Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter and the Four Founders

Chapter 12 Part 1

by DarthMarrs

In which Harry gets hitched again, and again, and again...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2010-04-21 - Updated: 2010-04-22 - 4849 words


Chapter Twelve: In Which Harry Gets Hitched, Again, and Again, and.... Part 1

"First, for new business," the chief warlock of the Wizengamot announced. "It is with great pleasure that I announce the imminent wedding of one of our members. Harry Potter, Lord Gryffindor, has accepted a marriage contract with one Hermione Jean Granger of Gryffindor House for the bride price of ten thousand galleons, all of which was transferred to the Granger family in accordance with the ancient traditions. The wedding shall occur at two hours past noon this very day, to be officiated by the Minister of Magic in the Great Hall of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft andWizardy. If any member of this body should object, please do so now."

"They are only children!" an old witch on the far pew said.

"Though Lord Gryffindor regretfully is absent today, I assure you by vote of this very same body, he is by law and tradition both an adult and Head of House. While it is true that Miss Granger shall not reach her majority for two more months, her parents consented to the contract as permitted by law. Are there any other objections?"

"Why marry on a Tuesday?" another asked. "Weddings should traditionally be held on Friday for the benefits of fertility."

"I have it on the best authority that Lord Gryffindor'sschedule is quite full this week," Dumbledore said. "Now, on to the Bill proposed by...."



"I hate you, Harry," Ron said.

The two stood in Gryffindor Common room. Harry wore a finely tailored dress robe with a bowtie. Ron did as well, though his was rented and did not fit quite as well.

Harry looked over at his friend sadly. "I didn't mean to steal her, Ron."

"But you did anyway, didn't you?"

"Yeah, I guess I did." Harry sat down on the sofa but the unlit fire and took a deep, shuddering breath. "I can't believe I'm about to get married."

Ron sat beside him. "You're barmy, the whole lot of you."

"I think you're right." Harry stared into the empty fireplace. "I'm a little scared."

"Scared? Of what, getting the five prettiest girls in school?"

"Of making a mess of things," Harry said. "I'm not even sixteen yet. What do I know about being married? And worse yet, I think every one of them's smarter than me. I see them all talking together, and I feel like they're ganging up on me. I love them, I really do, but they scare me."

Ron snorted. "Yeah, real danger they are."

"So, I guess this means you won't be my best man?"

"You wanted me?"

"Ron, you've always been my best mate. You were the first friend I ever made here. I know you're mad at me and all, but...I can't think of anyone else I want by my side up there."

"You know I had a thing for her."

"Yeah, I know." Harry looked back at the fire. "Lavender's going to be there. I think we invited most of Gryffindor House. The ParvatiSisters are going to be there too. Maybe if you danced a little after..."

"I do look good in these dress robes," Ron said.

"Better than those aweful things you wore at the Yule Ball," Harry said.

Just then Neville came down, also in dress robes. The Neville who stood before them was not the same plump, shy boy they met six years ago. This Neville stood almost as tall as Ron and heavier, with muscles gained from hard work in the greenhouses. He had an air of confidence that was new as well.

"You ready, Harry?" Neville said.

"I got my best mates by my side," Harry said. He looked back at Ron. "Right?"

Ron nodded. "Yeah, 'guess so."

"Then I'm ready."

The three boys left the common room and walked through the halls of their school until they reached the great room. The house dining tables were gone, replaced by rows of single wooden chairs. The sky was an enchanting blue with a few traces of clouds. The floor was strewn with rose peddles.

Some members of the Wizengamot were in attendance, Harry noted. He was surprised by their robes of state, until he remembered he was a member as well. However, the majority of those in attendance were his friends and fellow Gryffindors. He saw Hagrid and Professor McGonagall there, as well as Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan and the rest. As he, Ron and Neville assumed their positions at the head of the aisle by the alter, he looked out over the faces of those there. He nodded respectfully to the Wizengamot members, smiled at his friends, and then fought the urge to fidget.

Somewhere bagpipes began to play a march. Harry felt his stomach clench when the doors opened and he caught his very first sight of Hermione in her dress.

Harry was originally expecting white, but when Hermione stepped into the room the light flashed off gold. Her dress was gold, with a long golden train of lace held up by Luna and Susan, in white bridesmaid dresses cinched around the middle with golden ribbons. The dress rose in a sheer line up to her waist, where it curved into a beautiful corset that tastefully covered her chest while at the same time accentuating it. Narrow, delicate straps of golden fabric rose over her shoulders, but otherwise left her arms and back bare.

She wore a veil of golden lace that blended so perfectly into the raining curls of her hair that it looked as if it were a part of her.

"She is beautiful," Ron whispered.

"Yeah," Harry agreed. He could not take his eyes off her as she came to stand beside him. The two girls stepped to the side in matching formation with Neville and Ron.

He knew that Minister Bones was speaking. He knew he should be hearing the words, but all he could think of was just how lovely Hermione was. That his best friend was now going to be his wife. And that he would... "...promise to honor and love her, for the remainder of my days, sworn so by my magic."

