Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter and the Four Founders
Chapter Six: In Which Harry Gets Bones
"Headmaster," a pale Harry said the next day, "can Iask a question about Rowena Ravenclaw?"
"Of course, Harry."
The two sat in the great hall perhaps two hours after breakfast. Already they had trained hard enough to raise a sweat on both.
"I had a dream about her last night, after I read some of her grimoire. It was about her and Slytherin."
"Ahh, the age-old question," Dumbledore said. "There has always been speculation as to whether the two of them were ever intimate or not. The identity of Helena Ravenclaw's father as never revealed."
Harry stared up at the stained glass window showing the image of the beautiful witch from a thousand years ago. "Headmaster, last night I dreamed I was Rowena just after she was captured by GodricGryffindor after the Battle of Brunanburh. It was before they even reached Hogwarts valley. I think...she was..."
"Harry, what is it?"
"Slytherin raped her, sir. He raped her again and again. He thought she was nothing more than a captured slave, and so he treated her like a piece of property. Almost every night he came to her and did those...things to her. Gryffindor fell in love with Helga and treated her with respect. He never forced himself on her, not really. Okay, well, maybe a little the first time, but she didn't fight all that much. I don't know how things worked back then."
"Not well," Dumbledore said. "Women, and even more so slaves, were considered property, Harry. I know it is a difficult concept for us today, but nonetheless that was the world Godric and the other founders were born into. Rape was not punished as a crime except where it was considered the violation of another man's property, and usually that was settled with money rather than punishment. Slytherin was not atypical of his time, whereas Godric most certainly was."
"You're defending Slytherin?"Harry said, aghast.
Dumbledore shrugged. "These dreams of yours, Harry, I understand you are seeing the past through their eyes. Let me ask you this-in your dream of Gryffindor, what was he feeling when he first laid eyes on Helga."
Harry'scheeks flushed scarlet. "He, uh, envisioned her bent over naked."
"And in your dream, how long until she was in fact in such a position?"
"I think that very night. She fought him too."
"He raped her, in essence."
"It didn't feel like rape, though. It felt like she was testing him to see if he was worthy. And once he passed her tests and proved he was strong enough, she...well, she wasn't trying to stop him, I'll tell you that much."
"Indeed," Dumbledore said. "Nonetheless, Harry, in our time what he did would most assuredly be known as rape, and he would have been punished."
"It feels completely different," he said.
"Yes, I'd imagine it does. If you ever dream of that night from the perspective of Helga, you might see the encounter with Gryffindor differently as well. Be that as it may, I do not want you to think I condone Slytherin's actions. He was not a kind man by anyone's accounting. In many ways, his treatment of Rowena laid the seeds for his own downfall."
"What do you mean?"
"Perhaps you will see that for yourself soon."
The dreams continued nightly, and some were as intensely sexual as his fantasies of girls of his own time. He did indeed dream of that first night after the battle from Helga's perspective, and indeed he felt the fear she felt when Gryffindor first came to her. He felt her rage over their defeat, but also her fascination with a wizard who was so powerful that he nearly single-handedly destroyed fifty Norse wizards.
She admired this handsome man with his luxurious red beard and cold blue eyes. He stood tall and strong and spoke the civilized languages so very few of her own people spoke. She spoke the languages because her master taught her.
When he came to her that night with his breath smelling of mead and his hands on her bosom, she fought with all her strength. She was not some common whore to be taken by the whims of a drunk.
Yet, even steeped in drink his magic overwhelmed her with its power. He could perform powerful spells without his wand. His vision was beautiful to her, as was his strong body. She fought with fists and feet, but when he overpowered her completely, she gave herself to him wholly. He had proven his compassion with his oath to her people, and his vision in the description of his goals. And he had proven his worth by his magic and strength. And so Helga spread her legs wide and gave her maidenhead to this powerful man, and he took it as his due. She refused any tears as he tore through her, but after that first mad rush, he was amazingly gentle. His lips caressed her breast rather than bite or suckle too hard. His hands held her hips with gentle firmness as he ceased to thrust into her and instead explored her. And through it all, he never took his eyes off her. "You are beautiful,"he told her as his motions took on urgent need. The exploration gave way once more to deep, frantic thrusts. Helga rocked her legs in time with him, entwining her angles behind his back and pushing him into her.
