Categories > TV > NCIS > Just Another Day

Chapter 7

by jessie179 1 review

Category: NCIS - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-05-18 - Updated: 2010-05-18 - 3197 words

"Welcome back, SG-1!" General Landry was thrilled to see the team arrive back home, bloody, but in one piece. His eyes moved over the five exhausted figures standing on the ramp. "We'll debrief after you've been checked out in the infirmary." He motioned the pre-summoned medical team forward then disappeared out of the Gateroom.

"Thank you, sir." Colonel Cameron Mitchell felt his remaining strength fade and he sagged against the two Airmen that had been assigned to help him to the infirmary. His team was already there and being checked out when he finally arrived.

"Does this hurt, Tim?" Doctor Lam asked as she gently moved his swollen left wrist.

McGee hissed in pain as his wrist began to throb anew. "It wasn't hurting until you moved it." He bit out, gruffly. His eyes moved around to his teammates who occupied the other four beds in the infirmary.

Doctor Lam motioned for one of her nurses to retrieve a wheelchair. Tim would have to have an x-ray. "So what happened this time?" She was trying to distract him as she checked him out. He had a number of cuts and scrapes, some were new and some were left over from a previous mission.

"We gated into the middle of chaos. Turns out the locals weren't as defenseless as SG-13 thought. When we arrived they had been fighting the Ori's army for three days. I guess they mistook us for the enemy and started to fire on us. They chased us away from the Gate and into the surrounding forest. Which was a treat since the forest was swarming with spiders the size of yorkies." McGee grunted when he was helped down off the examine table and into a wheelchair."It's broken, isn't it?" He asked before he could be whisked off to x-ray.

"I believe so but the x-ray should be able to tell us for sure." Doctor Lam patted him on the shoulder as the nurse wheeled him out. "Spiders the size of yorkies?" She asked the remaining members of SG-1 as she wrote down something in Tim's medical file then moved onto Daniel.

Daniel grimpsed in pain as she prodded a bruise on the side of his face and grunted his acknowledgment. "We had been wondering why the villagers didn't follow us into the trees and it didn't take us long to figure out why. Tim was injured when he walked into one of the webs which happened to be the size of this room and damn near impossible to see. The more he pulled the tighter it held him. He would have gotten out, unharmed, eventually if one of those spiders hadn't come home looking for dinner. By the time we heard his screams, he was laying on the ground holding his wrist."

Doctor Lam picked up Daniel's chart from the end of the bed, she never removed SG-1's charts because they always seemed to end up there one way or another, and began to jot down several notes about his injuries, one being that she was sure he had at least a mild concussion. "How'd he get out of the web?" She asked as she moved away to retrieve the items she needed to stitch up anasty looking abrasion above Daniel's right eye.

Teal'c, the less injured of the entire team, decided to answer. "Timothy McGee was able to reach his knife and cut himself free. It was unfortunate that he was so far above the ground when he did." He had a healthy respect for the young man. Tim had proven himself time and time again over the past two weeks. He gave the nurse treating his scratches a small smile. "Thank you, Nurse Kiley." He reached up to smooth out the two butterfly band-aids she used to close a large, shallow, cut across his cheek.

"Then I suppose he should be glad that a broken wrist and a few scrapes is all he escaped with."Doctor Lam said as she moved back to Daniel's side, everything she needed to stitch with was loaded onto a tray. She gave Doctor Jackson a local and went to work closing the wound so that it wouldn't get infected. By the time she had finished, Tim had returned now sporting a simple white cast. Broken, just like I thought. She thought to herself and gave the young man a small smile. "Your turn, Doctor Jackson. I want to see how bad your concussion is." She motioned to the previously occupied wheelchair then helped him into it. "Don't let him sweet talk you out of wheeling him back. I want him in the chair to and from, got it?" She asked her nurse who only nodded and disappeared out the door with a disgruntled Daniel Jackson in tow.

McGee made himself comfortable in a stool situated between Daniel and Teal'c's examine tables."Hey, we match now!" He pointed to Teal'c cheek and his forehead where he had, on a previous mission, been injured by a flying piece of stone.

"Indeed we do, Timothy McGee." Teal'c inclined his head towards the younger man. "How is your wrist?"

"Sore but not as throbby as it had been." McGee gave Teal'c a reassuring smile to show that he was feeling better.

Doctor Lam inspected the cast and nodded when she found nothing wrong with it; her nurses were good. "I'll give you something for the pain once I finish with the others. Can you wait that long?"

McGee nodded. "I'll be fine, Doctor. Check on Vala and make sure she's alright." He liked the exotic alien, she kinda reminded him of Ziva.

"Very well." Doctor Lam moved away from the males of the team and approached the only female. "How are you feeling, Vala?" She asked the lounging woman.

Vala snorted and opened her eyes. "Oh, I'm feeling wonderful, Darling, simply wonderful." She rolled her eyes and sat up, stiffly. "I enjoy being covered in mud and something that vaguely smells like feet. I believe what you meant to ask is if I was injured anywhere not visible and the answer would be yes." She lowered her voice and leaned towards the Doctor. "I seemed to have bruised my bottom" She pointed to the object in question. "But I'm sure it'll be fine once Timmy kisses it and makes it all better, right Tim?" She asked and winked at him.

