Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts > Kingdom hearts III Masters of the Keyblades

Trouble on the island

by Necrophiliac666 0 reviews

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Kairi,Sora - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2010-05-07 - Updated: 2010-05-08 - 2198 words

AN: Thank you Grey VS Ale for informing me of my spelling error. I changed it; I hope it was the only one, strange that I missed it though. So as you know, Kairi, Selphie and Sam have been kidnapped by Hojo to be experimented on. Can Sora and Co save them before they get carved up like dissection frogs? Thank you Grey VS Ale and Transitions end for the review. Oh I forgot the disclaimer. I don't own Kingdom hearts; it belongs to Disney and Square Enix. I do however own OCs and plot.
Trouble on the island

The four continued to run, they had made there way half way across the island. The odd Shadow and Soldier Heartless appeared to try and stop them but Sora quickly disposed of them with speed and strength neither Donald nor Goofy knew he possessed, Riku wasn't really paying attention. Sora didn't want to admit it but he had lost the Heartless they were pursuing however he kept going, he refused to admit that he had lost Kairi. Finally he ran out of energy and collapsed. When he did he slammed his fist into the sand

"Kairi, I'm sorry" Sora couldn't hold back his emotions, "Kairi!"

"Kairi, Kairi, Kairi. That's all he cares about. He couldn't care less about you"

"So what" Sam retorted, "If I cared about what others thought of me then I would have killed myself years ago" Sam puffed away at a newly lit Cigarette, "Where's Ansem?"

"What do you need him for?!"

"No need to get so defensive, you just get boring after awhile"

"How dare you talk to me like that! Did you forget who you are talking to? If it wasn't for me you would be dead! Who was it who saved your sorry ass from that fire?


"And who protected you from the Heartless when your world was taken?"


"And who was it that remained with you when everyone else turned there back on you"

"Alright, I get the picture" Sam stated, "You think we'll go back to there base"

"No, they'll probably just carve you up"

"In that case, Sora better do something. I can't believe I have to have someone save my ass like some little bitch"

"Yeah you're like a little princess"

"Shut it"

Donald, Goofy and Riku could only watch as their friend tore himself apart at the loss of Kairi

"Sora, don't worry, we'll find her. I promise" Riku tried to console Sora as he put his hand on his shoulder

"But what if we don't" Sora said as he began to panic

"Sora" they all looked up. Maybe a few meters away was one of the Cage drainers

"Kairi!" Sora shouted, when he did the Heartless flew off

"Where's it heading?" Riku asked

"I don't know, but we're going to stop it before it gets there" Sora said as the four of them began to chase after the airborne enemy but before they got anywhere, a group of Heartless appeared, "We don't have time for this!"

I'll deal with them, you go save Kairi" Riku said

"Right" Sora said leading Donald and Goofy after the Heartless.

As they chased the animated cage, Sora launched a few Blizzard spells at the cage while Donald brought thunder down on it. After several strikes the Heartless came down to the ground. The Cage drainer quickly got up and turned around to face Sora, Donald and Goofy.

"Sora!" Kairi screamed. At that moment the cage glowed white and Kairi screamed in pain as she fell onto her back and curled up into a ball

"Kairi!" Sora exclaimed, "Let her go!"

"Sora!" Both Donald and Goofy shouted at the same time as Sora charged after the Cage drainer.

Sora slashed the cage of the Heartless with his Keyblade but to no success, his attacks seemed to have no affect against the Cage drainer. The Heartless roared and released a green smog from its mouth which surrounded Sora. The moment it did, Sora began to chock. His throat was burning, Sora coughed loudly. Goofy quickly grabbed Sora and pulled him away from the smog

"Thanks" Sora said as the smog began to clear. When it did, Sora and Goofy charged at the Heartless while Donald stood back and launched thunder at it. The Cage drainer swiped at Sora however he jumped over the tentacle and slammed down on it. The Cage drainer groaned loudly as it pulled its tentacle back; it opened its mouth and shot out a white light. The light missed Sora and Goofy defended against the strike with his Shield. Sora landed behind the Cage drainer and fired a Blizzard spell at it. The Cage drainer growled as it spun around and threw its Tentacle at Sora however he jumped back. Goofy used this chance to smash the Heartless in the back several times with his shield

"Get out of the way Goofy!" Donald shouted. Goofy jumped to the side, after he did Donald fired several icicles which smashed into the Cage drainer. Said Heartless retaliated by breathing green gas at Donald, Donald quickly ran out of the way of the gas to safety. After he did, Donald brought thunder down upon the Cage drainer. Kairi screamed as the Cage drainer's cage began to glow again

"Hold on Kairi!" Sora yelled as he charged at the Cage drainer and slashed it across its glowing abdominal. This time the strike hurt the Heartless enough to make it cry out and stumble back. The Cage drainer fired a white light at Sora however Sora jumped into the air. This was a mistake; the Cage drainer wrapped one of its tentacles around Sora in midair. After it did the Cage drainer began to beat Sora with its free tentacle

"Sora!" Donald shouted as he raised his staff into the air, a thunder bolt fell from the sky and struck the tentacle that was holding Sora, severing it, The Cage drainer cried out in agony as oil leaked out of its wound instead of a dark mist like most Heartless. Sora grabbed the severed tentacle and examined it. It was lined with circuits

"It's a robot!" Sora stated

"What?!" Donald yelled

"That guy must have made it" Sora said

"Hojo" Goofy corrected

"Yeah, him" Sora stood up, "Donald, could you use another Thunder spell"

"Yeah" Donald raised his staff again; when he did a thunder bolt came down and struck the Cage drainer in its open wound. The Cage drainer cried out, Sora was a little surprised that it could fell pain. Sora jumped forward and slashed the Cage drainer's abdominal, cutting the cage open.

