Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts > Kingdom hearts III Masters of the Keyblades

Romance on the islands

by Necrophiliac666 0 reviews

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Kairi,Sora - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2010-05-02 - Updated: 2010-05-02 - 2145 words

Kingdom Hearts belongs to Square Enix and Disney. OCs and plot belongs to me
Romance on the islands
AN: The title says it all, if you aren't into all that fluff stuff then you might not like this chapter. This world will be nice and peaceful...Yeah right. We all know who the antagonist for this world is, right?

Hojo: Yes, and I can hardly wait for my specimens to arrive.

Yeah, whatever. Thank you Grey VS Ale for the review. Anyway let's get onto the chapter

"It's too hot!" Sam complained as him, Sora, Donald, Goofy, Riku and Kairi walked along the shore. Sam reached into his pocket and pulled out two things, the first was a cigarette which he put in his mouth and lit with magic, the second was an object that looked like a Mobil phone. Sam pushed a few buttons and held it to his head, "Squall, where should we start looking first"

"I don't know. We'll keep monitoring the world on the radars to see if we can find something that doesn't belong. In the meantime, see what you can find" Leon replied over the device

Sam put it into his pocket, "I suppose we should just look around. Lets split up" They did so, all six of them went different directions, "Sora, I need to talk to you" Sora stopped and turned to him

"What?" Sora asked

"Have you tried using magic yet?"

"Yeah, but nothing happened" Sora replied

"I think I know why" Sam stated


"When someone doesn't connect with there magic, logically it will get weaker. And eventually it will become disconnected and you won't be able to use it"

"I guess it has been awhile since I tried to use it last" Sora said, "So how do I get it back?"

"Hold still" Sam said as he reached up and pocked Sora in the head, he removed his index finger and there was a small, green mark there where Sam's finger was. The mark soon vanished; suddenly Sora was struck by an enormous sensation. Sora could fell his magic, the sensation vanished, "Some of your magic has been returned to you, and the rest will come in time. However there are other things I want to talk to you about"

"Like what?" Sora asked

"What exactly are you trying to accomplish" Sam asked

"I'm trying to find these guys, oh, and I need to become a Keyblade master"

"I already know that, and a good thing I do with your level of detail. What I mean is how do you plan on accomplishing that?" Sam stated

"Well, I guess I'm just going to check every world"

"That could take years to check every world." Sam stated, "Sora, everyone looks up to you as a leader. You need a more solid strategy then this. You can't just go around impaling everyone you see with your Keyblade and hope to strike gold"

"What else can I do?" Sora asked

"Think about it. These Puroguramu that we are looking for do not belong, and as such there are traits that well identify them, some visible, some not so much. Go somewhere quiet and think things over. The cave would be a good place, after all, most humans are afraid of the darker depths of the worlds" When he said this, Sam walked off, smirked, "Well, the first part of the plan is set, now where is Kairi?"


"So, how long will you be here?" Selphie asked

"I don't know" Kairi replied

"So, did you tell him?"

"No" Kairi

"Why not?!"

"The right opportunity never showed up"

"Oh, you're hopeless" Selphie joked

"Hey" a voice called which made Kairi and Selphie turn

"Riku, what does he want" Selphie wondered out loud as Riku approached the two

"Did you find anything?" Riku asked, Kairi shock her head, "Alright, I was going to check the cave"

"Why didn't you" Kairi asked

"I thought I saw something leave the island, I'm going to go check it out" Riku stated

"Alright, you check off the island and I'll go to the island and I'll look around the cave" Kairi said

"Alright" Riku said as he ran off, "Alright Sam, I done my part. Now just get Sora to that cave"

Sora sat at the end of the dark cave. There were pictures all over the cave wall; the one Sora focused on was that which was drawn by him and Kairi when they were young children, it showed there faces, later Sora added him giving a star object to Kairi, the star was a Paopu fruit. Later Kairi did the same with her own picture.

Sora sighed, "Kairi, I feel so many things. What should I do?" Sora closed his eyes

"Hey" Sora opened his eyes and as if on queue, Kairi was there, smiling

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Sora asked

"Just looking around" Kairi replied as she looked at the pictures on the wall, mainly the one of her and Sora, "Selphie's right, it's now or never" Kairi walked towards Sora who was leaning against the wall, "That star, it's a Paopu fruit right?

"...Yeah" Sora hesitantly replied

Kairi's grin widened as she dropped to her knees and crawled the last few centimetres between her and Sora, she crawled in between the gap of Sora's legs. They looked each other in the eyes before Kairi's smile faded and she looked to the side, "Sora. Do me?"

Sora widened his eyes slightly. What did she just ask? Well, there was no point in denying it, "Yeah"

Kairi's smile returned as she looked up at Sora again before she closed the gap between them. There foreheads connected them, Kairi closed her eyes and pushed her lips onto his. Sora's eyes widened fully for a few seconds before he closed them. Kairi allowed both their Tung's to met for half a minute before braking away

"I think they might have tricked us" Kairi said blushing

"Kairi" Sora began, "Do you want to be my girlfriend

Kairi blushed even redder then before, she smiled, "Yes!" She replied almost instantly

This made Sora blush, "Kairi, I" Kairi interrupted Sora with another kiss before braking away, her lips were only a few miler meters away from his

"Let's just enjoy this for a bit longer" After saying that, their lips met again, both their faces were a bright crimson, and neither could have been happier

