Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter and the Four Founders
Chapter Seven: In Which The WizengamotGets Boned
Susan Bones woke up feeling calmer and more comfortable than she had ever felt in her life. She remembered in every detail the events of the previous night, and knew the terror of that evening hovered just on the edge of her mind.
But she also remembered how incredibly safe and peaceful she felt, sitting in Harry's lap.
Hannah would be scandalized. In fact, she herself should have been embarrassed to just plop herself down on a strange boy's lap. She wasn't even sure what came over her. But the moment she felt his arms around her, this warm, floating sense of peace came over her, and she knew she would not move again.
Although obviously she did, since she was in her bed at home.
The door cracked open, and she smiled as her mother stepped in. "Hello, dear," Stella Bones said. She came and sat on the edge of the bed, and remained there as her daughter sat up and hugged her.
"Are you okay?" Stella asked.
"I'm okay," Susan assured her. "Better than okay. I feel good. I know I shouldn't, but..."
"Harry Potter carried you home last night," Stella said. "I don't believe I have ever been as scared as I was when I heard about the attack on Amelia. But there he came, holding you like a baby in his arms. Quite strong he is, for a boy his size."
"He's very strong," Susan said absently. "He blasted Voldemortright out of Aunt Amelia's house. Apparated right through the wards. Then apparated all of us back to Hogwarts. I don't remember much after that, but I do remember this: he saved my life."
Stella carefully pulled a strand of blonde hair over her only child's ear. "He obviously cares for you, I could see that last night."
Susan leaned forward and buried her face in her mother's shoulder. "I love him," she whispered into the fabric. "I love him so much it hurts. He saved my life."
"Dear, I know that he did a wonderful thing for you, but that alone isn't..."
"Even before then. I went to visit Auntie because of Harry. Because of the dreams I was having. I saw the attack on his house, Mother. I saw it like I was there. And Harry somehow knew I was in danger. I love him."
"I know dear," Stella finally said as he cradled her daughter. "I know."
A short time later, as Susan relaxed in a very warm bath, Stella Bones walked down the stairs of their modest home until she arrived in their den. Her husband Albert sat on the edge of a muggle-style sofa with a cup of steaming coffee in his hand. Standing near the window was his sister Amelia.
Between them stood Albus Dumbledore.
"She said she loves him," Stella announced. "She has all the classic signs of abetrothal-bond infatuation." She hugged herself. "She's so young."
Albert chuckled. "I seem to remember a certain older brother of mine proposing to a comely young witch who at the time was only seventeen."
"I was legally an adult, however," Amelia said.
"He proposed the day after your birthday," Albert pointed out. "Susan will be seventeen in October. And she's over the age of consent."
"Albertus Installicus Bones, are you actually advocating our sixteen-year-old daughter be married?"
"I'm saying that I am not opposed to our sixteen-year-old daughter marrying a boy she seems to love, and who obviously cares for her, who just so happens to be Lord Hufflepuff. Our grandchildren would be heirs of one of the most powerful and wealthy families in the world."
"This isn't about money!" Stella said.
"It is about magic," Dumbledore said quietly. This had the effect of cutting off their conversations. "I communed with Hogwarts herself, Mrs. Bones. It was an extraordinary experience. Harry truly is the heir of the founders. And he is being compelled just as thoroughly as Susan. Nor is she alone. It is an interesting position to be in, I'm sure. But you met him last night. Amelia had a long talk with him as well. I ask you-do you think that the Harry Potter you met last night would ever be anything but honorable and loving to your daughter?"
"One talk isn't enough to know that," Stella said.
"Yes it is," Amelia said firmly. She walked across to her sister-in-law. "Stella, early this morning I confirmed the Founders vaults have been reactivated. The Wizengamot roles expanded for the Lords of the Four Houses. This is real. Somehow, it is real. But from the time I first met Harry, defending himself against Fudge's ridiculous charges because he used magic to save his cousin, to our discussion last night, I tell you I have nothing but the very highest esteem for that young man. And Susan really did have feelings for him before this started. I can tell you as surely as I love you all, that Harry would never knowingly hurt her."
"You're in support of this, then?" Stella asked, as if betrayed. "You're talking about polygamy! My daughter sharing a man with three other women! Girls, really."
"I'm not happy about that part of it," Amelia admitted. "But I don't think we can deny the facts any longer. And..." She smiled as she stepped forward and placed an arm around Stella's shoulders. "If I remember correctly, a certain brother in law of mine did not wait very long after you were legally an adult to propose to you either. And I happen to know you were not legal when you consummated your relationship."
Stella blushed. "How did you..."
