sing You A Song....Bitch

by SmashAuthority2 4 reviews

Stella comes up with a novel way to stall Ava, but how long will it last? And where the hell is Gerard?...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Parody,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-04-20 - Updated: 2010-04-20 - 1623 words - Complete

Thank you for the Rates and Reviews!! The chapters are going green now, my new favorite color!! xx

My fists are clenched so tight I can feel my nails digging into my skin but that doesn't concern me. What concerns me is the fact a homicidal, mentally disturbed vampire is going to rip out my heart yet my extremely hot vampire boyfriend STILL hasn't rescued me. I swear, when-I mean, IF I see him, I'm gonna kick his butt. How long does it take to find a girl trapped in an abandoned strip club?

I can hear her breathing rapidly in excitement. I wish she would hurry up already and kill me, if she doesn't I might wet myself and the last thing I want is for Gerard to find my lifeless corpse like that. How embarrassing would that be?

I could attempt to defend myself but how? A stake won't work, she's immune to the damn sun-she's simply indestructible. The only thing I can do is distract her. And, as if by magic, a light bulb goes off in my head. It becomes perfectly clear what I have to do. I have to sing.

The fact I have a crappy voice doesn't deter me. It's not like I'm auditioning for American Idol.

"When I was,
A young boy,
My father, took me into the city
To see a marching band
He said, "Son when you grow up, will you be the saviour of the broken, the beaten and the damned?"
He said, "Will you defeat them, your demons, and all the non-believers, the plans that they have made? Because one day, I'll leave you, a phantom, to lead you in the summer, to join the black parade."

"What do you think you are doing?" demands my soon-to-be killer.

"Singing," I reply, as casually as I can.

"Do you mind? I don't like to be interrupted when I'm about to kill someone."

"Well, I'm not exactly thrilled at the prospect of meeting my maker," I reply cattily.

She rolls her eyes. "Whatever. Just shut up so I can do this."

"Don't I get a last request?" I ask, trying to look as adorable as I can.

She stares at me for a long time. "Fine, but only If you stop pulling that nauseating face."

My heart soars and I smile. "Thanks. My last request is to sing you the whole song."

She sighs. "I knew I would regret this." She goes and sits in a chair opposite me. "Go ahead. But you can only sing the one song."

I nod and begin.

"When I was a young girl....." As this is probably the last thing I'll ever do I don't think anyone will mind if I change a few words here and there.

"My father, took me into the city
to see a marching band....."

"You have an awful voice," she tells me rudely.

"Who are you? Simon Cowell?" I shoot back. Her eyes darken. "Can I please finish the song? She glares at me so I take it as a yes.

"When I was, a young girl......"

"You already sang that part," she snaps.

"I wouldn't have to keep repeating myself if you didn't keep interrupting me," I accuse.

She gets up abruptly. "I'm growing tired of your games."

"It's not a game," I say quickly. "I want to go out on a high note."

"I don't care. I've wasted enough time allowing you to have your way. Now you must die."

I gulp. "I can sing you something else if you want. Do you like Lady GaGa?"

"Shut up!" she screams suddenly and I flinch.

There is a blur and the next thing I know I am being lifted clean off my feet with her hand squeezing my throat. "I'll kill you, filthy human!"

I swing my foot back and kick her hard. There is a loud crack as one of my poor bones breaks. The pain is blinding but I can't even scream as my breath is being stolen from me.

"You can't hurt me, child," she laughs evilly.

"Ungh!" I garble. "Ged ovgh mehh yough crazghy bitcgh!"

"What's that? I can't quite hear what you're trying to say," she giggles.

"She said: "Get off me you crazy bitch"," a voice I thought I would never hear again says calmly from behind us.

Her eyes widen in delight and she releases me. I drop to the ground where I wriggle around like a worm. "Gerard! You came!" She squeals.

"Yes," he says, still calm. "But not for you."

I watch in a dream-like state as he grabs a table and throws it at her. It hits her squarely in the chest and she is thrown backwards. "This will be the last time we meet," he tells her, looking incredibly chilled considering he just threw a table at a girl.

