Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Appetite For Destruction

Nothing To Say

by MyFamousLastWords 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2010-04-26 - Updated: 2010-04-26 - 884 words

Holy God Damn. It's back, and I've got a shit load of editing to do with this story. It's a joke. I never realised how I fucked this up. And please, to the person (or people) who keep rating the chapters "boring" chapter after chapter, what's the point in coming back, reading it, then rating it boring if the previous chapter was also boring? OHHHH THE HORRORR. How about leave a review with it too?

Zeke's P.O.V
“Oh shut up!” I shouted to Christa while searching the fridge for a bottle of WKD.
“Don’t you dare talk to me like that! I welcomed you into our home and fed you! Your dad said you weren’t allowed to drink Zeke!” Christa screeched back.
“Suck my dick” I muttered, finding the bottle and retreating back into the living room.

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve came out of hospital. I should be going back to Ireland soon, but I’m not. My parents back in Ireland want me to come back so I don’t OD or “fall into the wrong crowd” or doing anything else that I’ve been doing again. Ray has gone over the weekend to Ireland to sort out legal documents and the whatnot with my parents and a whole bunch of lawyers. I may be officially back in America again.
They asked me what I wanted, and I nearly laughed in their faces. It’s not like they’re going to take it into prospective. It’s always the same way with adults, they’ll do it the way they want because “it’s best for you” and more than likely it is, they’ve had all that experience and whatever waffle they ramble on about, but with my experience, they’ve never been right.

I suppose I’ll be ripped away from my boyfriend, Josh and the rest of my friends, but I’ve did it plenty of times, so why should this be any different?
I haven’t seen Dom since I’ve came out of hospital, I don’t know where he is or if anything has happened to him, and I’m not sure if I care or not. America has turned me into a bitter, cold hearted bastard. Yes, lets keep with that excuse.

Christa stomped into the living-room and snatched the alcohol out of my hand, mumbling something about “bring young, self control, and sobriety,” I honestly can say I hate that woman. Ray has me in AA meetings, Christa wanted me in the whole lot, NA meetings, CA meetings, complete full rehab to get me out of her house. They tried to make me keep a “clean diary.” It’s taking it’s toll on me, but I’m slowly doing it and I don’t even know why.

I shook my head and sauntered to my room, falling face first on my bed and going to sleep.


I felt a warm body pressed against mine from behind, figuring it was Ray’s dog as it usually is (yeah, I get a lot of action) I glance at the clock. Ten-thirty. I grumble and turn around to pet the dog, only to see a disgusting scene kid laying there.
“Zeke!” Josh jumped on me, causing me to go flying onto the floor.
“Holy fuck! How --”
“Don’t ask questions for now! Just let me feel you” Josh said quietly, he pulled me up onto my bed and lay on my chest. I could almost physically feel my stomach bubble with guilt.
“I’ve missed you so much” Josh looked into my eyes, “but you need to shower. Go,” and he removed himself from me.

I pranced down the stairs, Josh following, and got into the shower.
“Why can’t I come in?” I heard Josh whine.
“Go away pervert” I called back.
I quickly got showered and dressed and hopped into the kitchen.
“You” I pointed my finger at Ray, “it was you,” he chuckled and patted my head.
“Thought I’d be doing you a favour”
“I fucking love you” I hug him, “honestly, I didn’t think I’d be so glad. Hell, I didn’t think I’d be this happy again, it’s like something just dramatically changed, thank you.”
“No problem, but I’ll need a word with you later” he smiled and walked out of the kitchen.

Hearing my phone ring, I look around for it and find it on the counter.
“Zeke?” came Josh’s voice.
“….yes?” I frowned in confusion, why was Josh phoning me?
“I’m lost in your house”
I dropped my phone and began to laugh uncontrollably, “I can hear you” came Josh’s voice from somewhere in the house, seconds later he comes walking slowly into the kitchen, “shut up, it’s a really big house” he whimpered.

I shook off my laughter and took his hand, taking him outside into the garden, beside the pool. I lay on my back, squinting up at the sun. Josh sits on top of me, his legs on either side of me, I take his hands in mine, pulling him down and softly kissing his lips.

Josh broke away, “you’ve got a lot to tell me.”
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