Categories > Books > Dracula > Seeds of Hate

Seeds of Hate

by Loonah 0 reviews

This isnt really a dracula fanfiction it's house of Knight WARNING first chapter contains SPOILERS for House Of Night. I've always felt responsible in a way for what happpened to Jade. Why she got...

Category: Dracula - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2010-05-09 - Updated: 2010-05-10 - 318 words

All rights to house of night belong to P.C Cast and Kristen Cast
I always regretted what happened to Jade my hand in it at least. Her Disappearance was all my fault in away I turned her in I sewed the seeds of hate in her heart but now its my chance to help her for upon my death this has been sent to Jade to make her understand why, why I did what I did and if Jade hates me it is all my fault.
It started like any other day in school seemingly innocent, but underneath this innocence lied a dark secret nobody knew about. Right after the bell rang and I walked into my homeroom I knew this day was to be interesting because I saw a small Asian girl talking to Mrs. Wilson.
I was mildly surprised to see we had a new student, but what surprised me even more was that the girl was Asian. There were few Asians in this area. I blinked back my shock and went to my seat.
"Class this is Jade our new student" Mrs. Wilson said as soon as the bell had rung, I need a girl to volunteer to show her around the dorms and help her get settled. It took a minute for any girls to respond, for all eyes were on Jade, she was beautiful. She had big green eyes lined with black eyeliner, dark thick eyelashes, long thick brown hair, and light pink lips. Finally the blonde Elizabeth raised her hand.
"I'll do it."
"Thank you" Jade spoke she had a light pearly voice, but underneath her perfect voice you could hear fear.
"Elizabeth" she added. I was confused now when had Elizabeth told her her name? What I did not know then was that Jade was special in every scense.

This is just to get started I have so much more
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