Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter and the Four Founders
Chapter Eleven: In Which Harry Meets His Fifth Angel
Ron Weasley was not in a good mood.
Ron did not consider himself the brightest wizard in the world, but he most assuredly did not consider himself stupid either. Not until, that is, the Fourth Year, when he realized for the very first time that he liked Hermione Granger but that he didn't have the guts to do anything about it.
But then, a week ago, she kissed him, and for one beautiful second he dreamed about what could be; about how maybe she liked him as much as he liked her. The dream shattered abruptly.
She did like him. But no longer. Now, she was Harry's. Everyone was Harry's. Harry this, Harry that. Harry was the brave one. The Triwizard Champion. The special victim. The first year starting Quidditch champion.
Ron kicked a rock, and then perked up when he heard an angry, "Ow!"
He had been walking around the back of the Burrow aimlessly. Approaching the pond he saw his sister sitting on the edge of the water. "Sorry," he said as he walked toward her. He sat down beside her on the stone, since he had nowhere else to go, and on one else to talk to. "Okay?"
"Yeah." Her nose was runny and her eyes were red.
"You were crying about him again, weren't you?" Ron snarled.
"Ron, if you're going to be a prat, please leave," Ginny said.
"I just don't get it. He gets everything his way! Just for once, why can't I get the girl?"
"Everything his way?" Ginny asked, incredulously. "Ron, when has he ever gotten things his way? Name one time, not including Hermione, where he got his way? One time!"
Ron opened his mouth to start the list, but came up abruptly short. "Er, yeah," he finally said.
"Besides, he's not just getting Hermione. Luna told me. There're four of them. One for each of the Founder lines."
"Four girls?"
"Wives, Ron. He has to marry them. They're keeping it quiet, but I wouldn't be surprised if they start having ceremonies in the next day or so."
"And that's why you're out here crying?"
Ginny shrugged. "I'm not going to apologize for the way I feel, Ron. It wasn't you who fought a basilisk for me. He didn't even really know me; he just did it because it was the right thing to do. He almost died. But he did it anyway. He said, 'Hi, Ginny,' to me like it was just another day, and I wanted so very much to hug him. But he's not mine. I realized he never would be mine. But at least he'll be happy."
"What about the rest of us?" Ron said glumly.
"There's always Lavender Brown. I hear tell she likes you quite a lot."
Ron perked up. "Really?"
"Ginny! Ronald!"
The two stood and looked over the line of rocks to see their mother barreling out of the house. "Come in, we've got an appointment at Hogwarts, and wedding invitations!"
Ginny sniffed but forced a weak smile. "See?"
They flooed directly to the Headmaster's office, but were met by Amelia Bones, of all people.
"Minister," Molly said breathlessly. "What a pleasant surprise. How are you?"
"I'm fine, Molly. And this must be Ginevra. My, you are a beauty, aren't you?"
Ginny blushed and gave a little curtsy. "Thank you, Minister."
"Amelia, please. Mr. Weasley, I can see your father in you. Another prefect—I'm sure he's very proud of you."
"Oh, we are," Molly said. "Amelia, what's this about?"
"Miss Granger wanted a word with your daughter. Ginny, they are in the first classroom to your right getting sized for dresses. Please just go on in. So, Molly, Arthur tells me that Bill…."
Ginny dismissed the rest of the conversation as she left the office, went down the long stairs and into the first classroom on the right. She stepped into a flurry of activity. Measuring tape flew about like winged serpents attacking the four girls in the middle of the room at random. Two older witches were busy with drafting pencils and paper in a corner while fabric gathered around them.
The nearest girl to the door shouted, "Ginny!" and, ignoring the fact that she was in her knickers and bra, jumped down from the dais and ran across the room to wrap Ginny in a very intense and personal hug.
Then she leaned back and kissed Ginny square on the lips. "Hmm," Luna said with her eyes closed. Ginny was too stunned to respond. "You taste like strawberries. Did you like being kissed by a girl?"