"The younger brother had to confess to the elder. And Edgar couldn't keep a secret about family if his life depended on it. Remember what it was like at her age. She is young, Stella, but she is not a girl. She is a beautiful young woman, and she is loved by a handsome young man. And Ibelieve that whatever other relationships Harry may be compelled to be a part of, he will truly and sincerely care for her and give her all the love we both know she deserves."
"But she'll be in danger," Stella said.
"I'm likely to be the next minister of magic,"Amelia pointed out. "The impeachment hearing is this afternoon, and the house will come to a vote on Fudge's replacement immediately after. You're already in danger, just because of me. Wouldn't you rather she be with the one man fated to stand against He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named?"
Stella stumbled to the couch and sat beside her husband. Just then, Susan came down the stairs. She wore a floral sundress. Her hair hung straight about her shoulders. Stella smiled at her daughter, but could not hide her tears. Susan looked so grown up.
"What is it?" Susan asked. "Mom, why are you crying?"
It was her father who stood up and stepped to her. "We've been talking about you and Harry," he said.
Susan went very still and her eyes widened. "You can't stop me," she whispered weakly, terrified not just of the words leaving her mouth, but of the intensity of the feeling behind them.
"I know," he said. Albert pulled her into a hug. "We've decided, dear. Whatever you decide to do, we will support you. Even if that involves a contract."
It took a moment for the fear to subside enough for Susan to realize what he was saying. "Thank you, Daddy," she said as the tears welled in her eyes.
"It's going to be a close vote," Amelia said once she was back in her office. "Even with the sympathy factor, Rufus has a solid following."
"Mr. Scrimgauer isn't well known for his subtly," Dumbledore said. "Let me ask you, Amelia, would the addition of four more votes aid you in your campaign?"
"Oh no, Albus. Marrying the boy off is one thing, but there is absolutely no precedent to allow for a minor to vote in Wizengamotaffairs."
"A legal minor, no. But perhaps you're aware of Lord Hastlebush in the last century, who assumed his house seat in the Wizengamot at age fifteen when his disability of minority was removed by a majority vote of the Wizengamot."
"Do you think they would willingly remove Potter's minority status only to see him be the swing vote for the next minister?"
"How, pray tell, would they know?" Dumbledore asked slyly. "I should think after the horrendous treatment Harry received at the hands of the previous administration, and the fact that his guardians were recently brutally murdered, that the Wizengamot would grant this one small boon. We don't necessarily have to inform them of his magical status until after his legal status is determined."
Amelia couldn't help the grin spreading across her face. "Albus, it was a loss to the whole nation that you never became minister."
"Madame, I have never felt myself worthy of that position, and I have not changed my mind yet. However, I am not above aiding those who are worthy of achieving it. I shall enter his emancipation as new business before the vote. I had wanted to keep his status as the heir secret for a while longer, but if marriage contracts come in registered to Harry Potter, Lord Gryffindor, or Harry Potter, Lord Hufflepuff, I believe any attempt at secrecy would be moot."
"Agreed," Amelia said. "I'll start spreading the word. The members know he saved my life last night. They know I feel indebted to him."
"Indeed. I shall fetch Mr. Potter. I believe he is at Gringott's now taking care of the Black Estate. I shall see you soon. I would suggest a nap might be in order. You look very tired."
At 2 p.m. that afternoon, the newly reinstated Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot assumed his place at the head of the chamber while Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge stood with chin held high before the legislative body of the magical government.
The impeachment vote was nearly unanimous, with the exceptions of Madame Umbridge and Lord Thomas Nott. Fudge seemed to visibly wilt under the show of hands.
"Cornelius Fudge," Dumbledore said, "by order of this body you are hereby removed as Minister of Magic, with our deepest gratitude for the many years of service you have given to the Ministry of Magic. Now, our next item of business is one many of you may be familiar with. Mr. Harry Potter has formally requested that for his disability of minoritybe removed. Be it known that because of my relationship as Mr. Potter's headmaster, and as his friend, I will be abstaining from this vote. Mr. Potter, please approach."
Unlike Harry's last hearing before the Wizengamot, this one was public. As Harry stood and walked down the narrow stairs to the open area in front of the Wizengamotstands, the public stands erupted in a burst of noise that was quickly put down by Dumbledore's gavel.
"Harry, who is to speak for you?"
Harry lifted his chin. "If I am to be treated like an adult, sir, then I must take the responsibility of an adult. With your permission, I will speak for myself."
In the stands, Amelia hid a smile. He said it exactly as she had coached.
"Very well, Mr. Potter, your statement."
