Categories > Original > Drama > The Girls

Change of Heart

by ChaosRocket 0 reviews

Thief of souls.

Category: Drama - Rating: R - Genres: Angst - Published: 2010-05-14 - Updated: 2010-05-14 - 429 words

Light glinted off of the knife that Des held against her wrist. She shifted it slightly, back and forth, back and forth. The edge of the knife laid directly above her jade bracelet.

There were dark circles underneath her eyes. She was weary in spirit as well as in body.

"Please," she said, in an uncharacteristically subdued manner. "not my sister. She's all we..."

Iie cleared her throat.

"Alright," amended Des. "But he's not here."

Des shook her head as if to clear it. Iie's interruption had nothing to do with what she was concerned about.

"She's the most important..." Des started again. "Please, Faer, for once in your life, don't follow your heart. I know it's your nature. But just this one the smart thing...the right thing...and I swear, I'll never ask you to resist your instincts again. If you just leave my sister alone...I'll never ask you to hold back from anything else." Her face was pleading, forlorn.

Iie looked up suddenly. "If you love her, then prove it," she said seriously to Faer. Her eyes were hard.

Faer reached out her left hand and gently took the knife from Des.

"No more room on my left arm, right?" said Faer with a smirk.

Faer immediately plunged the knife into the upper part of her right arm.

Des slowly looked up, staring at Faer with haunted eyes. "Is that your answer?"

"Yes," said Faer. She jerked the knife out of her arm and threw away from her, and it clattered onto the floor. She then turned to the side, so that Des could see the blood seeping from the fresh wound.

"Symbolic of what we share, I swear with my blood, that I will not touch her again," said Faer solemnly.

"If you are true to your word, there will be no scar," said Iie.

"Get back to your angel, Iie," said Faer, finally addressing the other girl. She put her hand over the new injury on her arm. "I need a distraction."

"It is all I want," said Iie. "But I need..."

"My help," Des interrupted. "I know. I will try."

"Not that I care," said Iie, looking away slightly as she changed the subject, "but are you going to..."

"I'll deal with Ilu's butterfly if and when I feel like it," said Des in a distracted manner.

Iie nodded. "Well, you'd better do it soon...or you won't keep Faer away."

Des winced. "I know."

Faer's aura still glowed around her, dangerously, seeming to bathe the entire room in red.
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