Though she herself did not climax, she felt his body shudder within her, and she knew that if any man could bring her pleasure in the future, it would be this man.
From that night on, she slept in his tent. He did not treat her as a servant or awench. He did not even treat her as his woman at first, except for their lovemaking. He treated her as a valued apprentice. But every night, he took her. Oft times he would simply walk into the tent, lift her skirts and take her right there from behind, and she never fought him. Not after that first time. And soon enough, she was climaxing as thoroughly as he did.
At his side they cornered a unicorn south of the Strathclyde. With enchantments Helga had never seen, Gryffindor convinced the beast to loose many silvery strands of hair from its tail. He then took a length of willow and showed her how to make a wand. A wand fashioned thus was always keyed to its maker. The moment it was complete, magic poured out of it and Helga knew she had her new wand.
After weeks of travel, they reached the Valley of the Boars. It was beautiful to Helga and her people, and they quickly settled into a small camp. The young boys grew into men, and all found themselves learning the southern wand-magic from the mighty Gryffindor.
Things were not perfect, of course. Old resentments died hard, but Gryffindor was so powerful than even with wands the young Norse were unable to best or even properly challenge him. Still, he taught them. And they learned, grudgingly at first, but they learned.
When the foundation stones were laid for the castle and Rowena Ravenclaw designed the first wards for Gryffindor to use, Hogsmeade was a living, breathing town, and the dream of Hogwarts had been born.
On his fifth night at the castle, Harry's nightly dreams of the founders were interrupted by another, much more disturbing dream. He dreamed of Susan Bones.
Susan was taller than the other girls with a heavier build. She was not thick-set at all; rather she appeared more fully developed. She was a month younger than Hermione, but stood an inch taller and looked nineteen. She had milky-white skin and warm hazel eyes. She tended to dip her head to one side when she smiled. She was confident without being arrogant, and loyal to a fault. She was one of the few witches in Hogwarts who never made fun of Harry either during the Triwizard Turnament, or in the aftermath.
Harry knew from the others that surrounded her that she was loved by her housemates. He had seen boys with her all the time, though he never heard if she actually dated any of them. He was sure she would have. She was very pretty.
It started off with the same wonderfully erotic dream. He and Susan were making love, but there were differences. They were not in the Room of Requirement. They were in a bedroom filled with posters of the Weird Sisters, The Warlock Five and...a muggle poster of an American actor Harry had seen once on television at the Dursleys.
He guessed they were in Susan's bedroom. Suddenly she stopped rocking and looked down at Harry. She was not smiling-she looked scared. She leaned down on top of him until her pink nipples tickled his own and said, "They're coming for me, Harry."
"They're going to kill my aunt and me. Can't you feel it?"
And he could. Through his scar he could suddenly feel murderous intent and terrible anticipation. He sat up in his darkened room, gasping.
It took him only moments to dress and he was at the gargoyle. "I need to speak to Dumbledore now. It's an emergency!"
"Thank you for letting me visit, Aunt Amelia."
The head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement gave her niece a long look before she settled down in her comfortable chair with her own cup of tea. "Well, Susan, I could tell you needed to speak to someone, preferable someone who was not your mother. And I'm always grateful for a visit. I understand you had quite a nightmare a few days ago. Are you all right?"
Susan Bones gave her aunt a smile and sipped her tea. "I think so," she said. "'re right, I needed someone to talk to. I'm a little confused."
"Is it about a boy? You're mother said you were dreaming about a boy."
Amelia so thoroughly enjoyed watching Susan blush. She was such a lovely girl, the color really brought out the lines of her cheeks. She was going to have to talk to her sister-in-law about getting the girl some better cosmetic charms.
"I dreamed about Harry," Susan said.
"Harry? You mean Harry Potter?" This was a surprise.
Susan nodded, and suddenly sobbed. Amelia put the tea down and moved across the floor to sit on the couch next to her only niece. "Dear, what is it?"
"It was terrible, Auntie. It was like I was there. I watched them kill his cousin. Lestrange was sitting on the dead boy's body while she tortured his mother to death, and the Death Eaters kept Harry under the cruciatus the entire time. And there was nothing I could do about it!"
Amelia held her niece as she cried, but her stare was a thousand yards off. The details of the attack on the Dursleys waskept under very tight wraps. Not even that irritating nuisance, Skeeter, was able to get all the details that her niece just recited from a dream.
