Categories > TV > NCIS > Just Another Day

Chapter 8

by jessie179 0 reviews

Category: NCIS - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-05-19 - Updated: 2010-05-19 - 1268 words

"Gibbs is going to freak when he finds out about this." Tony held up a piece of paper that the Pentagon just faxed to them.

Ziva looked up from her magazine and raised an eyebrow. "And that is something new?" She asked in confusion having already read the fax.

Tony rolled his eyes and slammed the paper back down onto his desk as he stood. "Well, no...."He trailed off as he moved out from behind his desk and moved over to hers. "I was just pointing out that Gibbs isn't going to be happy."

"You were pointing out the obvious, Tony!" Ziva snapped and narrowed her eyes at her partner. How could she have had a crush on him of all people? "I would think he'd be happy to get rid of this case. It has proven to be an ache on all of us."

"Pain, Zee-va, not ache." Tony corrected, automatically. "And normally I'd agree with you but this case struck close to home. Hell, it broke down the door and made itself comfortable in the living room." He rolled his neck trying to get rid some of the tension that had been building over the last three weeks.

Ziva stared at him blankly not understanding what a house had to do with the McGee murder. Shaking her head, she decided to forgo asking him to explain. "So who do you think they will send?"

Tony rolled his neck towards her and paused to consider her question. "I dunno." He shrugged and perked himself on the corner of her desk. "Maybe Fornell?"

"You think the FBI is involved?" Ziva was really confused. "Why do you think this?"

"I don't think the FBI is involved in the McGee case, Ziva. I was just saying that maybe the Pentagon would ask Fornell to pick up the files. That way everything stays nice and safe." This explanation sounded very logical to Tony's ears.

"You two not have enough work to do?" Gibbs asked as he entered the squad room from the outside elevators. "Well?" He took off his jacket and tossed it onto the desk space behind his chair. Turning towards his Agents, coffee in hand, he waited for them to answer.

Ziva unconsciously straightened up in her chair, closed her magazine and tossed it aside. "We were just discussing the orders the Pentagon just faxed us." She hurried to explain their actions.

Gibbs took a sip of his coffee. "What fax?!" He barked at DiNozzo when neither of them elaborated.

Tony rushed to his desk and hurried to give Gibbs the fax. "This fax, boss!" He retreated back afew steps towards Ziva's desk.

Holding the paper, Gibbs sighed, finished his coffee, tossed the cup into the garbage, and smacked Tony on the back of the head as he approached Ziva's desk. "What does it say?" He asked slowly as if he was talking to a five year old.

"NCIS has been ordered to hand over everything pertaining to the McGee murder investigation. They do not feel that we have the resources to produce a result." Ziva paraphrased from memory.

Gibbs crumpled up the fax and tossed it onto Ziva's desk. How dare they? "It say who they're sending to complete this task?"

"No, it didn't." Tony said after he cleared his throat. Tilting his head to the side he watched as Abby snuck off the back elevators and slunk towards the outside elevators. This was odd since Abby always made her presence know especially when Gibbs was around. "Hey Abs, where you off too?!" He yelled across the quiet room trying to get Gibbs attention off of him and onto the sneaking Forensic Scientist.

Abby froze and bit back a curse. She had been doing so well. "I knew I should have crawled." She grumbled as she plastered an overly large smile on her face. "Tony! Gibbs, when did you get in?!"She bounced over to her favorite NCIS team trying not to glance at her Nightmare Before Christmas watch; that would only make Tony even more suspicious.

Ziva smiled at the younger woman. "It is kind of early for lunch, is it not Abby?" She asked glancing at her watch. It was only nine in the morning.

"Lunch? No, I wasn't going to lunch." Abby shifted from foot to foot when three sets of eyes continued to stare at her. "I was....uh....going out for a smoke? Yeah, that's it!" She smiled, pleased with her answer.

"You don't smoke, Abs." Gibbs finally spoke as he eyed Abby. "How much caffeine have you had today?" She was acting like she had ants in her pants.

Tony raised an eyebrow at her answer. "You're acting kinda strange, Abby, even for you."

Abby huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "Maybe I took up smoking, ever think of that, huh?" She shifted again, this time away from the group. "I'd really love to stay and chat but Ineed to go puff on a coupla cancer sticks." She turned and headed towards the elevator.

Gibbs' gut was telling him something was wrong. "Freeze!" He ordered the retreating girl that he considered a surrogate daughter.

"Are you trying to blow up work today, Abby?" Ziva asked as they approached the Goth.

"I think she means blow off work, Abby." Tony gave Ziva a look that clearly said you've been in America how long?

"Where you really headed, Abs?" Gibbs asked in his quiet, patient, voice. A voice reserved solely for Abby.

"Torture me all you want, I'll never tell!" Abby declared as she pretended to zip her mouth shut. She sighed when they didn't back down. "I'm going out for a breath of fresh air, alright? I haven't been feeling well and I thought some good ol' D.C. air would do me some good." She glanced at her watch and saw that she didn't have much time.

Gibbs continued to eye her with a frown but he relented. "Okay, I just wanted the truth." He pushed the down button for her. He knew she was lying.

Abby felt bad about lying and when Abby felt bad about lying she tended to tell the truth. "I'm going to meet someone." She mumbled.

Tony's eyes lit up. "A new boyfriend?" He rubbed his hands together. "What's his name? What's he like? Come on, details!"

Ziva smacked Tony on the back of the head before Gibbs had the chance to do it. "Are you afifteen year old girl, Tony?" She asked as she rolled her eyes, /again/.

"No, not a new boyfriend, per say." Abby mumbled and kicked at the carpet with her steel toed boot. "Look, I said I'd meet them downstairs so Joe wouldn't have a problem." Joe being the security guard that thought himself the protector of the entire NCIS building. He always gave unauthorized visitors a hard time.

"An old boyfriend then?" Gibbs asked, quietly. Why was an old boyfriend of Abby's visiting NCIS?

Studying Abby, Ziva came to one conclusion; McGee was returning today but not alone and maybe not even for good. "Ah." She nodded her head at her own conclusion. "Perhaps we should let her go meet whomever she is suppose to meet, yes? I'm sure Abby knows what she is doing."She gave the other girl a look that clearly said /busted/.

Abby tilted her head to the side. "Thanks Ziva." She stepped into the elevator and pushed the down button before either of the overly protective men could stop her. Once the doors were closed, she smiled a giddy smile. McGee was coming!
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