Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > God Help Us

Laughter Is The Best Medicine - Chapter Eleven

by EvieSaunders 4 reviews

'I burst out laughing and clapped my hands together as I did so...'

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2010-04-23 - Updated: 2010-04-23 - 1175 words

Chapter Eleven:

"You feeling any better today?" A nurse asked as she plumped the pillow behind my bandaged head.
"I feel fine, like yesterday and the day before that. Please let me go home."
I had been here for three days now and they weren't letting me go home. My Dad was again unable to leave work. I was starting to think that I would be better off without one.
Brooke had come and seen me yesterday, said goodbye and rushed off to New York. I was just happy she was okay.
"We'll let you out as soon as your head heals up."
I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms and made a 'humph' noise. The nurse just smiled and walked to the door.
"You have a visitor" She said before leaving the room.
My face perked up and I quickly fluffed up my hair which had turned greasy from the lack of washing it, thanks to the damn gash in my head.
Gerard walked in with a bunch of flowers and sat down in the chair beside my bed. He'd been by my side ever since I was put in here, but a few hours ago he had to go to change his clothes and shower.
"Hello, Tues. You look better than you did earlier."
He handed the flowers to me and I brought them up to my nose and smelt them. The smell reminded me of summer. I smiled and hid my face by tilting my head so my hair fell down my right side of it. I felt myself blush.
"Don't hide..." Gerard said, a slight hint of pain in his voice. "Your pretty face keeps me going"
I snorted and let out a little chuckle. Gerard pushed my hair back behind my ear and then sat back.
"Frank and the others are coming over soon."
"How lovely, I miss those guys."
"Yeah, they would have hung out more, but with school and all."
I shrugged my shoulders. I understood.
"Oh! Which reminds me!" I said pulling out a piece of paper folded up from under my pillow and handing it to him.
"What's this?" he asked, turning the paper around in his hands.
"I'm dropping out of school"
Gerards face dropped and he sat forward in his seat and put his head in his hands and sighed.
"Why's this then?"
"I think it's the right thing to do"
I remembered how happy I was after I dropped out of school when I lived with Gerard. No waking up in the morning and then making my way to school, where everyone knew my face and private life.
"You need to go to school Tues."
"No. I don't, Gee. I don't need school with what I'm going to do. All I need is my talent."
"And whats that?"
I froze. For a second I swore I could see a bright shining light above Gerards head. I stared where I had seen it and sat silent.
Gerard waved his hand in front of my face, breaking me from my trance.
"What's wrong?"
Gerard reached his hand up and flattened down his hair on top of his head. He must have thought I was staring at a kink in his hair.
"Oh... nothing..."
Just as I finished my sentence Bob came bursting in, falling onto my bed, followed by Ray jumping on top of him. I thrusted my legs into my chest and let out a little giggle.
"GIVE ME MY CAR KEYS BACK!" Ray screamed at Bob who was laughing in hysterics.
Frank jumped into the room with his arm linked with Mikeys.
"I've been rooting for you two to get together" Gerard teased.
Mikey snatched his arm from Frank, Frank looked down at the floor and moped.
"Jamie, Sam and Amanda are on the way, their in the gift shop. They saw stuffed animals or something..." Mikey said, walking over to me and pulling me into a hug.
"Tuesdays dropping out of school." Gerard randomly said.
Ray fell off on Bob with his car keys in his hand and Bob sat up and stared at me.
"I'LL TELL YOU WHY! IT'S A WASTE OF FUCKING TIME!" Frank yelled, his hand up in the air in a 'power' pose.
I nodded my head agreeing. I knew Frank would say this. This conversation had happened before. Only it was at Gerards house and Bob and Ray were fighting over the last cookie.
"Frank..." Bob began, reaching up and pulling Franks hand down.
"He's right. I'm done wasting time."
"I don't need school. I'm going to be a famous guitar player!" Frank said breaking into a amusing air guitar solo on the end of my bed.
Jamie, Sam and Amanda walked in though the door, arms full of gifts.
"TUESDAY!" They squealed together.
I hadn't seen them since the day I woke up, two days ago. I hugged them as they hugged me and let out a deep sigh. I had missed them.
"Here, this is for you. We all chipped in" Amanda said smiling widely as she handed me a stuffed toy squirrel.
"MY FAVOURITE!" I squealed as I hugged it close to my chest.
Damn I loved squirrels.
Jamie linked hands with Mikey, reaching up and kissing his cheek. Amanda found her way into Rays lap on the floor and snuggled up close to his chest and Sam sat crossed legged infront of Bob, who kept kissing her on the top of her head. I sighed, missing the feeling to be loved. To be touched. To be kissed.
"I feel left out!" I mumbled to Frank and Gerard, who quickly caught on and climbed into my bed either side and pulling me into them, both rapping one arm around me. I snuggled up to them.
I couldn't help but treat them how I did when we had gotten so close.
Sam pulled her hands up to make a little camera and made a click sound as she pretended to press the button on top. She aimed it at all three of us.
"CLICK! That is so cute you three!"
"Oh!" Jamie burst out, pulling away from Mikey who was about to kiss her.
Mikey rolled his eyes and let go of her and then smiled.
"Lucy's coming to visit you later. She want to talk to you."
I nodded my head and turned away as Jamie turned back to Mikey and locked lips with him. Frank shock me a little round the shoulders and snuggled his nose into my ear. I giggled and cringed away as it tickled.
"You and Lucy, huh?" he whispered into my ear.
I burst out laughing and clapped my hands together as I did so.
I don't know how, but whenever I was with this lot, I laughed and felt more alive than I ever had.
I playfully hit Frank on the arm and rested my head on Gerards shoulder.
I was hoping Lucy would stop by.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter :D R&R??
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