Ginny stuttered as Hermione stepped forward, also in her knickers, and gave Ginny a much more comfortable hug. "Ignore her, Ginny. She's been a bit flighty today."
"I'm going to get married in two days!" Luna exulted. "Then I can have all the sex with Harry I want and make a beautiful baby!"
Ginny stuttered again.
Hermione led her to the two girls in the back of the room. "Ginny, you've met Susan Bones."
"Hi, Ginny," Susan said. She stepped down and also hugged Ginny. She held the red-head at arm's length. "You are beautiful, aren't you?"
"Thank you?" Ginny said weakly.
"And this is Daphne Greengrass."
Like the others, Daphne wore only her knickers as she was thoroughly measured for her dress. The difference was that her knickers were black and lacy and incredibly sexy. They made Ginny blush just looking at them.
"I'm not big on the hugging," Daphne said. "Slytherin thing, I guess. You are pretty, though. I can see why he likes you."
"I don't understand what's happening," Ginny asked. "Why did you want to see me?"
"We realized something today," Hermione said. "Something very important. I'm going to be Hermione, Lady Gryffindor."
"I'm going to be Luna, Lady Ravenclaw."
"Susan, Lady Hufflepuff."
"Daphne, Lady Slytherin."
Luna stepped forward and stared Ginny in the face. "There's a name missing."
"Potter," Ginny breathed.
All four girls nodded. "You'd actually be the junior wife," Luna said. "You are the youngest."
Ginny looked at all of them, then sat down abruptly. "You're talking about me getting married."
"And having sex," Luna pointed out.
"Let's take a walk, girls," Hermione suggested. "Madame Fauxfelle, can we have a few minutes outside with our friend?"
"Of course, dears. I have all your measurements."
They quickly got dressed and stepped into the hall where they promptly headed for the courtyard. "So, Ginny, let me ask you," Hermione said. "You love Harry, right?"
"I do. But Hermione, I'm only fourteen years old."
"Me too," Luna pointed out.
"I'm not sure I'm ready to get married."
"You and me both, sister," Daphne said behind them.
"I think it will be wonderful," Susan said. "I think he'll be wonderful."
"I think he'll be exhausted," Daphne said. "Old witches used to believe every time a man ejaculated he gave up a little bit of his life. If that's the case, with all five of us Harry will be lucky to see thirty."
Ginny blushed even further, and then she saw where they were taking her.
Harry and Dumbledore were practicing on the edge of the lake. This time, they had Mad-Eye Moody and Kingsly Shacklebolt with them, and the sheer ferocity of the spells was stunning. This was nothing like what she saw last year in the DA. Harry moved so fast it seemed like he was dancing, or possessed. Most of the spells fired at him missed entirely, or bounced against his shields back at the casters.
"Harry's power has boosted a lot since he bonded with the castle," Hermione explained. "He's probably one of the most powerful wizards in England. He's going to be facing Voldemort some day. But do you know what he's afraid of?"
"What?" Ginny whispered.
"He's afraid of hurting one of us. Of making us jealous or unhappy. Of not being a perfect husband. I've had a lot of problems with this, Ginny. A lot of problems. But the one thing in all of this mess I can't be angry with is Harry. He is so full of love…"
"…full of something at any rate…" Daphne muttered.
Hermione glared. "He is so full of love, that I really think he'll love us all. He might have favorites, but this bond we have…I don't feel jealous at the idea. I know that the night after our wedding, he is going to marry Luna and they are going to sleep together. After that Susan, and after that Daphne. We've talked about it, and I think we're all okay. What I'm trying to say, Ginny, is that if you truly love him, and if you truly want to be with him, there's room for a fifth."
Ginny felt like crying. "But he loves you," she whispered.
"Yes, he does," Hermione said. "Do you really think that means he can't love you as well?"
"How will I know?" she asked.
"Kiss him," Luna said. "Hermione and I felt it when we kissed his tattoos. Susan and Daphne will feel it when they kiss his tattoos. Why don't you just try kissing his lips?"
"I couldn't…."
"Are you going to let him slip away forever without really trying?" Hermione asked. "Go down there, Ginny, and just see."
