Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Sweet Revenge


by _Amy_Revenge_ 6 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2010-05-02 - Updated: 2010-05-03 - 1817 words

Once again, thanks to everyone who has read and liked this :) It really does mean a lot to me!

The first week has ended, and I can hear the choir singing Hallelujah. Mikey has FINALLY stopped telling me about deadly diseases.. Then again, I've practically been avoiding him for the past few days. Mom called last night, at about 11:15, and it woke Gerard up. How awesome, right? I know, like totally dude! Wow, I sounded like such a bimbo just now.. Oh well, what can you expect? I'm really hyper!! It's all Frank's fault. He came over earlier while Gerard was in the shower (a cold shower, thanks to mwa), and he wanted to know if I wanted to go to Castles 'N Coasters with him since obviously Gerard was busy. So I did, and after we rode every single ride (except the Desert Storm, a really super big roller coaster that I'm deathly afraid of) we got lunch and then ate some ice cream. I had a BLAST! And oh man, the look on Gerard's face when we came in through the door! I'm sure Frank's getting an ear full right this minute.

I'm hiding in the closet right now. I really don't want to be around when Frank leaves and Gerard comes up. I'm thinking of going for a "jog" in a few, just to be out of the house. Or maybe I'll go scope out a party? I mean it is, after all, the weekend. Right? Right. Oh, crap, I think Gerard just came up. I'llwritelaterbye.

I slammed my journal shut and peeked through a crack in the door. Yep, there Gerard is. Ha ha, I love being mean to him. Hey, you would too if you were in my position! Don't even bother denying it. We both know the truth, here.

"Ambre, where are you? Dammit I know you're in here!"

Hm, maybe I should come out? Eh, what's the worst that could happen...

I walked out of the closet and just looked at him. "Yes?"

Whatever he had been about to say evaporated off the tip of his tongue as he saw what I was wearing. "You're wearing my shirt. Why?" I smiled and shrugged. I was hoping that would distract him for a bit.

"Your mom said I could, since I forgot to wash my clothes yesterday. I hope you don't mind, really I do," I said with as much innocence as I could manage. Yeah, that was pretty much a Big-0.

"No, it's fine. As long as she really did say it was OK." I stared at him like he was an alien. That's it? No 'Take it off this instant'? No "You're such a bitch"? Not even a threat?! This was so.. not like him.. Something's up. And I'm going to find out what it is.

While I was staring at him, slack-jawed, he turned around went to his computer, sat in the chair, and turned it on. I smiled. I had left a little surprise for him on there. Let's see how this one plays out. Ah, he's even humming! Hopefully he doesn't like, have a seizure or something, because I really don't feel like -

My thoughts deserted my mind as Gerard cried out, "EEEEEEEEE!!!!!"

"Dude, what-"

"What did you do to my screen?!" In the blink of an eye he was suddenly towering over me, his face contorted in rage as he waited for my answer. "Tell me!"

I wasn't prepared for this reaction. I mean, I didn't think he'd freak out so badly! "I just thought you needed a.. a highlight from all those dark and c-creepy wallpapers you had. It's nothing, seriously, dude. Don't freak out, I-"

"OK, I know I'm creepy. But seriously, a pink unicorn? What the hell did I do to deserve this?"

I didn't say anything after that, I just studied his face. He looked angry, freaked out, and... amused?

"Dude.. you should see your face!" Then he started to laugh. Quietly at first, then louder and louder until his whole body was shaking and he fell to the floor. I couldn't help it; I joined in with the laughter, and I too fell to the floor. We were laughing so loudly that I didn't even hear Mikey and Donna come in.

"What's going on in here? Gerard, Ambre?"

All the while fighting to stop laughing, Gerard and I stood up. "Nothing," I managed to say, wiping tears away. "Nothing, we were just-" I bent over in laughter again as I replayed what had just happened in my mind.

"Dude, you're crying! Gerard, what did you do!" Mikey said more than he asked. Gerard composed himself better than I did.

"I didn't do anything to her this time," he said calmly. That got me started laughing a little harder. This time? He didn't even do anything to me last time!

"Yeah, and I'm a bumpkin. Seriously, are you guys OK? I mean.. you're.. laughing with each other. Mom, tell me I'm dreaming," Mikey begged Donna, turning to her and tugging on her sleeve. This helped me sober myself up, though I don't know why. It was either the fact that Mikey, a full-grown teenager, was tugging like a small child on his mother's arm who was a full head shorter than he was, or it was just that time when you know to just stop.

