Categories > Books > Harry Potter > YOU DON’T ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU ASK FOR
The Merging
49 reviewsAnother dimensional cross-over Harry? A Dark Grey Harry and a very innocent one combine when Voldemort tries to bend a Light Ceremony to his will. Hopefully not cliché-ridden.
(#) aredphxbird2 2010-04-21
I like this storyline because it has great potential if written well.I like the Harry with backbone,I cant wait to see Dummbledore's reaction when they meet again.Keep up the good work.YOU DON’T ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU ASK FOR
(#) AlaskanKing 2010-04-21
This is going to be a fun story to read. I could see where this would be like Reptilia's "Light's Hope, Death Hunters", Where Harry and Hermione become mercenaries.
As for ships, of course this would be a H/Hr, but maybe add a couple others. They could form a task force. I have always liked Daphne Greengrass and Susan Bones. I could see where both of those would add much to any force. They know both sides of the Pureblood politics (light and dark) and who's who in society.
You could also add Neville with Hannah.
Looking forward to reading more.YOU DON’T ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU ASK FOR
(#) an0n07 2010-04-21
Good to see you back in the business. I've been enjoying your stories for a while, and look forward to much more enjoyment.YOU DON’T ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU ASK FOR
(#) naraic 2010-04-21
If its not going to be HHR what will be the pairing. Or shall it be HHR with no that isn;t focused on in the writing.Author's response
It shall be H/Hr, but the relationship is not the focus of the storyYOU DON’T ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU ASK FOR
(#) Brian64 2010-04-21
..and the doctor is back!
I must say, I've always been a sucker for a good redo or independent Harry fic, and this one looks like it has the makings of a good one.
GoF is probably my favourite book in the series (followed by OoTP), so I'll be looking forward to seeing what stays the same and what changes. I noted the comments in reviews that the H/Hr won't be a major focus - that's cool, but I hope it won't be too minor either. :D
(#) sparky40sw 2010-04-21
When I really want a good read, it is nearly always back to DrT that I go.
This promises to be another story that I will treasure.
I particularly enjoy the forthright honesty of Harry and Hermione expressing their feelings for one another.
(#) Teresa 2010-04-21
It's good to see another of your stories Dr T! Voldy and Dumbles won't know what's hit them! Hmmm....even though Harry might not take care of Crouch, Junior at the World Cup there's no reason for him to let the other Death Idiots off easily, is there? Thanks for the chapter! :)YOU DON’T ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU ASK FOR
(#) MonCappy 2010-04-21
"Oh, grow up. I'm quite fond of H/Hr myself, particularly DrT's mature and calm take on it and HHL in tales less explicit than ReOrdered, but I'd rather see T continue to explore and grow as a fanfic writer, and thus continue to give us the benefit of his writing. Or need I remind you that he shut down, nominally for good, a year or so ago? Maybe now we see why."
There's nothing immature about that comment made by Bringhimup. I can easily sympathize with that view as Harry / Hermione is my preferred pairing. There's nothing wrong with choosing to not read this story due to a lack of emphasis on Harry and Hermione's romantic prospects with each other.
Having said that, I am still interested in this story and look forward to the next update.YOU DON’T ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU ASK FOR
(#) naraic 2010-04-21
Sweet, I'm really looking forward to this story now best of luck doctor. H/HR is in my opinion the only ship that you can have without focusing on relationships. That is to say they work so well as a pairing that you don't really need to show them developing into a couple in order for the emotional side of the story to be satisfactory.YOU DON’T ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU ASK FOR
(#) karl131058 2010-04-21
GREAT beginnig, I'm very much looking forward for fast updates (pretty please?)
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