Magical wedding vows were as powerful as magical oaths, and everyone could feel the sincerity in Harry's voice.

Hermione repeated her vows. Again, the minister's words faded into a drone as the two stared at each other. Harry could feel the bond blooming in his chest like a warm fire. He felt the heat on his face and could see Hermione's blush as well.

At Amelia's gentle prompting, Harry lifted the veil. "My God," he whispered,"you are so beautiful."

"Shut up and kiss me," she said with a grin. He obeyed, and the two seemed to lose each other for a very long time. Finally, when they parted for air, the minister spoke once again.

"Lords and Ladies, friends and family," Amelia said, "it is my great honor and privilege to present to you Lord and Lady Gryffindor!"

The Wizengamot members applauded politely. The Gryffindor's roared, screamed and stamped their approval.

The reception that evening was brilliant. Fred and George were unable to get away from their shop to attend the wedding, but they made the reception and handed out business cards and indoor firecrackers that made the party come alive.

Harry and Hermione were the first on the dance floor. As they held each other and swayed to the slow waltz, he felt Hermione sniffle. "I wish my parents were there," she said.

"Me too," Harry said. "Someday, when all this is over, we'll have a private ceremony just for them."

"I'd like that."

"I love you, Hermione."

"I love you too, Harry," she said.

The party ended relatively early and by eight most of the guests were being escorted out by Hogwarts faculty and the contingent ofaurors on duty because of the presence of the minister. Susan and Luna both gave Hermione long, lingering hugs before they retreated to their rooms.

Hermione and Harry retreated to their new home.

"Where are we?"

"I think it's a new tower," Harry said. "Hogwarts wanted us to have plenty of space."

Their new home on the surface looked much like a common room for a dorm, but one lined in thick, luxurious rugs and tapestries celebrating all four of the school houses. There was a large fireplace in the center of the huge room. They could see a kitchen off to the right, and five doors. All the doors were unadorned save one that was marked with the Gryffindor crest.

"I suppose that's for us," Hermione said. She looked back over his shoulder, took his hand, and together they stepped through the door.

They emerged into another whole suite. "This place must have been magically enlarged," Hermione said in awe. The suite consisted of a living area easily as large as the Gryffindor common room, a fully functional bathroom, a small kitchenette area, and what looked like four bedrooms. One of the rooms was empty. Still hand-in-hand, the newlyweds moved into the master bedroom, dominated by a massive four-poster bed. A tray stood before the bed with abottle of wine and two crystal glasses.

A desk and work area took up one wall, and across from that was a luxurious bathroom and closet.

The closet was full of new clothes. "Harry, did you..."

"I asked Miss Fauxfelle to restock your wardrobe,"he explained.

She turned and kissed him until neither could breathe. "Harry, I want you to pour us glasses of wine," she said. "I need to go change."

Harry nodded and watched as she stepped into the bathroom. She turned to him as she closed the doors, and he found himself breathing fast under the intense look in her eyes. He stepped around to the wine bottle and stared. "Er, Dobby?"

The elf popped into the room. "Oh, great, powerful wizard Harry Potter asks for Dobby on this special day. Thank you so much. What can Dobby be doing for Harry Potter sir?"

"Er, do you know how to uncork a bottle of wine?"

With the questionable help of the flighty house elf, Harry got the bottle open and poured two glasses. He placed the glasses on the night stand nearest him, then sat on the edge of the luxurious bed and waited.

A few minutes later, the doors to the bathroom opened and Harry found it very difficult to breathe.

Hermione stood before him like an angel in white, only it was white he could see through. It was so very much like the gauze Hogwarts wore during their bonding that night after the ministry. He could see quite clearly that the only other article of clothing she had on underneath was a thin, tight pair of panties and a garter belt holding up white stockings. Her breasts pushed the fabric out from her chest and he could see her nipples were already hard and pointed.

Harry could not speak. He could not find words.

Hermione crossed the floor until she stood right in front of him, looking down. She reached over and took the wine glasses and gave him one. Each took avery long sip, and each made a face. "Awful, isn't it?" she asked.

"Yeah," Harry muttered. "Hermione..."

"Touch me, Harry. You're my husband now, and I need you to touch me."

He reached up one hesitant hand. She took the hand in hers and pulled it under the gauze until it rested on the swell of her left breast. He fit so perfectly into the palm of his hand it seemed as if it was made for him alone.

"You're going to take your clothes off, Harry," she said. "I'm going to help you. And then you're going to take this off of me. And then we are going to make love until we fall asleep in each other's arms."

Harry managed to croak out, "Okay" just as her fingers started working on his robes. He finally had to stand as she started working on the buckle of his pants. Neither noticed as the formal robes disappeared almost the moment they touched the floor.

As with everything, Hermione took charge, and Harry gave himself over to her gratefully. He lay there, astounded, as she explored every bit of his body with her lips. He never realized just how luscious those lips were. He let her hands guide his as he lifted the gauze off her. As he undid the garters and rolled the stockings down her leg.