Ava looks stunned-but totally unscathed as she gets to her feet. "What's wrong with you? Why would you want to hurt me?" she questions him, obviously confused.

"Because I hate the sight of you," he hisses venomously. The change in his demeanor is instantaneous, and quite frightening.

"I don't understand," she cries in amazement. "I thought you loved me."

"I did," he snarls. "But we all make mistakes. Don't we?"

She stares at him like he is an alien. "You don't mean that," she whispers.

He shakes his head angrily. "I don't love you anymore Ava. I haven't for a long time."

"Liar!" she screams. "Liar! Liar! Liar!" She whips her head back and forth like a madwoman.

"Silence!" he thunders and she goes quiet. "You've gone too far this time," he continues in a soft voice. "I cannot disregard your actions anymore. You must be punished for what you have done today."

"For her?" she sobs hysterically. "You would hurt me for her?"

"I am willing to do anything for her, especially when it regards her wellbeing," he replies acidly.

If my leg wasn't snapped in two pieces and the room wasn't spinning I would have got up and ran to him to give him a big hug. As I am currently incapacitated all I can do is give him a soppy look of love. He's so romantic, even when he's in a murderous rage!

Unfortunately Gerard is not paying me any attention at the moment, his attention is firmly on Ava.

"What are you going to do, Gerard?" she taunts. "What can you do? You're a pathetic excuse for a vampire, you couldn't hurt me if you wanted to."

In a flash Gerard has her by her throat. Her eyes widen in shock. "The only reason you got away all these years is because I let you," he whispers dangerously. I watch him in fright, I've never seen him so angry before.

"But not any more. It ends tonight," he declares.

"No!" I squeak. A human ear wouldn't have caught my voice as it is so weak but Gerard does.

He glances at me. "What?"

"You can't kill her Gerard," I croak.

"But she tried to kill you."

"I know, I know. If you kill her then you'll become just like her. You're not a killer, Gerard," I gasp. I can barely speak thanks to her but I can't let Gerard snuff her out. Even if she does deserve it.

"As you wish," he sighs and lets her fall to the ground. In the blink of an eye he is kneeling beside me and lifts me gently off the floor.

"I'm so sorry, Stella," he whispers in an agonized tone. "I was supposed to protect you and I failed."

I try to speak but it hurts too much now so I stroke his face instead. "I'll make everything okay," he promises.

"No you won't!" Ava screeches, getting to her feet.

"Back off, whore." Frank steps out of the shadows flanked by Mikey and Bob. They all look super pissed.

"You!" she shrieks. Her voice is so annoying. "I'll kill you! I'll kill you all!"

"Yeah, yeah. We've heard it all before," yawns Frank, looking bored.

"I'm taking Stella to the hospital," says Gerard casually giving Frank a significant look before walking away from them with me held securely in his arms.

"Okay," replies Frank equally casually. "We'll just stay back with this psycho and have with her."

"Gerard!" Ava yells. "You can't leave me. You belong to me!"

"Shut up, woman," says Frank. "You are so annoying."

They close in on her and she stares at them angrily. "If you kill me, my sister Bella will avenge my death."

"Blah, blah, blah." Frank shakes his head. "I'll take out your whole family if I have to."
She pounces on him but before I can see his reaction, Gerard walks out of the door and it swings shut behind him. "Wait! What are they going to do to her?" I cry.

"I don't know," he replies but I know that's not the truth.

"I thought you weren't going to hurt her!"

"I'm not," he states. "But I can't control the others."

We both know that's not true, but I cannot find the energy to argue anymore. I'm just so tired, plus everything hurts and my throat feels like I've swallowed glass. I close my eyes in defeat and rest my head on his chest.

"Just sleep, Stella," he whispers as I begin to drift off towards unconsciousness. "When you wake up everything will be okay."

I feel his soft, cold lips brush my forehead before darkness consumes me.

I was going to make her sing "Vampires will never hurt you" but decided against it. Too cliched...Anyway, we're coming to the end of this story soon!!xx
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