"Not if you were the last woman left on this planet." McGee deadpanned then smirked. "But I'm sure Daniel will be more than happy to oblige once he returns from getting his head x-rayed." He rolled his eyes when she stuck her tongue out at him. "Real mature, Vala." He mumbled then grimaced as pain shot through his wrist. Taking a deep breath, he fought it back.

Doctor Lam sighed as she watched the premier team revert to childish behavior. "And how did you bruise your bottom, Vala?" She questioned as she retrieved the only female member of the teams file.

McGee raised an eyebrow waiting to see what Vala told her. When his female teammate didn't say anything he found himself answering the Doctor. "She was showing off her..../tracking/....skills and fell off the log she was climbing on into a puddle of smelly, muddy, water."

"At least I didn't get stuck in a spider web!" Vala huffed and crossed her arms over her chest."Are we finished yet? I really need a shower." She grumped.

"And we don't?" McGee asked as he looked down at his own muddy BDU's. Their jackets had been removed the moment they arrived in the infirmary so that meant they were still wearing their black t-shirts and matching pants.

Vala crinkled her nose as she turned to look at her temporary teammate. "You are kinda smelly."She gave Teal'c an apologetic smile. "Sorry, Muscles, but that goes for you too."

"Don't make me separate you two!" Doctor Lam snapped, turned, and headed towards Colonel Mitchell who appeared to be the most injured of the lot. "Colonel Mitchell, can you tell me where you're hurt?" She questioned the prone man. Closer inspection showed that he was unconscious."What happened to him?" She asked the three remaining teammates as she went to work searching for injuries.

Teal'c turned his head towards the Doctor. "Colonel Mitchell took an arrow to the shoulder before we reached the tree line. We removed it and treated the wound the best we could. He refused to take something for the pain."

"Refused it putting it mildly." Daniel arrived in time to hear Teal'c explanation of Cameron's wound and how he received it. "He was being a pain in the ass." He waved off the nurse that was going to help him back onto the examine table. "He refused the Morphine then complained the entire time that his shoulder hurt. If we hadn't made it to the Gate when we did, I was going to give him something to complain about." He grumbled as he got himself situated on the table once again.

Doctor Lam motioned for one of her nurses to help her strip the Colonel from the waist up so she could get a good look at the arrow wound. She inspected the slightly red hole. It was infected but not terribly so. The team had done a pretty good job cleaning and wrapping it. "Lucky for him that his teammates are so versed in treating field wounds. He'll be fine." She assured them and hooked up an IV Antibiotic to fight off the slight infection he developed. Then she moved over to her phone and placed a call to the General. If he wanted to debrief them, he'd have to come to them because she wasn't releasing any of them until the morning.

General Hank Landry entered the recovery section of the infirmary an hour and a half later. He surveyed the five occupied beds and shook his head. "Deja-vu." He mumbled under his breath. SG-1 had been out of the infirmary only three days when SG-13 reported that the inhabitants of PRK-985 were being harassed by the rogue Ori army. They also reported that the planet would fall if the SGC didn't do something to help. So he did what anybody in his place would have done. He sent the still mending SG-1 to survey the situation and report back with any ideas as to how they could help. That happened two and a half days ago. "I'm glad to see everybody made it back in one piece." A small, fond, smile made its way onto his hardened face. He had to admit that SG-1 had a special place in his heart.

McGee cracked an eye open and smiled. "Mostly." He lifted up his wrist to show the General his cast. "We were lucky, sir." He kept his voice low since Cameron and Daniel were sleeping.

"SG-1 has plenty of that, son." General Landry made his way to Tim's bedside and sat in the chair that sat between his and Cameron's beds. "I just got off the phone with the President, he wants the SGC to take over the NCIS investigation into your fathers death. Seems that they've been poking around in places they shouldn't. It's making everybody on the hill nervous."

"They've been inquiring about the NID, sir?" McGee asked as he shifted in the bed to get comfortable. His eyes felt heavy from the Morphine drip but he fought the urge to sleep so he could listen to the General.

General Landry nodded. "Not so much inquiring as demanding. Someone by the name of Gibbs isn't taking Classified for an answer."

McGee snorted. "Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs used to be my boss. He also used to be aMarine. He's good at what he does, General. He doesn't take stonewalling very well." He mumbled, eyes closing just a bit. "What happens now?"

"Now? Now I send the SGC's top team in to retrieve the evidence and put a stop to Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs' demands for answers. Think SG-1 is up for the mission, Tim?" The General had to smile as he watched the younger man fight to stay awake.

"SG-1 is always up for a mission but not now, 'kay? Maybe tomorrow?" McGee finally gave in and drifted off to sleep.

General Landry stood, places a hand on the boys shoulder, squeezed it, and moved away."Tomorrow sounds fine." He stopped when he heard a voice call out to him. Turning, he resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "What can I do for you, Vala?"