She turned back to Daphne and Susan. Both of them nodded. "Like Luna said," Daphne pointed out, "it would give us a good odd-number for voting on things. Like how to punish him when he's naughty."
Ginny couldn't help but giggle. With her cheeks flushed, she started down the rocky path to the lake.
Moody saw her coming first, and motioned the others to stop. "Just as well," the old auror panted. "Need a break after that. Weaslette, what are you doing here? And why is that gaggle of girls up there?"
"Hello, Professor," she said.
Mad-Eye purpled. "I've told ya before, girl, I ain't no…"
He stopped when she walked right by him, past Dumbledore and Shacklebolt, until she stood before Harry. "Harry, can I ask you something?"
He nodded.
She lurched forward, wrapped her arms around his neck, and locked her lips to his. The resulting magical wave of energy knocked the three older men to their knees and rushed up the slope.
Wind blew the hair of the four girls watching. "Bloody hell," Daphne said. "What was that?"
"A natural bond that needed no magical compulsion," Hermione said. "She loves him more than all of us."
"I don't know," Susan said, "I love him a lot."
"I just want to love him a lot," Luna said.
"Luna, girl, enough with the sex jokes," Daphne muttered. "I bet of all of us you're the one who's going to be crying on your wedding bed."
Luna looked stricken. "Sorry."
"Oh Hecate," Daphne muttered. Reluctantly, she gave Luna a hug. "There, better?"
"A little. A kiss might make it all better."
On the lake side, Harry found himself on his knees, staring at the bundle of red hair and flaring magic. "My god," he whispered. "Ginny?"
"I have loved you since I saw you on the platform that time six years ago," she said. "You saved my life, and I loved you even more. I've been waiting all this time for you to notice me."
"You were dating all those other boys," Harry confessed. "I…I didn't think you liked me that much."
"Because, Harry Potter, you're an idiot."
He nodded. "Yeah."
They kissed again.
"I'm going to be sick," Mad-Eye muttered. "What man in his right mind wants more than one woman, much less five?"
"Five wives," Harry muttered. He looked up to the hill and saw the other four standing there. "Ginny, are you…"
"They called me, Harry. They called me and told me the only person who wasn't getting married was just plain Harry Potter. All the Lords were getting wives, but not just plain Harry. And that's the only person I've ever wanted. Just plain Harry."
Harry glanced over at Dumbledore, who stood with twinkling eyes. Then he looked back down at this beautiful girl in his arms. "Ginny Weasley, will you marry me?"
"Yes!" Ginny said.
"Will you marry me this Saturday?"
"Think your mom's going to kill me?"
"Yes!" She laughed wildly and kissed him again. "Yes, yes, yes!"
Molly sat up. "What was that?"
Amelia smiled. "Molly, how do you feel about grandchildren?"
"I love the idea," Molly said. "I'm not sure Fleur Delacour would have been my first choice for Bill, but she is lovely enough. I'm sure their children will be very attractive."
Ron, however, in a rare flash of insight, sat down with a huff. "She's not talking 'bout Bill, Mum. She's talking 'bout Ginny."
"Ginny? Ron, what are you trying to say?"
The door to the Headmaster's office swung open, and Dumbledore stepped in. Right behind him came Harry Potter and a grouping of beautiful young girls. They all seemed to be touching each other with painfully bright smiles.
Ginny was at their forefront. She stopped when she saw her mother where she had left her, talking with Madam Bones. Molly was staring at her in confusion; Ron was glaring.
Harry, too, noticed Ron's glare.
"What is happening here?" Molly demanded.
"Mrs. Weasley," Harry said, "I asked Ginny to marry me. And she said yes."
"What?" The exclamation could be heard throughout the valley. "Oh no, young man, you will not be marrying my fourteen-year-old daughter! How dare you even ask!"
"He asked because we suggested it," Hermione said. "All four of us agreed."
"Be that as it may, a group of girls who are themselves too young to marry have no business trying to talk another into it. Albus, how could you permit such nonsense?"