"Susan, I need to know, dear, is there anything between you and Harry? Have you had relations with him?"
Susan looked up in obvious confusion. "Relations?"
"This isn't Auntie Amelia asking, Susan. This is Amelia Bones of the DMLE. Have you slept with him?"
Her blush ran all the way down to her shirtline. "No!" she said. "I've not slept with anybody!"
Amelia sighed. "That's good, dear. I had to ask. This dream you had, do you know why? What connection do you have with Harry?"
"He taught the DA this last year at school." The sobs faded and Amelia noted the half-smile on the girl's face as she recalled the previous year. "He was always so nice. Not just to me, but to everyone. He really cared. But everyone thought he had something for Cho Chang. I knew I would never be pretty enough. But then on the train ride home, the strangest thing happened." She frowned absently.
"What is that, dear?"
"Did I ever tell you about Looney Lovegood?"
"I know Luna, dear. Her father was an Auror once, years ago. And her mother worked in the Department of Mysteries before she died."
Susan nodded. "Luna asked me to kiss Harry's foot."
"Not just his foot. She asked me to kiss his right foot. And get this-Granger blushed like I'd just pinched her bum."
"Did you?"
"Auntie! Of course not. Hannah started making cracks about Luna and Harry got upset about making fun of her and led us out of the compartment. He wasn't mean about it, he just asked us not to be mean to her. But he was touching my elbow."
"The one you broke last summer when you fell off your broom?"
Susan nodded. "When he let go, it didn't ache any more. And I had this strange..." She blushed and stopped talking.
"Go on," Amelia said. "I'm not your mother, Susan. I've always cherished the fact that you confide in me. I've never broken your trust, and I never will. Please, tell me."
"Well, it's just that after Hannah and I went back to our cabin, I just had this...I wanted to go back and kiss him. I mean, I reallywanted to go back and kiss him. When the train got back to LondonI saw Granger and Lovegood both give him hugs, and Lovegood did kiss him, and I was..."
"No. I mean, I should have been. That's just it. I should have been jealous, but Iwasn't. I didn't want to be Luna kissing him. I wanted to be by Luna kissing him too. And since then I've had..." She blushed again. "I've been having very naughty dreams. Until the night they attacked Harry. That was a nightmare."
Amelia said nothing at first. She simply held her niece while staring over the girl's head. What she was describing was very much like that first wonderful week Amelia had after she married Edgar. Even down to the dreams and the strange details she gleaned from the attack on the Dursleys-it sounded as if somehow Susan had formed either a marriage or a betrothal bond to Harry Potter.
But how?
She opened her mouth to ask another question, but stopped when she felt a wave of magic pass through the room. Susan looked up. "What was that?"
"The intruder wards," Amelia said. She and Susan both stood. "Get your wand," she snapped. "Do you know any defensive spells?"
"Harry taught me the protegocharm and the disarming and stunning spells."
"That'll do for now," Amelia said. She stiffened as she felt another wave of magic, this time much stronger as her protective wards failed. Those were some of the strongest wards available-for them to fail so quickly spoke eloquently of who it was she was about to meet.
She crouched down with Susan behind her when she heard a gentle rapping on the door. The knocking came a second time.
"Who's there?" she yelled.
"Death!" came the gleeful-sounding response.
The door vanished into a cloud of dust. The wall beside it exploded under the force of multiple blasting charms. Amelia was pleased to see how quickly Susan erected a protegocharm to protect herself from the debris.
The pleasure was short lived. It wasn't just Death Eaters. Voldemort himself stood on the threshold of her home. "Hello, Madame Bones," he said politely. He wore dark wizarding robes and made a show of bowing from the waist. "This must be your lovely niece. Fenrir, say hello to the lovely niece."
One of the unmasked death eaters growled. Amelia felt the blood flee from her face as terror gripped her. The terror was not for herself, but for Susan. The animal facing her was none other than Fenrir Grayback, the most vicious werewolf in all of Britain.
"Looks tasty," the werewolf said.
"So, let's get down to business, shall we?" Voldemort said. "We're going to kill you, Madame. Bones. We'll kill the girl eventually too, but to the victor goes the spoils, don't they say? We mean to enjoy her spoils beforehand."
Susan's eyes were red-rimmed as she backed away. Amelia grabbed Susan's arms and tried to dis-apparate, but as expected she could not. Voldemortshook his head. "Not polite to try and leave the party so early, is it? Crucio!"
