Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter and the Four Founders
Chapter Twelve: In Which Harry Gets Hitched....Part 2
"...a pleasant Thursday. First, with new business, it is with great pleasure that I announce the imminent wedding of one of our members. Harry Potter, Lord Hufflepuff, has accepted a marriage contract with one Susan Bones, a pureblood witch of Hufflepuff and the niece of our own Minister of Magic, Amelia Bones. A Bride Price of ten thousand galleons was transferred to Miss Bone's parents in accordance with the ancient traditions. The wedding shall occur at two hours past noon this very day, to be officiated by the Minister of Magic in the Great Hall of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy. If any member of this body should object, please do so now. Agnes, would you like to start?"
"Albus, I can think of nothing to say," the old witch said.
"It is indeed a glorious day," Dumbledore said.
"I have something to say," said Augustus Hilldale."Minister Bones, were you aware of a pending relationship between Susan Bones and Lord Hufflepuff when you supported his request for emancipation? Or when you received his vote? Did you trade favors for him in return for his votes?"
Amelia stood. "He saved her life, just as he saved mine. These were not favors, but acts of heroism. He did not owe me votes, I owed him my life. As for his relationship with Susan, that was between Lord Hufflepuffand her parents."
"This strikes me as wholly inappropriate," Hilldaledeclared. "Perhaps we need to review the votes and reconsider the validity of Mr. Potter participating in the election."
"You could do that," Dumbledore said. "But then you would make an enemy of the Heir of the Four Founders, Lord Hilldale."
"I am not afraid of a teen-aged boy."
"And yet Lord Voldemort is," Dumbledore said. "I wonder what the Dark Lord knows that you do not? So, any other objections? No? Excellent.Now, let's return once again to this most interminable bill we have been discussing..."
"So you really sleep with 'em both?" Neville asked.
Harry nodded and had the good grace to blush. "Not much sleeping, truth be told."
"What was it like?"
"Incredible," Harry said.
"You really love them?" Ron asked.
Harry nodded. "More than anything."
"Ready to do it again?" Amelia asked.
Harry looked up at the minister and nodded. "I'll take good care of her. We all will."
"I know, Harry," Amelia said. "I'd never permit this otherwise. Look now, here she comes."
Harry turned, and once more found himself staring at a being of pure beauty.
Susan wore white. Pure, virgin white. It accentuated the creamy swell of her bosom and the blush in her cheeks. Her blonde hair flowed like water from underneath the white veil. Brilliant red roses in the bouquet called attention back her porcelain face.
Her father met her at the head of the aisle, while behind her Luna and Hermione carried her long white train. Hermione wore her Gryffindor sash, while Luna now wore the silver sash of Ravenclaw.
The two stared into each other's eyes throughout the ceremony. As he lifted her veil and kissed her, she whispered to him, "I don't ask that you love me any more, Harry, only that you love me just as much."
"Just as much and more," he whispered.
Susan wasn't quite as good a dancer as Luna, but she felt very good in his arms. After the party, Hermione and Luna waited for them inside their suite. Each gave Susan a lingering hug that left the newly wedon the edge of tears.
"Thank you so much," she said to them. "I love you all."
"And we all love you," Hermione assured her.
They walked to the newly marked door for Hufflepuffon the other side of the room. Susan gave him a long, lingering kiss before going into the bathroom. Harry went for the wine. This time, he downed a glass before pouring a second for himself and one for Susan.
She emerged wearing revealing pink lingerie that truly accentuated her best assets. She was flushing as bright as what she was wearing. "What do you think?" she asked shyly. "I've never owned anything like this before."
"I think they're...I mean, I think it's beautiful" Harry said as he handed her the glass. And she was. Her stomach wasn't as flat as either Luna's or Hermione's. It was rounded just alittle, giving way before the flare of her beautiful, shapely hips. Her breasts were truly large, not just for her age but for any way, and the negligee barely contained them.
