Categories > Celebrities > Dir en grey
A Day of Grey
2 reviewsKyo is a very angry little man. Kaoru’s his best friend. Die and Shinya aren’t very talkative. And Toshiya generally just wants to sleep. Kyo hates people. Practice is typical. And Kyo’s plag...
A Day of Grey
(#) ScreamForMySanity 2012-02-25
haha this made me laugh at some bits but it's really well written and it was awesomeAuthor's response
Thanks for the review. :) It's nice to know you enjoyed my writing.A Day of Grey
(#) midnight13731 2012-05-20
I really liked this fanfic, especially how you portrayed Kyo at the end. I do feel for him~ But he's amazing~
Thanks for writting such an awesome piece~
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