Amelia conjured a brick that deflected the worst of the pain spell, though it was so powerful she felt her arm go numb from it. The other death eaters began throwing spells. Susan ducked behind the couch and started launching counter-spells with surprising speed and accuracy for a child her age.
It was not enough. A stunning spell caught Susan and threw her bodily away from the couch. Amelia ducked behind a volley of spell fire until she knelt down before her niece with the strongest shield she could summon.
Suddenly the spells stopped. Voldemort himself approached. With a casual flick of his hands, the furniture in front of him tumbled away. "A valiant effort, Amelia," Voldemort said. "Valiant indeed. I may even let you die quickly."
He started to speak more when something very strange happened.
Harry Potter appeared with an ear-shattering pop directly behind Amelia and Susan wearing nothing but a pair of flannel pajama bottoms. Voldemort's surprise was almost as shocking as Potter's appearance. What happened next was even more surprising. This fifteen-year-old boy raised his wand and said with a blood-curdling scream, "Etre exclu!"
The power of the spell was itself numbing. It was a testament to Voldemort'sown power that his shield kept the spell from shattering his body. Even so, it struck with such force not even the Dark Lord could absorb it all. With an angry roar he flew bodily back out of the house.
The other Death Eaters stood in shock, amazed at what a mere boy could do. That is when Albus Dumbledore calmly walked into the broken room from the back door of the house, accompanied by Rufus Scrimgeourand a dozen aurors.
Outside, Voldemort stood in rage. "Do you think you can hold off my rage forever, Dumbledore?"
"Perhaps not forever, Tom," the old wizard said. "But for tonight, yes."
"You will pay for this!" the dark wizard declared. He disappeared with a pop, and the other Death Eaters followed.
"Why didn't we put up anti-apparationwards!" Scrimgeour barked.
It was Harry, though, who answered. "You weren't in the ministry when they fought," he said. "If they fought here, we'd all be dead."
"I do not claim to speak for you, Head Auror," Dumbledore said, "but for my part, I came here to help a very dear friend. And Harry came for the same reason."
Harry dismissed the argument and knelt down beside Susan. He looked up fearfully at Amelia. "Is she..?"
"She was stunned," Amelia said. The DMLE head studied him not just with an auror's eye, but the eye of an aunt who very much loved her niece. She could not deny the overwhelming concern the boy's face conveyed. Nor could she deny the fact that this boy,still nearly two months short of his sixteenth birthday, came in person and faced the most powerful wizard in a generation to save them.
"Thank you, Harry," Amelia said gently. "Not just for tonight, but for everything you've done for her. She told me about how you trained her, and I saw it here tonight."
"Does that mean I won't face a trial of the entire Wizengamut for underage use of magic?" Harry said. He couldn't help but grin.
"I think I might be able to overlook it this time around," Amelia said, also with a tight grin.
AlbusDumbledore knelt down beside them as aurors started pouring over the house. "I am so grateful we arrived in time, Amelia," the old professor said.
"As am I, old friend," she said. "How did you know to come?"
She looked as Harry cleared his throat and glanced briefly down at Susan.
"Yes," Dumbledore said in confirmation. "Young Mr. Potter here determined you were in danger. Mr. Potter, I'm sure we will have words regarding your apparating here without alicense."
"You apparatedher by yourself?" Amelia asked. "There were anti-apparition wards up. We were stuck here."
"I believe Mr. Potter broke through them," Albus said.
"That would explain why it was so loud," she muttered. "But how? That's not supposeto be possible."
"Others have done it before," Dumbledore said. "But perhaps now is not the right time. We need to get you to the ministry or to a Fidelius-charmed location. And Susan-I believe it would be wise for her family to also be placed under Fidelius."
"I agree," Amelia said. She pushed herself to her feet and watched as Harry gently touched Susan's cheek. His touch seemed to have the same effect as an enervate. Susan came awake with a terrified gasp, her hands flailing about. bHarry caught one and she froze as she stared up at him.
Amelia felt a pang in her chest as she watched the emotions flit across her niece's face. Terror, confusion, hope and finally absolute trust. She sat up and grasped at the boy in adesperate hug even as she started sobbing. "You came!" she said into his shoulder.
Amelia backed away a step and looked to Dumbledore. "What is happening with Mr. Potter?" she asked gravely.