"Sora!" Kairi called as he grabbed her and pulled her out of the Heartless before it collapsed and its yellow eyes went dark. Kairi suddenly caught Sora in a tight embrace; Sora returned the embrace, wrapping his arms around her body

"Are you okay?" Sora asked in a soft voice

"I am now" Kairi replied, "But when I was inside of that thing, I felt like my strength was being taken from me"

"Don't worry, it's alright now" Sora comforted her, "But, it's kind of weird that it attacked with light"

"No it's not, isn't it obvious. They drain and use the power of there captive"

"Sam? Where are you?" Sora called out

"Who do ya suppose he's talking to" Goofy whispered to Donald. It was obvious that only Sora could hear him

"If only I knew. There are a lot of trees, and same buildings, and the ocean"

"I need a bit more then that to go on" Sora said not noticing the silver haired teen that ran towards them

"Kairi, are you okay" Riku called as he came to a halt before the four of them

"I think I know where that is" Sora stated

"Ah, who is he talking to?" Riku asked. Both Donald and Goofy shrugged there shoulders.

"Ahhhhhh!!" Several people screamed off in the distance, they all seemed familiar to Sora, Riku and Kairi. There was silence for awhile until Kairi said, "That sounded like Tidus and Wakka, and"

"Our parents!" Sora and Riku interrupted her before running in the direction of the screams, soon followed by Kairi

"Wait for us" Donald yelled as he and Goofy chased after them

The five arrived too late. There were three Cage drainer's here now as well as a large group of residents running for there lives. One contained Selphie, one had Tidus and the other held Wakka. There was a corridor of darkness open and the Cage drainer's holding Tidus and Wakka jumped through before the five could do anything

"Help!!" Selphie shrieked in desperation, she was hard to understand

"Don't worry!" Kairi called back as she summoned her Keyblade. The Cage drainer caught a glimpse of the weapon, when it did the Heartless shrieked and charged at Kairi, the corridor of Darkness closed

"Get ready" Riku said as he summoned Way of the dawn

The Cage drainer slammed its right tentacle down on the ground. The five jumped away. Sora, Donald and Goofy jumped to the right where as Riku and Kairi jumped to the left, this was a pretty good angle to be in for the five of them because they could attack anywhere and everywhere that they wanted.

Riku jumped into the air and brought Way of the dawn down on the Cage drainer's head. The Heartless groaned before throwing its tentacle at Riku, said person grabbed the tentacle and threw his entire body at the Cage drainer's head" The Cage drainer opened its mouth and a green gas covered Riku. Riku coughed violently, the Cage drainer used this chance to attack the Key bearer, the mechanical Heartless slammed its tentacle into Riku and sent him flying into the ground

"Riku!" Selphie cried out, suddenly the cage began to radiate and Selphie let out a loud scream before falling over. The Cage drainer opened its mouth and a multi-coloured blast consisting of blue, red, yellow, white and green came towards Sora, Donald and Goofy. Luckily they rolled out of the way in time and far enough to evade the blast. Donald countered the attack by raising his staff above his head, when he did a thunder bolt came down and struck the Cage drainer in the head. The Cage drainer growled

"What weaknesses does it have" Riku asked as he got back onto his feet

"Well, lightning seems to work against it" Sora said as he raised the Kingdom Key into the air and brought another thunder bolt down on it

"Anything else?" Riku asked

"I don't know what else" Sora admitted

"Then we'll just have to find out" Riku said as he got back into his fighting position

The Cage drainer threw its tentacle at Kairi however Sora jumped in front of her only to have a tentacle wrapped around his ankle and be thrown into the air. Sora did however manage to use this to his advantage, Sora spun around in midair and threw his Keyblade, it impaled itself into the ground before the Cage drainer. Then, perhaps sensing the dark presence of the Cage drainer, the Kingdom Key radiated in light. The Cage drainer began to scream out, after a few seconds the Keyblade stopped glowing and Sora landed behind it, pulled it out of the ground and slashed the Cage drainer's abdominal, all in less then a second. The Cage drainer groaned as it stumbled back.

Goofy ran forward and bashed his shield into the mechanical Heartless' cage but to no success. The Cage drainer slammed its tentacle into Goofy and sent him flying away. Kairi lunged forward and brought her Keyblade down on the Cage drainer's tentacle. This made the Cage drainer shriek and violently slam its tentacle into her, sending her flying through a tree

"Kairi!" Sora screamed before turning to the Cage drainer with pure anger on his face. Sora brought his Keyblade down on the Cage drainer's tentacle, disconnecting it from the rest of its body. The Cage drainer groaned as Sora jumped up and unleashed a borage of slashes upon its head before he brought down his Keyblade on the Cage drainer, cutting it completely in half, starting with its head and to its base, the cage smashed to pieces and Sora grabbed Selphie by the arm and pulled her away as the Cage drainer exploded in a fiery blast.

Sora let go of Selphie and ran towards Kairi, he dropped to his knees, "Kairi, are you alright?!"

"Yeah, I'll be fine" Kairi responded, making Sora sigh with relief, Kairi responded to this by kissing him on his check

"Hey you two" Riku called, "We still have to find Sam, remember"

"Oh right" Sora said as he and Kairi stood up, "I think I know a place we can see the whole island so we can find him"

AN: Two down, one to go. Who was talking to Sam you might ask, well you well just have to wait. I don't know how long exactly, probably in two worlds time but it cold be sooner, I haven't decided yet. Please review.
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