"Aren't you going to read me a bedtime story, General?" Vala asked in her best pouting voice. She loved to annoy the General.

"If you were two, I might consider it. But since you're, what, forty years old? I think you'll manage without one." General Landry told her.

Vala's eyes widened. "You don't have to be cruel about it!" She huffed and carefully turned over so she was facing away from the General. "Forty?! The nerve of some men!" She grumbled loud enough for him to hear her.

General Landry chuckled then went off in search of his daughter, who also happened to be the base Doctor. He needed the low down on his best team because the sooner they got to D.C. the better.


Gibbs stormed up the stairs, his hand clenched around a piece of stark white paper, and headed towards the Directors office. He breezed past Cynthia's desk, ignoring her pleas for him to stop.

"Special Agent Gibbs! You can't......ugh! That man!" Cynthia said, standing up then sitting back down again once the door was open and Gibbs was already in the director's office. She began to grumble under her breath as she picked up her typing where she left off.

"Well, that was a dramatic entrance." Jenny said, taking off her glasses and setting them down on her desk. "To what do I owe the honor, Jethro?"

Slamming the door shut, Gibbs stalked to the Directors desk and tossed the crumpled paper down in front of her. "What is that?!" He demanded to know.

Jenny picked up her glasses and slid them back onto her face. She picked up the paper and glanced over the text written on it. "It would appear to be a memo from the SecNav." She looked up at him waiting for him to explain.

Gibbs began to pace the length of the room. "I know what it is, Jenny!" He snapped. "Did you know about it?"

Blinking, Jenny reread the couple lines. Sitting back in her chair, she removed her glasses once again and laid them off to the side. "I wasn't aware of this, Jethro. If I had been, I would have told you." Now she knew what had the Senior Agent so worked up.

"Any decisions dealing with my team should go through me!" Gibbs stopped his pacing and stood in front of the Directors desk.

Jenny calmly watched Gibbs as he continued to simmer. "It would appear that McGee's talents are needed elsewhere for the time being. It isn't unheard of, Jethro. Agents are moved around more than you'd think."

Gibbs sat down in one of the two chairs facing the desk. "Yes, Agents are moved around within NCIS. But that paper is stating that McGee is now a Civilian Consultant for the Air Force in Colorado! What possible use could the Air Force have for a computer geek!?" He demanded to know.

"McGee is very gifted when it comes to computers, Gibbs. He has a Masters in Computing Forensics from MIT not to mention his BS in Biomedical Engineering from John Hopkins. He's agood catch and we were just lucky that he chose to come work for us." Jenny explained. "Ziva did mention that they might have interest in him. Besides that, it only says that the reassignment is temporary. He'll be back." She said this to convince herself as well as Jethro.

"Yeah well, the Air Force better send him back in the same condition as he left here in. If they brake him, they buy him." Gibbs grumped and squeezed the bridge of his nose as he felt aheadache forming behind his eyes; it wasn't even nine o'clock in the morning yet.

Jenny couldn't help but wonder if McGee's skills would be better served elsewhere. Sure Gibbs'team was the best but she knew that they all gave McGee a hard time for being different than them. He leaned more towards the academic and the computing while Tony and Ziva preferred to be out in the field doing something. And Gibbs understand little or nothing about computers. Timothy McGee was the oddball out and she had a feeling that he knew it. It just surprised her that he lasted as long as he did. If it had been her getting picked on everyday by people that were suppose to be your teammates, she would have gone crazy or even requested a transfer. Blinking, she realized she hadn't heard a word Jethro had said. "How are you doing on the McGee case?"She asked, picking a safe subject to switch to.

Gibbs leaned back in his chair. "We've hit a deadend. Seems that the NID don't exist or at least that's the impression we've been getting. I think someone just doesn't want us digging so their telling us what they think we want to hear. And if we do find something, all we get is we're sorry but that's classified."

"If the NID does truly exist then it could be a classified organization." Jenny picked up her glasses and tapped them against her chin in thought. "And every time you poke and push, you're probably setting off red flags from here to the hill. I'd be careful if I was you, Jethro. If it is a cloak and dagger operation then they operate way outside the normal laws. They could make you and your team disappear without even batting an eyelash.

Standing, Gibbs moved towards the door. "What makes you think that isn't what I'm trying to do? Maybe if I rattle a few cages, I'll flush out some rats. Admiral McGee was murdered, Director. And I intend to find out by whom." With that said he yanked the door open and exited heading for bullpen and his team.

Jenny shook her head. If any Gibbs knew how many cages he had rattled in the past two weeks. Just last week she had to unruffle some feathers in Homeland Security. Seems that when he tried to do a background check on McGee's brother, Daniel, he was flagged as a potential terrorist. Jethro had no idea how close he came to being arrested and carted away. If the President himself hadn't ordered them to look into Admiral McGee's death, she would have told her Agents to put it on the back burner until things calmed down. She just hoped that Gibbs backed off slightly before he pissed off the wrong people or got himself and his team into trouble that she couldn't fix with a few phone calls.
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