Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter and the Four Founders
Harry Potter and the Four Founders
(#) dhampirkinfolk 2010-04-22
I don't know if it's your fault, or just another of the multitude of things that's wrong with ficwad, but there's a chunk of story missing from chapter 12 part one. Luna's wedding is not there. And there is no formatting at all in chapter 11. Makes it a bitch to read. You may want to look into that.Harry Potter and the Four Founders
(#) cah11 2010-04-24
i agree with dhampirkinfolk, if you were to rectify those mistake you would have a 5 star fic in my opinion, also watch your word spacing, some words ended up smashed together with no spaces at random intervals thought the story. my advice, either find a beta, or read your storiesthrough one more time before posting.Harry Potter and the Four Founders
(#) Myroastbeefa 2010-05-13
I agree with the previous two.
But I would also like to say that I've read this story before and I swear it was longer. Did you format it?Harry Potter and the Four Founders
(#) wapitibull 2011-06-20
This is one of rhe better stories I've read. Yes, I would have liked more on Luna's wedding night. It was glaringly absent. But a flsh back later in the story would fix that. Some of the word spacing was absent, but not a story killer.
I'm hoping for more of this story, & also hoping that it will be in the near future.Harry Potter and the Four Founders
(#) Arkarian23 2012-06-20
I've enjoyed reading this, looking forward to future chapters.Harry Potter and the Four Founders
(#) HungerGamesFan17 2013-12-08
I really liked it. Please write more.Harry Potter and the Four Founders
(#) Graybear32 2014-02-28
Even though you have the unfortunate tendancy to run your words together it still show that you have quite a bit of insight to your subect. well done and continue it soon.Harry Potter and the Four Founders
(#) MarvinKitFox 2015-10-25
This isavery good storypityabout the spacingthat isso erraticat times.
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