She drank the wine more sedately than Luna, but still finished it quickly."Harry," she said, "take your shoes and socks off."
He did as she asked and lay back onto the bed. She climbed on at the other end and sat looking down at the tops of his feet. "You really do have the tattoo," she said. She leaned over his feet, spilling out of her pink nightie as she did so, and brushed her lips against the tattoo.
Harry's body responded instantly, aching to be loosed from his pants.
Susan's reaction was even more powerful. He watched as her entire body convulsed and quivered with the power of it. "My God!" she cried. She jumped off the bed entirely, eyes wide while a brilliant blush raged down the whole length of her body. Harry stared back, a little worried.
Suddenly she ripped the lingerie off with a half-articulated growl. "Fuck me!" she screamed as she jumped on him. She rolled them both onto the center of the bed and spread her eyes so wide her ankles rested on the bed covers. He stared down at her swollen, glistening labia, projected out because of her position. "I want you inside of me now!" she cried.
Harry had a difficult time remove his clothes, so much so he reverted to awordless, wandless banishing charm. Susan waited virtually glowing with heat and growling with her need. When at last he was naked he positioned himself on his knees before him, placed his grown against her labia, and looked her in the eyes.
"Do it," she begged. "I need you."
He pushed inside. She sucked in abreath as he pierced her barrier, but the pain lasted only a second. He continued into her until he ground against her, their public hairs interlocking like so much muggleVelcro.
"Yes," she whispered. "Pound me, Harry. I want to feel you cum in me. Pound into me."
It was a completely different experience from either Hermione and Luna, but just as glorious. Where Hermione was deliberate and exploratory, and Luna was gentle and delicate, Susan was passionate and wild. She thrust up with her hips with every one of his thrusts, creating a slamming sound of flesh on flesh with increasing rhythm. She finally brought her legs together, positioning her ankles be his needs and pushing her bum out to meet his thighs.
"Faster, Harry!" she insisted. He went faster as he felt the pressure build up in the base of his balls.
Suddenly her legs went rigid and her chest almost glowed with light. She did not moan, she screamed in ecstasy. "Cum now, harry! Cum now!" As if her word as the catalyst, Harry exploded within her, grunting at the incredible release.
He stayed within her for several moments as the two caught their breaths. "My god," she finally whispered. "Harry, that was so good!"
"For you and me both," he whispered. He fell down onto the bed beside her. Almost immediately she rolled on top of him. Her eyes were bright as she leaned down until her large breasts bounced just over his lips.
"Things have been a pain to me since I was fourteen years old," she said as he took first one, and then the other in his mouth. "Do you like them."
"Gods yes," he said, finally resorting to his hands to take each so he could bury his face between them. Lower, she could feel his manhood begin to stiffen.
"Already?" she whispered, surprised.
"Already," he said from between her breasts.
"I want more," she said.
"So do I."
She reached down and with only a little maneuvering he slid into her ready opening. There was no further speech, then. She did not gently rock like Hermione. She remained bent over so her breasts bounced against his face with the metronome of her body. She slammed into his sex like a hammer, again and again. The moans seemed ripped from her, and he could feel through the bond as she experienced orgasm after orgasm, almost from the moment they began. The feeling her pleasure pouring through the bond increased his own, until all too soon he came again, and they paused for a break.
After only a few minutes, she reached down a hand and grasped a full erection. "I want more," she whispered.
"As much as you like," Harry vowed.
"First, for new business..."
"Albus," Agnes said, "I do not want to hear anything more about Mr. Potter getting married. Enough.It has taken on the air of a bad joke."
"Very well, Agnes. You shan't hear it."
"What are you doing?"
"I am announcing the imminent marriage of Harry Potter, Lord Slytherin, with Daphne Greegrass, a pureblood witch of an ancient and honorable family, to be celebrated this very day at two o'clock. I was, however, speaking very quietly out of respect for your wishes."
"You're serious? This young man is actually marrying four brides?"