"Madame Weasley, in this matter I am truly out of my depth," Dumbledore said. "Miss Weasley appeared quite intent on achieving this result. The moment they kissed, the bond was sealed. I assume you felt it?"
Molly paled. "That was you?" she whispered.
Ginny nodded. "I love Harry, Mum. I always have."
"She doesn't have to get married with the rest of us, I suppose," Luna said. "She turns fifteen on August 11th. But if Harry fights Voldemort and loses, then the Potter line might be lost forever. That's assuming of course that all of us conceive on our first try." She grinned. "I rather hope I don't."
Ginny stepped forward until she was an inch from her mother. "Mum, I know for a fact that you were fourteen the first time you slept with dad."
"That's different," Molly said weakly.
"Yes, because I will be married. You weren't. I AM going to do this. You WILL sign the marriage contract. You WILL accept the bride price Harry is giving to all the other parents. You WILL be happy, because if you don't do these things, Mum, you won't be a part of your grandchildren's lives."
Molly gasped as if struck by the magnitude of her daughter's threat. "Ginny, how could you say such a thing?"
"It's not easy," Ginny said with a shudder and a sniff. "But you need to understand that I love him. When Hermione and the rest are up there getting married, I need to have my turn as well. I need to be a part of this. And as much as I love you, I will never forgive you if you try to stop me."
Everyone in the room stood in awe as the mighty Molly Weasley was brought low by her own daughter.
"But…" Molly finally said, "you don't even have a dress."
"Don't worry, Mrs. Weasley," Hermione said. "She will. And she'll be beautiful." The eldest of the betrothed stepped past Harry and Ginny and gave the Weasley matriarch a hug. "Think of it this way," she said. "You've always considered Harry family. Now, we'll all be family. And we are all going to have children. Children you can visit every day, if necessary."
A strange gleam came into Molly's eyes. "Children?"
"That is the point of these marriages," Hermione said.
In the back of the room, Daphne leaned over to Susan and said, "That girl is scary brilliant, you know? She should have been Slytherin."
Susan smiled. "Yeah. And now she's our sister."
Ron Weasley was not in a good mood.
Ron did not consider himself the brightest wizard in the world, but he most assuredly did not consider himself stupid either. Not until, that is, the Fourth Year, when he realized for the very first time that he liked Hermione Granger but that he didn't have the guts to do anything about it.
But then, a week ago, she kissed him, and for one beautiful second he dreamed about what could be; about how maybe she liked him as much as he liked her. The dream shattered abruptly.
She did like him. But no longer. Now, she was Harry's. Everyone was Harry's. Harry this, Harry that. Harry was the brave one. The Triwizard Champion. The special victim. The first year starting Quidditch champion.
Ron kicked a rock, and then perked up when he heard an angry, "Ow!"
He had been walking around the back of the Burrow aimlessly. Approaching the pond he saw his sister sitting on the edge of the water. "Sorry," he said as he walked toward her. He sat down beside her on the stone, since he had nowhere else to go, and on one else to talk to. "Okay?"
"Yeah." Her nose was runny and her eyes were red.
"You were crying about him again, weren't you?" Ron snarled.
"Ron, if you're going to be a prat, please leave," Ginny said.
"I just don't get it. He gets everything his way! Just for once, why can't I get the girl?"
"Everything his way?" Ginny asked, incredulously. "Ron, when has he ever gotten things his way? Name one time, not including Hermione, where he got his way? One time!"
Ron opened his mouth to start the list, but came up abruptly short. "Er, yeah," he finally said.
"Besides, he's not just getting Hermione. Luna told me. There're four of them. One for each of the Founder lines."
"Four girls?"
"Wives, Ron. He has to marry them. They're keeping it quiet, but I wouldn't be surprised if they start having ceremonies in the next day or so."
"And that's why you're out here crying?"
Ginny shrugged. "I'm not going to apologize for the way I feel, Ron. It wasn't you who fought a basilisk for me. He didn't even really know me; he just did it because it was the right thing to do. He almost died. But he did it anyway. He said, 'Hi, Ginny,' to me like it was just another day, and I wanted so very much to hug him. But he's not mine. I realized he never would be mine. But at least he'll be happy."