"Thank you, Chief Warlock," Harry said. The young man made a show of looking around the Wizengamot until he locked eyes with Delores Umbridge. "This last year has been difficult for me. Because of policies instituted by the ministry of magic, I found myself having to teach a required subject at Hogwarts while being daily tortured by a blood quill. I started the year by being attacked by dementors, and then being placed on trial by this very body for defending myself and my cousin. A cousin I watched murdered not a week ago. There is no question that I am atarget for dark forces both within the Ministry, and without. I have been physically and mentally harmed by both in equal measure. I come before you today asking for nothing more than the basic right to defend my life and my honor with the same vigor as an adult. To make choices for myself that others have made so poorly. I am asking to be given the freedom to act on the responsibility that fate has already delivered to me. If am to face your dark wizard, then I ask this body to let me face him as a man, and not a boy. Thank you for your time."
"Thank you, Mr. Potter. Do any members of this body wish to address the issue?"
Harry closed his eyes. Amelia leaned across and rolled hers. Delores Umbridgestood up, walked down the steps with tiny, mincing steps, and stopped until she faced the body. "Harry Potter asks to be treated like an adult. I say let us do that very thing. Let us make him face responsibility for his actions. Mr. Potter repeatedly violated ministry edicts and rules. He broke into the Ministry of Magic and with his little friends engaged in repeated acts of illegal underage magic."
Harry opened his mouth, but Albussubtly shook his head. Harry glanced over at Amelia, who did the same. Biting his tongue, he kept his mouth shut.
"Mr. Potter and his friends," Umbridgecontinued, "especially Miss Granger, placed my very life in danger while viciously attacking their fellow students. If he wishes to be an adult, then I fully support such an action, so that he may then go to Azkaban like any adult who has committed such a list of crimes!"
"Very eloquently spoken," Dumbledore said dryly. "Would anyone like to respond?"
Amelia stood up. Umbridgestared up at her with a smile.
"Delores," Amelia said, "if the ministry of magic were to declare pink illegal, would you cease wearing it and discard any pink items in your possession?"
"Such a question is ludicrous. Why would the ministry do such a thing?"
"Why would the ministry declare student organizations at Hogwarts illegal?" Amelia bit back. "Why would the ministry eliminate the practical teaching of Defense Against the Dark Arts? Why would a then senior undersecretary of magic release two dementors on afifteen-year-old boy? Or use veritaserum on students! Why would a ministry official use the cruciatus curse on a child!"
The whole Wizengamot began muttering at the list of charges. "Fudge has protected you from many of these charges, Madame Umbridge, but his protection is over. Regardless of the outcome of Mr. Potter's request today, justice will be had, and those responsible for crimes will be made to pay. Where you list crimes on Mr. Potter's part, I list heroism I have not seen since the first war. I saw a young man who cared so very deeply for his fellow students that he risked the wrath of a tyrannical monster to ensure they had some chance to pass OWLs. And pass they did-the only students at Hogwarts who passed their owls in DADA the year Madame Umbridge taught it were those under Harry's tutelage. He did this, mind you, while being tortured by Madame Umbridge with ablood quill!"
This caused more uproar, and for the first time Umbridge's sickly-sweet smile began to crack.
"I fully support Mr. Potter's request, and many of you know why. If I look exhausted, it is because last night Voldemort himself attacked my home and threatened both myself and my niece. It was not Albus Dumbledore who saved my life! It was Harry Potter, who apparated through an anti-apparationward and blasted Voldemortout of my house with a single hex!"
The room exploded. Albus continued pounding his gavel, but for the moment order was lost. Harry looked around the room as people shouted questions at him. Finally, he locked his eyes on Albus Dumbledore and practiced what little occlumency he had.
Finally, the ruckus died down. Amelia continued. "As the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, today I issued an underage use of magic exemption to Mr. Potter and his friends. And based on my personal observations, I have given him his apparition license. By any practical measure, from his actions to his skills, he has proven in my mind to be an adult wizard of remarkable character. That, Lords and Ladies, is why I urge you to approve his request."
She sat down, and the whole chamber erupted in applause. Umbridge very quietly walked back to her place in the stands. Harry looked around the room, blushing as bright as a rose even as he smiled.
"Do we have a move to vote?"
"I so move," a voice called.
"I second," another said.
"All those in favor of the emancipation of Harry Potter raise your hands."
Almost all the hands lifted up. Harry's shoulders dropped with relief.
"All those opposed."
Umbridgestarted to raise her hand, and then dropped it.
"Harry Potter, by order of this august body you are hereby declared an adult wizard, with all the privileges and duties thereof. Are you ready to assume those duties?"
Harry straightened. "I am, sir."
"Very well." Albus did not bother to hide his smile. "Lords and Ladies, you will please note that four additional names were listed on the rolls this morning. I have been receiving many questions regarding those names. It is now time to seat the newest voting members of the Wizengamot. Harry Potter, Lord Potter, please step forward."