"Mr. Potter is the envy of the school, and a source of great pity for married men across the land," Albussaid. "Now, if there are no objections, I begin so see some light at the end of this pesky bill."
"You look tired, Harry," Neville said.
"You have no idea."
"Was it bad?"
Harry mutely shook his head.
"But she's a Hufflepuff!" Ron said.
Neville chuckled. "You've obviously never snogged a Hufflepuff girl before."
"Oy, like you have. Wait, you mean..."
"Hannah was really moved by the ceremony," Neville said with a satisfied grin on his face.
"You dog!" Ron said.
"Ron, Lavender Brown almost took your face of yesterday," Harry said. He wasn't so far gone to have missed THAT particular scene.
"Er, yeah. It's time to go, right?"
This ceremony, however, was completely different than any of the others. For one thing, the whole school was crawling with aurors. Almost half the Wizengamot was in attendance as well. Most surprisingly, though, was the presence of Professor Severus Snape and much of Slytherinhouse.
Draco Malfoy sat in the front seat and glared as Harry, Ron and Neville walked up the aisle.
It was not Amelia Bones doing the ceremony this time, but instead an ancient, withered warlock with one white-eye and a large knife hanging from his belt. His robes were black.
The doors opened and Daphne stepped forward with her father by her side. She wore a stunning dress of deep Slytherin green, strapless and backless, but with long black lace gloves that rose past her elbows. Her raven-black hair hung in delicate curls around her cheeks and neck, and her eyes were obscured by a black lace veil.
Her father led her opposite of Harry. After them came Hermione, Luna and Susan deep crimson dresses, all wearing sashes with their respective crests.
When everyone was in position, Antonius Greengrassintoned, "I present a girl of my loins, a virgin of marriageable age, pure in lineage and powerful in magic. In return for honors and a bride price of great worth, I give this child to Lord Slytherin in marriage, for her to obey and honor him, to bear his line and uphold the traditions and honors of the name. This I say on my magic."
He bowed to the old priest and sat down with the other Slytherins.
"As taught us by the ancient sorcerer Hesiod, the great virginal goddess Hecate shall bless this union with fecundity, so long as the vows are made with pure heart and flowing blood. Lord Slytherin, your hand!"
Harry took a deep, calming breath and held out his hand. He looked deep into the blue eyes of Daphne. He did not smile, and neither did she. The old priest removed the knife, and with a single swift stroke opened a cut on Harry's palm.
He fought not to wince-even expecting it, the cut hurt.
"Daphne Greengrass, of House Greengrass, your hand!"
Daphne lifted her wand hand, and the cut was repeated.
"Let the blood mingle!" the old priest intoned.
They placed their hands together. The priest then removed a small gold chalice from his belt and held it under their hands as the blood dripped down. He waved his wand over the blood and whispered an ancient Greek incantation. The room filled with shadows and dark, dark magic, only to instantly be washed away with a brilliant white.
"In the times of the Christians," the priest said, "Hecate was spoken of with fear. But she was never a goddess of darkness. Ours is not the triplicate Hecate of Athens, but the pure mother goddess of Mycenae. And in this union, she is pleased and gives her blessing. With the mingling of the blood and the blessings of the Goddess, I declare you to be Lord and Lady Slytherin!"
"What, no kiss?" Harry muttered.
"Oh, don't worry, it'll come," Daphne promised.
The party afterward was strangely muted, possibly because of all the Slytherins. At one point, Snapeaccosted Harry. "I suppose I should have known," the potions professor said."Not enough to be the Heir, you had to be different and take four brides. This will not end well for you, Potter."
"Probably not," Harry agreed. "But if it doesn't end well for me, imagine how it will end for you." He looked around the room. "I found out that Daphne was assaulted by Goyle last year. We're taking steps to protect her sister out starting this year. I know that you're a spy, Professor. I know you're doing your best to pacify both sides. But I've learned some things about Slytherin himself this summer. And about his son, the Bloody Baron.'