"A fair question," Dumbledore said. "Perhaps, rather than the ministry, you should accompany us to Hogwarts. Your position on the Wizengamot as well as head of the DMLE will be of great value to us, if what I believe is true will actually come to pass."
"And Susan?"
"Alas, since it affects her, I believe she should come as well."
"If nothing else, she would be at a secured location," Amelia muttered. "Okay, let's go."
Dumbledore turned to Harry. "Harry, do you remember how you came here?"
Harry nodded. "I can take us all back."
Amelia blanched. "I'll be the first to admit great admiration for you, Mr. Potter, but I'm not comfortable with being side-along apparatedby a teenager who does not even have his license."
"It won't be just me," Harry assured her. He stood, still with Susan in his arms, and took both Dumbledore's and Amelia's hands in his left one. She felt the stomach-twisting, scrunching sensation of dis-apparation, and a moment later the four of them popped into existence in the office of the headmaster at Hogwarts.
"What is happening here?" Amelia demanded. "I know for a fact that apparition is not possible through the Hogwarts wards. Not even Voldemort could do that!"
"Somehow, Mr. Potter, and Mr. Potter alone, has become keyed to the wards."
"How is that even possible?"
"I don't know, I have not thought to ask."
"Ask who?"
"Hogwarts, of course."
Amelia blinked. "Albus, I've had a very bad night. Do not play games with me."
"Please, Amelia, sit down. Harry, you and Susan should sit as well."
Harry sat down, and Amelia bit her lip when Susan sat on his lap without even a moment of hesitation. To the boy's credit, he looked very embarrassed, but Susan was clinging to him like a leech.
"Some interesting information regarding Mr. Potter's lineage has recently come to light," Albus said as he stepped around his desk. "Would you like some tea?"
"I would like some answers," Amelia snapped.
"Just so," the old wizard agreed. "It appears that Mr. Potter, aside from all other responsibilities and burdens, is also the heir of the Four Founders."
"That's impossible."
"You can verify this with Gringotts, Amelia. The Founder's vaults have been restored magically, per their first true contact. Harry is a descendent of GodricGryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclawand Salazar Slytherin. Hogwarts herself has bonded with him in accordance with the wishes of her creators. Thus he is keyed to the wards more thoroughly than myself. By virtue of this bonding, he has experienced other benefits. His power, as you saw tonight, has been significantly boosted. I have also been giving him personal training. You'll be interested to know he scored better than 50 on the power scale."
Amelia turned and stared back at Harry. It appeared that Susan was actually sleeping now. He was looking down at her with alook of surprise
"Merlin's beard," she whispered. "How can this be possible?"
"Dare I say magic?" Albussaid. "The founders were the most powerful magical beings since Merlin himself. They created many of the magics we use to this very day, even a thousand years later. They placed charms on their own children to ensure the survival of their lines. The sons of Godricbore the last name Gryffindor, while the daughters of Helga bore the last name Hufflepuff. The magical legacy they left weakened through the ages as their separate lines died out, but it never went away entirely. Now, having converged for the first time, they have been strengthened like never before. In the eyes of this castle, the magic of the founders, and the laws of the Goblins, Harry Potter is five separate people. He is the Harry Potter we all know and admire. He is also Lord Gryffindor, Lord Ravenclaw, Lord Hufflepuff and Lord Slytherin, with all rights and privileges thereto. If you were to examine the seats of the Wizengamut, I'm sure you would find all five seats restored."
Amelia shook her head. "Harry, how do you feel about this?"
"A little overwhelmed," Harry said. "Confused. But very happy."
"And what about my niece?"
She watched the blush ignite in his cheeks and flare down his neck. "Er...I'm not entirely sure," he said. "But Ithink...that may be part of why I'm so happy. I've been a bit of a mess, truth be told."
Exactly like Susan, Amelia realized. "Do you care for her?"
"Well, yes. I suppose I do. No...I know I do. A great deal."
"And you want her to kiss your foot, I understand?"
He choked a little. Susan murmured something in her sleep and snuggled up to him.
"Let me guess, Harry," Dumbledore said. "Miss Lovegoodmentioned that to her? I somehow find it difficult to envision you asking a girl to kiss your foot, and I know Miss Granger certainly would not have done so."
Harry quickly nodded.
"And that is where your Hufflepufftattoo is located, is it not?"
