Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Electric

My Chemical Romance

by xxplasticpearlsxx 3 reviews

round two.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2010-05-10 - Updated: 2010-05-11 - 1457 words

“Damn it” I said out loud. I forgot to shut the alarm off. Saturday is my day to sleep in and now it’s shot. Oh well.
I shut the alarm off and reach over to grab my cell phone off the night table. After the babe thing last night I had asked Jack to go home for a few days. I really need some time to think. I turned my phone back on and have 17 voice mails from Jack. I rolled my eyes and shut it back off. I put my feet on the ground and made my way out into the kitchen. I fill the coffee pot with water and dump it in, throw in a coffee filter and reach into the cabinet above the sink for the coffee bit my hand hits nothing but air.

Mother Fucker

He finished my coffee!? The least he could have done is tell me. Bastard.
I leave everything as is. Cabinet open, coffee maker half made and march down the hall and back into my room.

Whoa girl. You’re getting this mad about coffee? I think to myself.

Chill. Out.

I took a deep breath and my mind starts to function again. Since I’m awake I should shower, get ready, and go out for a coffee. Maybe some retail therapy would help too.

After my shower I threw on a pair of dark wash jeans, black flats, and a pink plaid button down. I blow dry my hair and pull it up into a pony tail fringe bangs to the side. Some mascara and liner and I am satisfied. I grab my keys and purse and head out to star bucks. Once I get there the line isn’t too long and before I know it I’m walking down the street sipping a large iced coffee. My mood is beginning to look up. As I’m walking down the street I notice a comic book store I had never really paid attention to before. I wonder if they would have something in there my nephew would like, his birthday is coming up. I decided to pop in. I stood in shock. The store was much bigger then it looked from the outside. There were racks and racks of comic books there were action figures and Tee shirts on the walls too. I decided to work my way from the back to the front.

I had already found two things I thought Richey would like as I was rounding the corner I didn’t even see anyone was coming until I bumped right into him or her. We both bumped while walking the crash causing me to loose my footing and start to fall backwards. I felt the person move forwards with me steadying the both of us before we could hit the ground. I was dangling backwards in a dipping stance with two arms around me and a body close to mine. The comics I was holding on to were now on the floor. My hand was on the persons shoulder and the other on, from what I could feel, was on his chest. Again nose to nose. I looked up and took a deep breath Those eyes. Electric.

“we really have to stop meeting this way” he said in a voice I was sure was just for me to hear. I griped his shoulder lightly looking him in the eyes.
He looked up and around the store.
“Am I going to be knocked out today?”
I smiled and shook my head.
“No I’m alone.”
With that he was pulling us back to a standing position. once we were both standing steadily on our two feet we look at each other. He’s dressed like any other man I’ve seen. Sneakers, jeans, band Tee, and sunglasses. I swear to God I had seen him before, well other than the train last night, I just can’t seem to place it.
“My Chemical Romance.”
I’m drawn out of my thoughts.
“Hmm. Excuse me?”
He smiled a crooked smile at me before answering.
“You have that ‘I know you from somewhere’ look on your face.”
“Really?” I asked shaking my head slightly.
How embarrassing.
“Yeah so I was telling you were you knew me from.”
I searched my mine hoping to be triggered by that name. Oh God, duh.
“Oh yeah that band I guess I never really processed the near fatal crash last night.”
He laughed a little and I looked around the store. Oh Goodness.
“Here you must have dropped these” he said handing me the comics I let fall to the floor.
“Do you read these?” he asked eyes searching mine.
“No” I answered honestly “they’re a gift for my nephew.”
“Ah” he said shaking his head up and down. “That’s cool.”
“Yeah he’s a good kid.”
This is getting awkward.
“Well my name is Gerard.” He said offering his hand to me. I looked up to him and met is hand with mine.
“I’m Rachel”
I could have sworn I heard his breath hitch.
“It’s nice to meet you Rachel.”
The way he said my name made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.
“You too Gerard.”
We stood hand in hand, eyes locked, for what seemed like forever. Then two teenagers came bounding around the corner squealing in laughter. We let go and parted to allow them room to pass. I took a step back and looked around. This seemed to be a little to much.
“Hmm?” I said slowly moving my eyes from the floor to his face.
“Want to get out of here, maybe get a coffee with me?”
I closed my eyes I couldn’t trust my voice.
Yes, yes, yes, say it you idiot!!
“Uhm sure, just let me pay.”

I paid for my things and we were out the door. Once our feet hit the pavement Gerard put his sunglasses over his eyes.
“Are you incognito?” I asked smiling up at him.
He chuckled and answered with a smile.
“Why yes I am.” We both laughed.
The rest of the walk was comfortably quiet and we finally reached a quite coffee shop I had never seen before. My eyes scanned the little place. It was small but had a since of comfort to it.
“I found this place while I was going to school here.” Gerard said leaning down to my level so I could hear him.
“It’s fantastic” I said still looking around. At that moment I felt the need to look at Gerard. As I looked over to his face we locked eyes, he had been staring at me. I blushed a little and looked away. Then I heard his feet move closer to mine and felt his finger under my chin turning my head to look at him.
“Hey” he said once he locked his eyes to mine.
“Yeah” I practically whispered back to him.
“Don’t be embarrassed that I look at you. You are beautiful.”
I blushed some more and looked down. “Thank you”
“You shouldn’t be thanking me. I should be thanking your parents.”
Gerard moved his hand from his chin to the small of my back and guided me to the register.
“I‘ll have a large regular coffee and what ever she would like.”
“I’ll have the same thing please.”
After that we found a quiet corner to sit. I blew on my steaming coffee to it down and I felt his eyes again. And I looked up
“I have a question.”
“What would your boyfriend think if he knew we were out right now?”
“Well Jack doesn’t think much” I said with a quick laugh.
Gerard leaned over on the table a little.
“Come on Rachel, really?”
I leaned over.
“Honestly,” I said looking him dead in the eye “I don’t care.”
We stayed locked. He leaned further in and said in a whisper. “I like that answer.”
I smiled.
We had a fantastic time. I learned that he wasn’t living in NY and would only be around for two more days. It was sad bit I had gotten his e-mail and phone number and he said we would make the best of the two days we had. Bit he also said I had to make a serious decision. I couldn’t have my cake and eat it too. We were standing outside the coffee shop.
“Let me know tomorrow sweet girl. Are you ready to take this chance on me?”
I took a deep breath.
Was I?
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