Snapes eyes widened at that bit of news.
"What I'm trying to say is that Lord Slytherinwill not be pleased if any further assaults occur within his house."
"His house?"
"Try to keep me out and see what happens," Harry said coldly. "Hogwart will tell me if any student is assaulted like that, and I will be there in an instant. There won't be any expulsions, Professor. But there will be punishment. Tell that to your students. Lord Slytherin has a lot of vile history to atone for." Harry turned away, but paused. "One more thing, Professor.I...some of the memories I've gained from Slytherinhave made me feel sullied, but some I think could be of particular use. Especially of his research into protean charms. If you ever decide to openly declare for the light, I might be able to do something about that unfortunate tattoo of yours."
Snape stared, for once caught without any smart reply.
The party ended earlier than usual, but much to the relief of all it ended peacefully. Harry and Daphne retreated to their suite where the other girls waited. One by one, they welcomed Daphne with hugs. The Slytheringirl accepted them with grace, and then showed them her hand. "It's already healed. You did that, Potter?"
Harry shrugged. "I didn't even mean to."
"It comes in handy later," Hermione assured her.
"I'll bet," Daphne said. She grabbed Harry by the tie. "Well come on, Potter, let's get this over with."
When the door closed behind them, Luna giggled. "I like her."
Inside, Daphne didn't even bother with the bathroom. "Real women don't need to switch," she said. She sat him down on the bed. "Help me get all this off."
So he rolled off her long gloves, kissing her arm as he went.
"Hmm," she said with a languid smile as he started working on the second arm,"looks like they trained you well."
Before he went any further, she reached into her bodice and removed a vial."Drink this."
Harry eyed it warily. "What is it?"
"This is your fourth wedding night in as many days. What do you think it is?"
"Pepper-up potion?"
She nodded as she shrugged completely out of her dress, and all the lacy lingerie underneath it. As beautiful as all the girls were, she really was the sexiest.
Harry put the potion aside. "I don't need it," he said.
"It's your body. No, strike that, it's my body. At least for tonight. Now get naked, Potter, and show me that tattoo."
When this task was accomplished, this beautiful raven-haired beauty gently took his foot in her hand and brought the tattoo to her lips. She gave it afull kiss, and the shock of their bond instantly snapped into place, rocking both of them.
"Susan was right," she muttered. "She said the moment she kissed your foot you started shagging like bunnies all night."
"Just about," Harry confirmed.
"Hermione and Luna both said you did other things for them first."
He nodded. "That was fun too."
She slowly, deliberately began undoing the strings of her corset. She pulled it away, revealing perfectly round, pert breasts tipped by pink nubs just crying for Harry'slips. Just as deliberately she undid her garters and pulled down her stockings, and then finally her panties. Her public hair was as black as her raven locks, but shorn close and into a perfect circle just above the folds of her sex.
She stood before him, and whispered, "I want you to taste me."
Harry found his mouth already watering with the desire. He felt to his needs and leaned forward until his lips were on her clitoris, and his tongue buried in the folds of her. He felt her hands on his head, and smiled as she pushed her bum out and spread her legs just the slightest amount to ease his access. "Harry," she whispered as he buried his face into her.
Her orgasm shook them both, it came so strong. With gentle pulls she guided him back to his feet before she kissed his wet, salty lips. "Harry," she whispered, "I've always had a fantasy. I want my first time to be like that."
"Tell me."
She slipped around him until she stood next to the bed. She placed both hands on the covers and leaned over. Her beautiful, perfectly shaped ass hung ready and inviting. "Take me from behind, Harry," she whispered.
He pushed against her, his shaft rubbing against her enlarged, inviting labia. "I've not done it like this," he admitted.
"Me neither." She reached down between her own legs until she felt his shaft, and then positioned it until he slid into her. She stiffened at first, but once against the warm power of his healing touch washed over her. "Yes," she whispered as at last he was able to slide into her without pain.