"Tattoo?"Amelia said.
Harry held up his right hand, and she saw the Gryffindor lion crest on it. "Got one for each house," he admitted. "After Hogwarts and I bonded."
Something about the way he said the last statement made Amelia suspicious, but she chose not to pursue it. "So you wanted her to kiss your tattoo?"
"Luna did," Harry said.
"I suspect, Amelia," Dumbledore said, "that it would have the magical effect of a betrothal bond. Those tattoos appeared on Mr. Potter magically. Again, as a part of his unique heritage."
"And Luna kissed his hand?"
Harry nodded. "She kissed the Ravenclaw tattoo. It was pretty intense. Then she talked Hermione into kissing the Gryffindor hand."
Her eyes widened and she turned to stare at the headmaster. "Do you mean to tell me you are advocating polygamy among teen-agers?"
"I am advocating nothing," Dumbledore said. "Ask Susan how she feels. For that matter, I suspect Miss Granger and Miss Lovegood would feel the same. All of them are being compelled by something greater than themselves. And legally speaking, Harry is five separate individuals."
Amelia shot to her feet and stared pacing. "This is unbelievable! Who is the fourth?"
"Daphne Greengrass," Harry said.
"And how did you pick these girls? I know you and Granger have always been close. But why Lovegood? Why the only child of my only husband's only brother?"
"Hogwarts showed me when we bonded," Harry said. "Madam Bones... I'm really sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. I really didn't. I wouldn't hurt Susan for anything. I'd sooner cut off my own hand like Pettigrew did than hurt her. I'll stay away from her if that's what you want."
The reference to Pettigrew hit home. The ministry's treatment of Harry and even before that of the boy's godfather still infuriated her. More than that,though was that she could hear his sincerity. She could see it in his face.
"I don't believe that would be wise," Dumbledore said. "They were chosen for areason. They represent the best qualities of their House."
She could see it in the tender way he held Susan. "Do these other girls know?"
"Luna knows," Harry said with certainty. "She seems to know everything. Hermione will figure it out if she hasn't already. She's the smartest person I've ever met. Haven't spoken to Daphne yet. I'm not sure about her at all. I'm not sure about any of this. The only girlfriend Iever had was a complete disaster."
"Well evidently fate is trying to help you make up for lost time," Amelia muttered. She looked back at Dumbledore. "The Wizangamut is not going to go for this."
"Magical marriage bonds are out of their control, other than to record. If they formally bond, Amelia, there will be nothing left for us to do but acknowledge it. And with Gringottsalready assigning Harry the four founder vaults, the Wizengamotwould be hard pressed to deny him."
"Can I ask something?" Harry said.
The two adults turned and stared.
Harry searched for words. "This is my fight," he began. "The prophecy says it has to be me. But I've never been alone. I had help. I, I would like it, if the underage restrictions could be lifted for me, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Nevile Longbottom and Susan here. We're all in danger. And we're all involved in the fight."
Amelia said down, stunned at the request. "Harry, you're still a child."
"I killed one of the men that attacked my house," he said coldly. "I had bits of my uncle's head on my chest when I got away. I watched them murder my cousin and torture my aunt for almost an hour. Under the cruciatus.I'm young, and I know I don't know everything. But Madame Bones, do you really think I'm still a child?"
"I agree with Harry, Amelia," Dumbledore said. "Moreover, I'm going to need him. We are all going to need him. In addition to removing his trace and the restrictions, I would also recommend giving him an apparition license. You learned that from who, Harry?"
"Rowena," Harry said.
"Yes," Dumbledore said. "Madame Ravenclawwas the first to successful apparate, wasn't she? See, Amelia, he had the best of teachers. It may even be advisable to deputize him and his friends to the DMLE. That will provide them some legal protections, while allowing your department to benefit from any successes Harry experiences, such as saving your life this evening."
"You were there," Amelia pointed out.
"Harry arrived a full minute before I did,"Dumbledore said. "Moreover, I did not even raise my wand. It was Harry who saved you."
She nodded. "You know Fudge is on his way out."
Dumbledore smiled broadly. "It was not coincidental that Voldemort targeted you, Amelia."
"If I step into that office, will you and your students work with me?"
From the chair, Harry suddenly smiled such abrilliantly happy smile it made the DMLE head catch her breath. "Do you think Susan would let it be any other way?"
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