Neither Kairi nor Sora knew just how long they spent in the cave as they came out into the bright island holding hands. Sam, Riku, Donald and Goofy were all waiting at the entrance

"Hey, what are you all doing here?" Sora asked

"Waiting for you" Sam replied as he reached up to a tree and pulled off a fruit

"What's that" Goofy asked

"Its mine, that's what it is" Sam said as he took a bite out of it

"It's a paopu fruit" Riku said

"A what" Donald asked

"A paopu fruit" Kairi repeated, "It's said that if two people shear one then their destinies will be intertwined"

Sam's eyes shot wide open, he quickly spat out the fruit that was in his mouth before dropping the rest of it, "What the hell, you could have told me that sooner?!" Sam crushed the fruit under his foot

"Arrgh!" A voice screamed

"What the?" Sora questioned

"Selphie!" Kairi exclaimed as she ran in the direction that the scream came from, letting go of Sora's hand

"Hey Kairi, hold on!" Sora called, "Come on, lets go after her" Sora ran after her and was followed by Sam, Riku, Donald and Goofy

They ran up the beach and soon caught up to Kairi. The six rushed forward away from the ocean towards the tropical trees

After about five minutes, two figures came into view. The first was a man dressed in a white lab coat with black hair pulled back into a ponytail. The man was looking at the second figure which looked like a Heartless, it had a heartless emblem on its head and its abdominal was a cage with none other then Selphie in it (The cage drainer. Like a more powerful version of the Heartless fought in Monstro on KH1)

"Kairi, Sora, Riku. Help!" Selphie shouted out, when she did the man turned around

"So you have finally arrived princess" He said with a smile

"Hojo" Sam spat with disgust in his voice

Hojo's smile widened if possible, "Sam Heartily, how long has it been. I was afraid he killed you"

Sam scaled. He always hated this man, for as long as he could remember.

Sam could remember that day when he was no older than two. It was the first time he ever met Ansem, unfortunately it was the day he met Hojo, a fellow scientist. Sam sat in the corner of the office while his father and Ansem discussed business. Sam was too young to understand what exactly at the time. He remembered a knock coming at the door. The door opened and Hojo was there.

Ansem, I was thinking about the up coming experiment. Maybe we should" Hojo stopped talking as he saw Sam in the corner of the room. He smiled at the boy

"The boy" Hojo said as he approached Sam

"What are you doing?!" Ansem demanded

"My scientific duty" Hojo replied as Sam looked up at him afraid with his red eyes, the same his grandmother Julia had

"What are you talking about?!"

"You've heard the people. They're afraid, that it might get loose" Hojo stated, "But if we capture it, we can experiment and maybe take that power for our own"

"That is enough, leave immediately!"

"No" Hojo grabbed at Sam however stopped as a blade was placed at his throat

"You don't want to do that" Squall calmly said

"Fool!" Hojo exclaimed, "You will regret this, one day the demon well be free, and he well destroy everything"

"What are you doing here?!" Sam spat

"I am finishing what Ansem and your father stopped all those years ago"

"But why here?!" Donald yelled

"Because I needed to pick this one up and take her back to base"

"You're with the Heartless?!" Sora summoned his Keyblade

"You tell me" Hojo smiled as he flicked his fingers. Suddenly, the ground exploded and launched Kairi and Sam into the air. Two more cage drainers jumped up and caged the two in midair

"Kairi!" Sora yelled

"What about me!!" Sam shouted

Hojo laughed as he grabbed on to the Cage drainer with Selphie in as it lifted into the air and all three flew off in different directions. Suddenly, a large group of Heartless appeared consisting of Shadows, Soldiers and Large Bodies.

"Damn it" Riku mumbled as he summoned his Keyblade, Donald and Goofy pulled out their own weapons

"Hold on Kairi" Sora thought before he jumped at the Heartless

Sora brought his Kingdom key down on a Shadow, slaying it. A Large Body came charging at Sora however he dodged rolled out of the way easily only to be slashed by a Soldier. His cloths absorbed the majority of the attack; quickly Sora recovered from the attack and brought his Keyblade down on the Soldier, slaying it.

Riku jumped over a large body and slashed way of the dawn upon its back, slaying it. A soldier jumped at Riku however he lunged his Keyblade forward and impaled the Heartless before it vanished in darkness. Suddenly a large body came charging forward and smashed in to Riku, sending him flying. Riku spun up right in midair, as he landed; Riku slashed a shadow, slaying it.

Goofy lunged forward and smashed his shield into a Shadow and slew it. A Soldier jumped at Goofy however he put his shield in front of him and the Heartless collided with it and fell to the ground. Goofy's Knightly ways forced him to allow his enemy to get up but when it did, Goofy smashed his shield into it and slew it.

Donald cast a thunder spell which destroyed the remaining Soldiers' and Shadows' as well as significantly damaging the remaining three large bodies. Donald fired a blizzard spell at a large body. After that, Donald fired two fire spells and destroyed the last of the Heartless

"Come on, we have to save Kairi" Sora stated

"And Sam and Selphie" Goofy added

"Right" After saying that, Sora, Riku, Donald and Goofy ran in the direction that one of the Cage drainers flew. Sora hoped with all his heart that it was the Heartless with his new girlfriend in it.

AN: Poor Sam, first he gets thrown through a window and now this. Oh well. Looks like we have a bit of trouble to deal with before our heroes can get on to their mission. Please Review.
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