Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > God Help Us

What Am I Here For Then? - Chapter Twelve

by EvieSaunders 3 reviews

'"I believe you about all the things you have seen..."'

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-04-25 - Updated: 2010-04-25 - 869 words

Chapter Twelve:

"Okay, so I'm going to go. I'll be back in about" Gerard checked his watch and then looked back up at me. "... half an hour."
I nodded my head and smiled as Gerard kissed my forehead and then turned to leave the room.
"I'll see you later" Frank said taking my hand and kissing it. "My Princess"
"Get out Frank!" I joked as I looked over to Lucy who looked rather impatient.
"Bye!" Mikey, Bob and Ray said as they followed their girlfriends out the door who were waving hysterically.
I laughed to myself and then turned to Lucy.
She was wearing plain black skinny fit jeans and a baggy I 'heart' NY Tee.
"I like your top" I said smiling.
I felt quite uncomfortable around her.
"Thanks..." She replied looking down at her feet.
"So you wanted to tell or ask me something?"
Lucy nodded her head and sat up a little in her chair.
"I believe you"
"You believe what?"
A swarm of butterflies entered my stomach.
"I believe you about all the things you have seen..."
I interrupted.
"Look, Lucy. I don't need you to believe me out of sympathy."
"I almost died last year. My heart failed. And when I was dead for however long that was, I was told by a angel that 'Tuesday needs you to live'. And here I am now"
I stared at Lucy, my mouth wide open. Could I believe what I was hearing?
"A-W- What?"
"You have to believe me"
There was a slight sound of pleading in her voice, I reached out and took her hand in mine.
"I do believe you, Lucy. I saw God. He gave me the choice to live or die. He took back the bad things that happened so I was given another chance to change things."
Lucy was beginning to cry. I smiled.
"I'm so happy I'm not mad" Lucy said, laughing through the crying.
I wanted to tell her about Gerard and how I could have seen the murderer of my boyfriend, but it could wait.
Lucy leaned forward and pulled me into a hug. I smiled and rested my chin on her shoulder.
"I wonder what you have to help me with." I mumbled into her shirt.
"Maybe I'm here to help you heal."
I nodded my head, but that wasn't it. That, I had come to believe, was Gerards job.
Just as I pulled back from Lucy Gerard walked in. I looked up at him. He looked extremely happy.
"What is it?" I asked, pulling myself together.
"You can leave after you fill in these"
Gerard walked over with some papers attached to a clip board and a pen. Lucy stood and brushed her jeans down.
"I should go" she said, looking from me to Gerard and smiling.
"Oh wait!" I called out to her as she became closer to the door. "Gerard, get out your phone!"
Gerard pulled out his phone and handed it to me. I looked at it for a second. Not knowing how to use it and handed it to Lucy.
"Put your number in, I'll call you"
Lucy nodded her head and flipped it up, punching in her number.
"Here..." She said holding out the phone, not knowing who to give it to. Me or Gerard. Gerard took it and put it in his pocket. I raised my hand and waved Lucy goodbye.
Once she was gone Gerard perched himself next to me.
"The guys and girls are outside waiting. Just sign these and then we're going back to my place."
I looked down at the paper and handed it to Gerard.
"Can you fill it in for me?" I pleaded with puppy dog eyes.
Gerard rolled his eyes and took the pen, filling in the empty spaces for me.
"Oh, your middle name is now Gerard"
"Tuesday Gerard Davis?" I repeated, bursting out laughing.
A nurse then walked in and looked at Gerard who was laughing with me. She turned and smiled at me, taking my wrist without a word and pulled the I.V cord out. I winced and pulled my hand back from her sharply.
"You can leave now. Your clothes are over there" She said glancing over to my clothes on the table by the window.
She left and I got up and walked over to my clothes. My legs felt weak but I was tough and was able to do it.
"Want me to leave?" Gerard said looking up from the papers.
"Nah, its okay. Its like seeing me in a bikini"
I shrugged my shoulders and took off the hospitals provided night gown, revealing my red bra and panties.
I then quickly pulled on my skinnies and t-shirt and picked up my D.Ms. I turned around to see Gerard staring at me and chose to ignore him, turning around and laughing a little to myself.
"I'm free!" I said waving my arms up in the air.
"Lets go then" He said getting up and putting his arm around my waist for support.
I didn't argue with it and left the room.
"Lets go back to my place" Gerard said as he handed in the forms.
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