"Now, Harry," she said. "I don't want to make gentle love. I want you to grab my hips and shag me like there's no tomorrow."
His palms fit over her hips and he pushed into her. She lifted up on her tip-toes even as she leaned her head down on the cover. The whole world distilled down to his shaft driving into her ass. It was the pure physical, and he let it drive him as he grabbed onto her and pounded into her body for all he was worth.
She groaned and cried out, and once again he could feel her orgasm, then orgasm again and again. He groaned himself as he exploded inside her. Finally, spent, the two collapsed on the bed. He did not pull out of her, though, and she did not want him to.
"As good as your fantasies?"
"I don't know," Daphne said. "That was just the beginning."
"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for attending this special weekend meeting of the Wizengamot.I believe that we are finally ready for a vote on the bill."
"You mean you don't want to talk about Harry Potter getting married any more?" Agnes asked.
"Not at this time," Dumbledore said. "Why, did you want to talk about him?"
"No, for Merlin's sake! Let's get this blasted bill done."
The bill passed after a week of negotiations and revisions. "Ladies and gentlemen, very well done! The bill is passed! And now that that time is done, I would like to mention that Harry Potter is going to marry Ginny Weasley this afternoon in a private ceremony at Hogwarts. Thank you."
As the members of the Wizengamot stared in shock, Albus Dumbledore quickly departed from the chamber.
"So Daphne?"
"Yeah," Harry sighed.
"Is any one of them any better than the others?"
Harry shrugged. "They were all wonderful."
"Sounds like a cop out," Ron said.
"Sounds like he's learning wisdom," Neville countered.
"And my little sister is next," Ron said. He looked at Harry. "Look, mate, Iknow we've had problems of late. But....well... if you...don't hurt her, Harry. Please don't hurt my sister."
"I could not more hurt her than I could hurt myself," Harry said. "I promise you that, Ron, as your friend and your brother. I love her, and I will always care for her."
Ron nodded. "Okay, let's go get you hitched. Again."
Almost all the Gryffindors were in attendance again, this time accompanied by all the Weasleys. Ginny must have had words with her older brothers. Bill and Charlie were stone-faced, but they weren't hexing Harry yet. Once more Amelia Bones served as their minister, and he turned to wait expectantly as the doors opened. GinnyWeasley stood in a pearl dress lined in an intricate web of lace. She carried dark-red roses against her bosom. Arrayed behind her were her four soon-to-be sister wives, all resplendent in crimson dresses, each decorated with their house sash.
Arthur Weasley stood nearby, watching his little girl march up the aisle. He had no final words for his daughter or Harry, but simply stood watching, as if transfixed. Harry understood the feeling.
Ginny was beautiful, as beautiful as any of the girls around her. She hugged her father and took her place by Harry, while the other wives lined up behind her. Surprisingly, Bill and Charlie, without even a glance, stood and assumed positions behind Neville and Ron, giving balance.
Harry looked Ginny in the eye as the vows were exchanged. "Are you sure about this?" he whispered during one of the minister's speeches.
"I've never been more sure."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
Finally, he kissed the bride, and as their lips and magic merged with the same power as his other wives, Harry realized that Ginny belonged as much as they did, if not more. "Hello, Mrs. Potter," he said after they broke.
"Hello, Mr. Potter," Ginny grinned back with a tear in her eye.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, I am pleased to present you Lord and Lady Harry James Potter."
The applause was so resounding, that they did not even hear the thud at first.
Harry did not need to hear it, though, to feel something was wrong. He could feel it in the air around him. It felt as if Hogwarts itself was warning him of something.
Suddenly the double doors of the great hall exploded inward with a bellowing roar. Not one, but five massive green trolls shambled in. In their center stood five figures in black robes, led by a maniacally grinning BellatrixLestrange. "And you didn't even invite me, Potter?"she said with a laugh.
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