Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Electric


by xxplasticpearlsxx 4 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-05-24 - Updated: 2010-05-24 - 1393 words

I hate to admit it but Gerard was right it was the longest five days of my life. The first day was the worst though. After I had dropped him off at the air port I didn’t hear anything from Gerard for several hours. Longer then the time it would take for him to make his journey home safely but what after what seemed like forever I got a text.

Gerard: Sorry for the wait. Things are all settled and I can’t wait to see you again.
Rachel: All settled as in Gerard Way is free game?
Gerard: haha yes.

Then everything went on its normal everyday way. I talked to Gerard through texts and phone calls everyday he was away and carried on with life. Now I’m watching the minutes slowly tick by before I can pick him up at the airport. It’s the only time I’ve ever itched to be done with work. Then finally the last child was picked up. I ran home changed into a pair of dark skinny jeans a white lace trimmed tank covered with a black cotton tee and black flip flops grabbed my sun glasses and headed straight for the airport.

I was waiting just like they do in the movies at Gerard’s gate. There was person after person filling out of the terminal and then I spotted him. I just stood there and waited for him to spot me I didn’t want to draw any unnecessary attention to him. He scanned the room and his eyes locked on mine. He smiled and made his way over to me. As soon as he could reach me he put his carry on bag down and wrapped his arms around me. He didn’t even say anything to me he just captured my lips in his. I smiled into the kiss and molded myself to him. We stood there in the middle of the airport kissing like no one could see us. I was so surreal.

Finally we separated and just looked at each other for a moment.

“Hey” I said
“Let’s get your stuff and bring you to the hotel.”
“The hotel? I thought maybe we could just go to your place.”
“Nope, I have a date with a love seat” I said with a laugh as we went to baggage claim. Within thirty minutes we were at the hotel checking Gerard in. We made our way to his room and I B-lined it to the love seat.

“So are you here for me or for that?” Gerard asked pointing at the love seat.
“Please don’t ask me to choose!” I said placing my hand over my heart and laying down on the most heavenly piece of furniture I have ever encountered. Gerard got all of his stuff situated and came over. He gentle lowered his body over mine and I adjusted so we could both comfortably lie down. My head was propped up on the arm of the sofa and his was on my shoulder/chest.
“I could not stop thinking about you the whole time I was home” Gerard said softly
I smiled and ran my hand through his hair.
“I’m glad to hear that”.
He nuzzled his nose into my neck and then kissed it softly. Then he pulled his head up and planted a light kiss on my lips. I smiled as he pulled away from me and looked me in the eye.
“I told my brother about you. He wants to meet you, he’ll been in town over the weekend, would you be up for that?”
I smiled again “I would love to meet your brother”
He smiled back looking extremely excited “Great we’ll go for lunch or something.”
I laughed. Seeing him happy just made me feel warm.

Then my phone started to ring and I made the motion to sit up but Gerard didn’t move.
“No” was all the said.
“Come on sweetie, I have to answer that”
I laughed quietly “It will take me like one second, now up”

He sat up with a pout and I went to fish my phone out of my bag. I went into the other room to answer but it was nothing important. When I walked back into the room Gerard was sitting up watching TV. I couldn’t help it but I was going to have to ask him about the break up. I sat down next to him and took a deep breath.

“Yes” he said not taking his eyes off the TV
“How did everything go while you were at home?”
He knew exactly what I was talking about because he looked down and then slowly dragged his eyes to meet mine.
“It wasn’t too bad. We hadn’t been dating for too long and she just wasn’t the right fit. We both knew it was coming.”
“Not to sound horrible but I’m glad you did it.”
“Me too” He said leaning in and kissing me on the lips.

We watched movies and lounged around forever. We even ordered room service. We spent the whole day locked up in Gerard’s hotel room touching, kissing, talking, and watching. Before we knew it the cable box read 3:15 am.

“Where did the time go, good thing it’s Friday” I said as I stood up and stretched my body out.
“Holy crap, no shit” Gerard said also standing.
“You’re not going traveling alone at this hour. Come on you can sleep here tonight.”
Gerard guided me into his room and flicked on the light.
“Here let me find you something you can wear to bed.”
He dug through his bag and found me a tee shirt and some boxers. I took them from him and headed to the bathroom. I put the tee shirt on and opted for my black booty shorts over his over sized boxers. When I walked back into the room Gerard was already in the bed. He watched me as I walked over to the other side of the bed and plopped myself in it. As soon and I was under the cover Gerard snaked his body beside mine.

“Are you trying to kill me?” he whispered in my ear as he ran his had from my knee to the inside of my thigh. My breath hitched in my throat.
“I could ask you the same question” I whispered back
Gerard just grinned and rolled away from me.

What. The. Hell.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I felt Gerard chuckle from beside me.

“All in good time sweet girl”
“Jerk” I said pouting.

After that I rolled over and snuggled myself into him.

“I have more questions to ask you? Up for another game?”
“Sure” I said closing my eyes.
“Favorite carnival ride?”
“Farris wheel.”
“Last book you read?”
“Chicka Chicka Boom Boom the alphabet book”
Gerard and I both laughed for a minute.
“Okay. Uhm blue or red slushie?”
“Do you like sushie?”
“Uhm not my favorite. Okay my turn.”
“Go for it.”
“Ready for bed?” I asked with a yawn and then a smile.
Gerard laughed. “Sure” he said and leaned over to shut the lamp off and not long after that I was out.

I woke up with the sun coming through the blinds. I was so comfortable in that bed I could have stayed there all day. I flipped from my tummy to my side and watched Gerard sleep for a minute. This whole thing is still so unreal. We literally bumped into each other and now I could quite possibly be falling in love with this man. Slowly but surely.

After a minute he woke up too and adjusted his eyes. We laid there quietly for a while just waking up.

“Do you want to go out for breakfast?” Gerard asked
“No” I answered honestly.
“I was hopping you would say that” he answered with a smile

We ended up with a room service breakfast and eating it in bed.
We were just lounging around and I couldn’t keep my eyes off of him.

I could see myself with this man.

Slowly but surely I was falling for him. Slowly but surely I thought to myself.
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