"I can't right now, Mikey," Donna was saying. "I think I'm dreaming too. Ambre, would you care so much as to explain what's so funny?"

So I did. I started from when I woke up to what happened when Gerard turned his computer on. Mikey even started to laugh, as did Donna when she fully understood what was so funny. To be honest, I didn't even know what was so funny.

"You kids, I swear. You get weirder all the time! Well, it's almost nine o'clock, so you'd better eat soon. Good night." Donna and Mikey shut the door, their laughter slowly dying away as the lights in the hall went off and the sound of what could only be Mikey's footsteps made their way downstairs with Donna.

I looked at Gerard, and he looked at me, and we started laughing all over again, until we both had tears rolling down our cheeks. After we were done (like half an hour later, I swear) we just kind of went all silent, not daring to break the peace. It was nice while it lasted.

"Dude, that was the funniest thing that's ever happened to me," Gerard said, shaking his head.

"Really? Because I was trying to irritate you.. I take it it didn't work?" I sniffed and wiped at my nose, still trying to figure out where the mean, nasty, I-Hate-You-So-Much Gerard had gone.

"Obviously, smart-one." Ah, there was that tone I'd missed. I faked a gasp.

"Was that an insult, Mr. Way?"

He smiled. "I believe it was, my dear Ambre."

"What, don't remember my last name?"

"Uh, you actually never said what it was, dude."

Wow. Talk about feeling like an idiot! That definitely spoiled the remark I was about to make, so I just ate it so that I wouldn't sound even stupider. "Oh, that's right.. Well, I guess that just makes it more complicated to stalk me, now, doesn't it?"

"I wasn't stalking you.." he trailed off, looking around the room. What a dork.

"So I suppose we'll have to be nicer to each other, won't we?" The questions felt weird as it slipped off of my tongue.

"Eh, every now and then of a little nasty attitude couldn't hurt. Just remember, I still think you're weird." I snorted.

"And you're still the biggest jerk on the planet."

He smiled, which made me smile in return. "Glad we got that settled. I don't know about you, but I'm starving!"

"Me too, dude, me too. Think you're mama's cooking anything?"

He shrugged and sniffed the air dramatically. "I dunno, but I think I smell lasagna."

"Race ya to it," I offered, making my way towards the door.

"You're on, Squirt."

"Don't call me Squirt," I murmured. He didn't hear me, of course, so I said a bit louder, "Ready."


"GO!" we whisper-shouted together.


I feel really bad now. I was enjoying being a real snot to Gerard, but now that we've laughed together, it kind of seems pointless, and even childish. We're both almost adults, him being 17 and me being 16 ( almost 17, though). But like he said, a little bitchiness wouldn't hurt every now and then. And I intend to do just that, just to get it out of my system. Otherwise I could like, self destruct or some made-up-shit. Wow. Lots of language. I apologize (but I'm not really sorry).

Eating a little while ago was kind of awkward. Me and Gerard didn't shoot nasty comments out of the sides of our mouths at each other, like we usually do, and Donna was looking pretty relieved from where she was sitting in her easy chair in the livingroom. And I can't forget Mikey. Apparently he's only 15. Who would've known, right? He didn't talk about germs or diseases at the table today, though. Instead, he talked about how different animals mate. Did you know that during sex, a male drone's testicles EXPLODE inside of the Queen?! Poor bee. But it probably had it coming.. I think the weirdest (and probably the most interesting) would be that a female hyena actually has balls! And she gives birth through a penis! Ugh, I hate that word. But seriously, how weird is that?! Gerard and I were almost to the point of cracking up, and poor Donna looked a little embarrassed for once. I swear, I pity the girl Mikey has a crush on. No wait, that's a bit mean... I meant to say that I just hope he acts a little more grown up. If that's even possible. (I've got my doubts.)

I have to admit, after seeing Gerard's nice side, I kind of like it. And I hate to actually admit it, but I kind of like him. NO! Scratch that, I totally didn't just say that, OK? Just forget I ever wrote it down. I refuse to fall for Gerard Way, I do! Nothing good ever comes from falling for the enemy. Yes, he's the enemy still, and he always will be. That's just the way it goes, for how rude we've been to each other. Even if, once again, it's childish and immature and utterly pointless.

(Plus I'm trying to talk myself out of liking him.) Well I'm off to bed now. Good night!

Just to let you know, those bee and hyena facts are CORRECT. Here's the website I found them on (although I'm almost hoping they aren't real, if that even makes sense xD)
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