"What about the rest of us?" Ron said glumly.
"There's always Lavender Brown. I hear tell she likes you quite a lot."
Ron perked up. "Really?"
"Ginny! Ronald!"
The two stood and looked over the line of rocks to see their mother barreling out of the house. "Come in, we've got an appointment at Hogwarts, and wedding invitations!"
Ginny sniffed but forced a weak smile. "See?"
They flooed directly to the Headmaster's office, but were met by Amelia Bones, of all people.
"Minister," Molly said breathlessly. "What a pleasant surprise. How are you?"
"I'm fine, Molly. And this must be Ginevra. My, you are a beauty, aren't you?"
Ginny blushed and gave a little curtsy. "Thank you, Minister."
"Amelia, please. Mr. Weasley, I can see your father in you. Another prefect—I'm sure he's very proud of you."
"Oh, we are," Molly said. "Amelia, what's this about?"
"Miss Granger wanted a word with your daughter. Ginny, they are in the first classroom to your right getting sized for dresses. Please just go on in. So, Molly, Arthur tells me that Bill…."
Ginny dismissed the rest of the conversation as she left the office, went down the long stairs and into the first classroom on the right. She stepped into a flurry of activity. Measuring tape flew about like winged serpents attacking the four girls in the middle of the room at random. Two older witches were busy with drafting pencils and paper in a corner while fabric gathered around them.
The nearest girl to the door shouted, "Ginny!" and, ignoring the fact that she was in her knickers and bra, jumped down from the dais and ran across the room to wrap Ginny in a very intense and personal hug.
Then she leaned back and kissed Ginny square on the lips. "Hmm," Luna said with her eyes closed. Ginny was too stunned to respond. "You taste like strawberries. Did you like being kissed by a girl?"
Ginny stuttered as Hermione stepped forward, also in her knickers, and gave Ginny a much more comfortable hug. "Ignore her, Ginny. She's been a bit flighty today."
"I'm going to get married in two days!" Luna exulted. "Then I can have all the sex with Harry I want and make a beautiful baby!"
Ginny stuttered again.
Hermione led her to the two girls in the back of the room. "Ginny, you've met Susan Bones."
"Hi, Ginny," Susan said. She stepped down and also hugged Ginny. She held the red-head at arm's length. "You are beautiful, aren't you?"
"Thank you?" Ginny said weakly.
"And this is Daphne Greengrass."
Like the others, Daphne wore only her knickers as she was thoroughly measured for her dress. The difference was that her knickers were black and lacy and incredibly sexy. They made Ginny blush just looking at them.
"I'm not big on the hugging," Daphne said. "Slytherin thing, I guess. You are pretty, though. I can see why he likes you."
"I don't understand what's happening," Ginny asked. "Why did you want to see me?"
"We realized something today," Hermione said. "Something very important. I'm going to be Hermione, Lady Gryffindor."
"I'm going to be Luna, Lady Ravenclaw."
"Susan, Lady Hufflepuff."
"Daphne, Lady Slytherin."
Luna stepped forward and stared Ginny in the face. "There's a name missing."
"Potter," Ginny breathed.
All four girls nodded. "You'd actually be the junior wife," Luna said. "You are the youngest."
Ginny looked at all of them, then sat down abruptly. "You're talking about me getting married."
"And having sex," Luna pointed out.
"Let's take a walk, girls," Hermione suggested. "Madame Fauxfelle, can we have a few minutes outside with our friend?"
"Of course, dears. I have all your measurements."
They quickly got dressed and stepped into the hall where they promptly headed for the courtyard. "So, Ginny, let me ask you," Hermione said. "You love Harry, right?"
"I do. But Hermione, I'm only fourteen years old."
"Me too," Luna pointed out.
"I'm not sure I'm ready to get married."
"You and me both, sister," Daphne said behind them.
"I think it will be wonderful," Susan said. "I think he'll be wonderful."