The audience watched enthralled. Harry stepped forward. "Lord Potter, do you swear on your magic to full your duties to this body for the greater good of wizardingBritain?"
"I, Harry Potter, Lord Potter, do so swear." Magic spread through the hall under the magical oath.
"Thank you. Harry Potter, Lord Gryffindor, please step forward."
"What?" "What is this?" "Albus, what are you doing?"
The questions abounded. Harry ignored them as the oath was repeated."I, Harry Potter, Lord Gryffindor, do so sweat."
The magical wave that swept through the room was so powerful one of the older ladies in the public stands actually fainted. Members of the Wizengamotfell quite, since only the actual Lord Gryffindor could have made such an oath.
It was not over. "Harry Potter, Lord Ravenclaw, step forward."
"Harry Potter, Lord Hufflepuff, step forward."
"Harry Potter, Lord Slytherin, step forward."
When the last oath was sworn, the whole chamber was so quiet Harry could hear the people in the back row breathing. Dumbledore stood. "For the sake of convenience, we shall refer you a Lord Hogwarts, a title to which you are entitled as the Heir of the Four Founders."
It was this last pronouncement that tipped the room into pure chaos. Wizengamotmembers were shouting as loudly as the public watchers. At Dumbledore's direction, Harry climbed the stairs into the Wizengamot and sat down in a narrow space reserved for him. He looked profoundly out of place in his muggle suit, until with a flick of his wrist Dumbledore transfigured Harry'sclothes into the formal Wizengamot robes of state.
The chief warlock returned to his position and started rapping his gavel. When that failed, he roared, "Quiet!"
His magic flared with the sound of his voice, silencing all those in the room. "Lords and Ladies, it is now approaching four in the afternoon, and one vital piece of business remains. If any of you doubt Lord Potter's credentials, please feel free to contact GringottsBank, where they can affirm that their First Contract has been reactivated, the Founding vaults have become active, and that Lord Hogwarts is the sole owner of those accounts. He is the deemed heir of the Four Founders by blood and magic."
Again, utter silence. "Now, our last piece of business is one of vital interest and importance. The election of a new Minister of Magic. Two names have been proposed, both of whom are worthy for our consideration. Rufus Scrimgauer, current Head Auror, and Amelia Bones, department head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and Rufus's immediate supervisor. Again, in this matter I will not vote."
Several members of the Wizengamotspoke for either party, and several spoke against. Harry watched the discussion with interest. It really was split evenly.
Finally, after the last speakers left the floor and returned to his seat, Harry raised his hand. Albus raised an eye-brow-Harry speaking was not what they hard rehearsed. "Lord Hogwarts."
Harry nervously stood and walked down the steps until he once more stood before the assembled body. "I am the youngest person here, so I hope you will forgive me for wanting to speak. Most of you know that I and the ministry do not necessarily get along."
There were actually a few chuckles among the Wizengamot and Harry felt a little cheered. "All I want to say is this: I don't know Mr. Scrimgauer. I've heard he is a very good auror, and we need good aurors in the field. But I do know Amelia Bones. She spoke for me the last time Iwas here, and since then I've come to know her as a strong, fair person. I do not know Mr. Scrimgauer, and so I cannot trust him. But I know Amelia Bones, and I would trust her with my life. If she is elected as Minister, she will have my undivided support both as a member of this august body, and as someone whom fate has placed on the front line of this new war." He cleared his throat. "Err, thank you."
He ducked his head and climbed back into the stands.
"A more eloquent statement I have yet to hear,"Dumbledore said. "Thank you, Lord Hogwarts. Are there any more speakers? No? Then do we have a move to vote?"
"I so move," a voice called.
"Very well. Because of the historic nature of the vote, we will vote by roll." Dumbledore began reading from the Wizangamot roll. In the air before them, a chart flamed into existence recording the votes for each.
Just as Amelia predicted, the votes remained painfully close. There was only a two vote difference, and Scrimgauer was ahead. Until, "Lord Potter, how do you vote?"
"Lord Gryffindor, how do you vote?"
It was if a light had gone on across both the Wizengamot and the public. Voices started to rise, both in celebration and anger. Dumbledore read on.
"Lord Ravenclaw, how do you vote?"
"Lord Hufflepuff, how do you vote?"
"Lord Slytherin, how do you vote?"
"By a vote of sixty-three to sixty, Amelia Bones you are hereby elected as the new Minister of Magic."
He had to shout over the commotion from the hall around him. The Wizengamotwas not entirely happy with the realization that they had been completely, and thoroughly, boned.
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