Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'll Never Let Them Hurt You


by thatcrazedfan 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2010-06-07 - Updated: 2010-06-07 - 537 words - Complete

Nikki's POV

I had been sitting on the front porch with my bags, since one. I had called Jacob and told him the plan and he told me he would be here within an hour. It was now almost three... I was starting to wonder if he wasn't going to show up, and then I remembered what he had said on the phone: Don't worry about anything. I'll be there.

I started thinking of other possibilities. He could have fallen asleep, or maybe he was couldn't find something. Or what if he was in a car accident. I shuddered at the thought. Maybe he had been so tired, that he swerved off the road and ran into something... I really hoped that didn't happen.

I was just about to pick up my bags and go inside, when a car turned onto the street. I could tell right away, that it had to be Jacob. It was a dead give away when he pulled into the drive way. The driver's side door opened and Jacob jumped out. He ran over to me and I jumped into his arms, "I thought you died..."

"No, I just woke my mom up. She asked what I was doing and I told her that a friend called and needed me to go over to their house."

I laughed, "Did she believe you."

He nodded, "Amazingly, yea."

He let go of me and helped me get my bags into the backseat of his car. I climbed into the passenger seat, and as soon as I shut my door, we were off.

"So, where are we going to stay tonight?" he asked, not taking his eyes off the road.

I shrugged, "For tonight, we can just pull over. Tomorrow we can get a hotel room."

He nodded, "A hotel in town, or somewhere else?"

"Probably in town. That way we can map out where we can go." I yawned.

He nodded and smiled, "There is one up ahead, we can stay there." He paused, "Maybe get some sleep before we head out."

I smiled and nodded at him, "That sounds like a good idea." I yawned again.

If the hotel he was going to wasn't as close as it was, I probably would have fallen asleep before we got there. I was almost to the point of sleep when he parked the car in the parking lot. We grabbed our stuff and walked in. The hotel clerk hurrayed to find us a room.

We were soon walking up the stairs to find our room. The elevator was out of order, and our room was on the third floor. We had made it up one flight of stairs before I felt like I was going to pass out. So, the rest of the way, Jacob was holding most of my weight as well as all of our bags.

Finally, we reached the room. Jacob helped me onto the bed and I collapsed. I watched Jacob put our bags on the floor near the wall before kicking his shoes off and lying down next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and smiled, "Goodnight, Nikki."

I nodded and within a few minutes I fell asleep.
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