"I think he'll be exhausted," Daphne said. "Old witches used to believe every time a man ejaculated he gave up a little bit of his life. If that's the case, with all five of us Harry will be lucky to see thirty."
Ginny blushed even further, and then she saw where they were taking her.
Harry and Dumbledore were practicing on the edge of the lake. This time, they had Mad-Eye Moody and Kingsly Shacklebolt with them, and the sheer ferocity of the spells was stunning. This was nothing like what she saw last year in the DA. Harry moved so fast it seemed like he was dancing, or possessed. Most of the spells fired at him missed entirely, or bounced against his shields back at the casters.
"Harry's power has boosted a lot since he bonded with the castle," Hermione explained. "He's probably one of the most powerful wizards in England. He's going to be facing Voldemort some day. But do you know what he's afraid of?"
"What?" Ginny whispered.
"He's afraid of hurting one of us. Of making us jealous or unhappy. Of not being a perfect husband. I've had a lot of problems with this, Ginny. A lot of problems. But the one thing in all of this mess I can't be angry with is Harry. He is so full of love…"
"…full of something at any rate…" Daphne muttered.
Hermione glared. "He is so full of love, that I really think he'll love us all. He might have favorites, but this bond we have…I don't feel jealous at the idea. I know that the night after our wedding, he is going to marry Luna and they are going to sleep together. After that Susan, and after that Daphne. We've talked about it, and I think we're all okay. What I'm trying to say, Ginny, is that if you truly love him, and if you truly want to be with him, there's room for a fifth."
Ginny felt like crying. "But he loves you," she whispered.
"Yes, he does," Hermione said. "Do you really think that means he can't love you as well?"
"How will I know?" she asked.
"Kiss him," Luna said. "Hermione and I felt it when we kissed his tattoos. Susan and Daphne will feel it when they kiss his tattoos. Why don't you just try kissing his lips?"
"I couldn't…."
"Are you going to let him slip away forever without really trying?" Hermione asked. "Go down there, Ginny, and just see."
She turned back to Daphne and Susan. Both of them nodded. "Like Luna said," Daphne pointed out, "it would give us a good odd-number for voting on things. Like how to punish him when he's naughty."
Ginny couldn't help but giggle. With her cheeks flushed, she started down the rocky path to the lake.
Moody saw her coming first, and motioned the others to stop. "Just as well," the old auror panted. "Need a break after that. Weaslette, what are you doing here? And why is that gaggle of girls up there?"
"Hello, Professor," she said.
Mad-Eye purpled. "I've told ya before, girl, I ain't no…"
He stopped when she walked right by him, past Dumbledore and Shacklebolt, until she stood before Harry. "Harry, can I ask you something?"
He nodded.
She lurched forward, wrapped her arms around his neck, and locked her lips to his. The resulting magical wave of energy knocked the three older men to their knees and rushed up the slope.
Wind blew the hair of the four girls watching. "Bloody hell," Daphne said. "What was that?"
"A natural bond that needed no magical compulsion," Hermione said. "She loves him more than all of us."
"I don't know," Susan said, "I love him a lot."
"I just want to love him a lot," Luna said.
"Luna, girl, enough with the sex jokes," Daphne muttered. "I bet of all of us you're the one who's going to be crying on your wedding bed."
Luna looked stricken. "Sorry."
"Oh Hecate," Daphne muttered. Reluctantly, she gave Luna a hug. "There, better?"
"A little. A kiss might make it all better."
On the lake side, Harry found himself on his knees, staring at the bundle of red hair and flaring magic. "My god," he whispered. "Ginny?"
"I have loved you since I saw you on the platform that time six years ago," she said. "You saved my life, and I loved you even more. I've been waiting all this time for you to notice me."
"You were dating all those other boys," Harry confessed. "I…I didn't think you liked me that much."
"Because, Harry Potter, you're an idiot."
He nodded. "Yeah."
They kissed again.
"I'm going to be sick," Mad-Eye muttered. "What man in his right mind wants more than one woman, much less five?"