"I think it would be better if you kissed my leg as you do that," Hermione instructed, and he obeyed, starting at the thick of her thigh and kissing down the length of her leg until her rolled the stocking off her foot.

They were both rank amateurs, but Hermione had one advantage he did not-she studied. With a furiously blushing Susan, an enthralled Luna and a curious Daphne, Hermione had managed to obtain a series of rather naughty pensieve memories specifically for witches on their wedding nights.

She shared her expertise, and Harry accepted it with enthusiasm. Not only did she encourage him to explore the mystery of her maidenhood, she actually leaned up and touched herself exactly where she wanted his attention. Harry, every the attentive student, did exactly as he was told. The taste of her was salty and musky and incredible. He ran the tip of his tongue around the nub of her clitoris, eliciting happy cries from her. Her moans were more than sufficient to cause him to become hard as a rock. When she flipped him onto his back, she played with that erection, taking his shaft in her hands and studied it intensely.

"Harry, what does it feel like when I do this?" She then placed her lips around the head of his penis.

Harry did his very best to answer, but where he meant to say, "Hermione, love, it feels absolutely marvelous," instead he made a sound closer to, "Geeerrrruhhhh."

She smiled up at him, her lips still resting gently on his penis. Her hair flared around her, bereft of the magic and the pins that kept it in place during the wedding. He could see the pale white swells of her beautiful ass, and the gentle curve of her back. She was propped up on him, and he could feel her breasts pressing against his legs. It was the single most beautiful thing he had ever experienced in his life.

He had no words, but she could see it in his eyes. "Do you like this?" she whispered with a mischievous glint. Her lips once again surrounded his crown, then more as she took most of his length in her mouth.

He nodded mutely, fighting not to explode. "Hermione," he managed to gasp. "I need you. Now."

She bobbed her head twice, bringing him almost to the edge as he felt her touch playing along the bottom of his shaft. Then she released him and stood up on her knees before him. Her stomach was flat,her breasts were pert and full. The auburn triangle of her sex glistened with both her own eagerness and his oral ministrations.

She slowly lifted one leg over him, brushing the lips of her labia against his thigh, until she was poised directly over him. The hair of her pubis tickled the crown of his penis. "Hermione?"

"Yes, Harry?"

"Don't let me hurt you. Don't let me ever do anything that would hurt you. Ilove you too much."

"I know, Harry," she said. She reached down and guided his penis to the opening of her sex. Having nothing more than fantasies and the hazy memory of his bonding with Hogwarts, he thought her vaginal openning a little lower on her than he thought it would be. And then she sank onto him. She felt the blockage and winced, even as she allowed more of her weight to press down. It did hurt, just as she knew it would, but it was a strangely temporary pain. As Harry pushed up deeply within her, she felt a wave of warmth, just like when he hugged her after the ministry, and the pain was simply gone.

They developed a faltering, hesitant rhythm. She looked down at him, and he looked back up at her with parted lips and an amazed expression. "I'm so glad you were first," he whispered. "You were always first."

She smiled as she guided his hands to her breasts. She straightened until she straddled him, and bucked gently as he held her soft mounds. She could see the bright flush run from his cheeks down to his chest, and knew she was equally flushed as a wave of intense pleasure ran through her.

Harry's hands drifted down from her breasts to her hips and gripped the flesh there, even as his thrusts into her grew more powerful and even deeper. He arched his back as he pushed into her. She laughed in joy and he groaned in pleasure as they consummated their marriage.

After, laying by his side and running a finger lazily over the light down hair on his chest, Hermione heard a voice whisper,"Well done, Lady Gryffindor."

She propped herself up on her elbow. "Harry, did you hear something?"

"It was Hogwarts," he said. "I guess she knew you had to be first as well."He rolled onto his side and took a breast into his mouth. "It couldn't have been anyone else."



"Good morning, I hope everyone is having a pleasant Wednesday," the chief warlock of the Wizengamot announced. "First, with new business, it is with great pleasure that I announce the imminent wedding of one of our members. Harry Potter, Lord Ravenclaw, has accepted a marriage contract with one Luna Lovegood, a pureblood witch of Ravenclaw House for the Bride Price of ten thousand galleons, all of which we transferred to the Mr. Lovegood in accordance with the ancient traditions. The wedding shall occur at two hours past noon this very day, to be officiated by the Minister of Magic in the Great Hall of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy. If any member of this body should object, please do so now."

"Albus, old boy, Potter just got married, he can't marry again!" It was the same witch who objected the previous day.

"As a matter of clarification, Agnes, Lord Gryffindor married yesterday. Today, it is with great happiness that Lord Ravenclawis to marry."

"They are the same person!"

"It might seem so, Agnes. However, legally Gryffindor and Ravenclaw are quite different. For instance, I understand Lord Gryffindor is a seeker on the Gryffindor House team, while Lord Ravenclaw does not play quidditchfor the Ravenclaw house at all."

Agnes sputtered.

"Now, back to the Bill proposed yesterday by...."



"I feel like d
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