"Five wives," Harry muttered. He looked up to the hill and saw the other four standing there. "Ginny, are you…"
"They called me, Harry. They called me and told me the only person who wasn't getting married was just plain Harry Potter. All the Lords were getting wives, but not just plain Harry. And that's the only person I've ever wanted. Just plain Harry."
Harry glanced over at Dumbledore, who stood with twinkling eyes. Then he looked back down at this beautiful girl in his arms. "Ginny Weasley, will you marry me?"
"Yes!" Ginny said.
"Will you marry me this Saturday?"
"Think your mom's going to kill me?"
"Yes!" She laughed wildly and kissed him again. "Yes, yes, yes!"
Molly sat up. "What was that?"
Amelia smiled. "Molly, how do you feel about grandchildren?"
"I love the idea," Molly said. "I'm not sure Fleur Delacour would have been my first choice for Bill, but she is lovely enough. I'm sure their children will be very attractive."
Ron, however, in a rare flash of insight, sat down with a huff. "She's not talking 'bout Bill, Mum. She's talking 'bout Ginny."
"Ginny? Ron, what are you trying to say?"
The door to the Headmaster's office swung open, and Dumbledore stepped in. Right behind him came Harry Potter and a grouping of beautiful young girls. They all seemed to be touching each other with painfully bright smiles.
Ginny was at their forefront. She stopped when she saw her mother where she had left her, talking with Madam Bones. Molly was staring at her in confusion; Ron was glaring.
Harry, too, noticed Ron's glare.
"What is happening here?" Molly demanded.
"Mrs. Weasley," Harry said, "I asked Ginny to marry me. And she said yes."
"What?" The exclamation could be heard throughout the valley. "Oh no, young man, you will not be marrying my fourteen-year-old daughter! How dare you even ask!"
"He asked because we suggested it," Hermione said. "All four of us agreed."
"Be that as it may, a group of girls who are themselves too young to marry have no business trying to talk another into it. Albus, how could you permit such nonsense?"
"Madame Weasley, in this matter I am truly out of my depth," Dumbledore said. "Miss Weasley appeared quite intent on achieving this result. The moment they kissed, the bond was sealed. I assume you felt it?"
Molly paled. "That was you?" she whispered.
Ginny nodded. "I love Harry, Mum. I always have."
"She doesn't have to get married with the rest of us, I suppose," Luna said. "She turns fifteen on August 11th. But if Harry fights Voldemort and loses, then the Potter line might be lost forever. That's assuming of course that all of us conceive on our first try." She grinned. "I rather hope I don't."
Ginny stepped forward until she was an inch from her mother. "Mum, I know for a fact that you were fourteen the first time you slept with dad."
"That's different," Molly said weakly.
"Yes, because I will be married. You weren't. I AM going to do this. You WILL sign the marriage contract. You WILL accept the bride price Harry is giving to all the other parents. You WILL be happy, because if you don't do these things, Mum, you won't be a part of your grandchildren's lives."
Molly gasped as if struck by the magnitude of her daughter's threat. "Ginny, how could you say such a thing?"
"It's not easy," Ginny said with a shudder and a sniff. "But you need to understand that I love him. When Hermione and the rest are up there getting married, I need to have my turn as well. I need to be a part of this. And as much as I love you, I will never forgive you if you try to stop me."
Everyone in the room stood in awe as the mighty Molly Weasley was brought low by her own daughter.
"But…" Molly finally said, "you don't even have a dress."
"Don't worry, Mrs. Weasley," Hermione said. "She will. And she'll be beautiful." The eldest of the betrothed stepped past Harry and Ginny and gave the Weasley matriarch a hug. "Think of it this way," she said. "You've always considered Harry family. Now, we'll all be family. And we are all going to have children. Children you can visit every day, if necessary."
A strange gleam came into Molly's eyes. "Children?"
"That is the point of these marriages," Hermione said.
In the back of the room, Daphne leaned over to Susan and said, "That girl is scary brilliant, you know? She should have been Slytherin."
Susan smiled. "Yeah. And now she's our sister."
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