Categories > Original > Romance > Another Love Story

Chapter 2

by CherryBlossom1210 1 review

Chap 2 posted!

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-06-12 - Updated: 2010-06-13 - 892 words

The next day,I walked into the school.My eyes were all sleepily closed,and I felt like a zombie.
I heard people laughing and I knew it was about me,but I really didn't care.I didn't get sleep all night,just thinking of Shen kissing me.
His lips were soft and warm,and they affected me so much.I yawned and walked into the bathroom and to the mirror.
Putting my things down,I splashed water all over my face.I put my glasses down and looked up rubbing my eyes.
At least my hair wasn't a big mess as I thought.But it still was a mess.
I threw water all over it and soon I found it soaking wet.I left it down,though,uncaringly.I put my glasses on and fixed my clothes,and shook myself out.
Walking out,people stared at me.
How wierd...
I walked into Lance's office and smiled.Lance turned and smirked.
"How's my Belle doing?",he asked.I looked down at my ankle and shrugged.
"Feels much better.",I said.I went over and sat on the bed.
"You know,the one that brung you here yesterday was the new boy.",he said in a quiet voice.
"I know.He...he,umm,kissed me.",I said.His eyes widened and he turned to me again.
"He what?",he asked.
"He kissed me.But don't worry!It was a small and harmless kiss and didn't mean anything!I'm very sure of it!",I said.Lance sighed and walked up to me.He placed his hand on my head.
"Belle,darling,you must truly be careful that boy.I do not know what his intentions are.",he said.
"Lance-,",and I grabbed his hand holding it tightly between my hands,"-Don't judge people by looks.And like I said before,I won't fall for him.You want to know who the only guy there is for me in this life?",I said.He smiled and petted my hands with his other hand
"Who,darling?",he asked.
"You!",I said.He chuckled and kissed my hand.
"Here,I made some cookies.Would you like some?",he asked.I nodded and he walked to his refrigerator,but then turned back to me.
"What?",I asked.
"Love,what happened to your hair?",he asked.I laughed and played with it.
"It was a bit messy because I didn't fix it,so I just wet it all.",I said.He sighed and walked to me.
"Maybe I can do something with it so that you don't look so tragic.But I do admit,you do look very beautiful.Put your hair down more often.",he said.After a while,he put my hair up in a high ponytail.Way better than how I did it.
"Alright,I want cookies.Thanks for the hair,Lance.",I said.He nodded and handed me the cookies.
As I started nibbling on them,the door opened and there stood my sister.
"Meredith?",I asked.
"Oh,so there's some forbidden love between the nurse and my sister,huh?",she said.
"So this is the infamous sister I hear of,huh?",Lance said walking up next to me.
"Infamous?Listen,nurse,but you should keep your mouth shut.",she said.
"Meredith,what is it?",I asked.She flipped her hair and smiled.
"I need to talk to you about Shen.",she said.The moment she said his name,I shivered.
"Another time,we are chatting.",Lance said.
"Sorry,but you don't own her.I am her sister so I can do what I want with her.",she said.
"So because you're her sister,you own her?Sorry,but I do not even thik you know anything about her.",Lance said.I sighed and stepped down scratching my head.
"Meredith,I'll come with you.",I said.I turned to Lance and smiled."It's okay,Lance.I'll come back for lunch okay.Save me some cookies.",I said.He smiled and caressed my cheek with his thu,b.
"Alright,love.Any problems,and you come to me,I'll see you during lunch,Belle.",he said.I smiled and waved bye.I grabbed my bag and followed the meaner of my sister out.
Soon,we were in an empty classroom.
"Alright,speak.Anything about Shen so far?",she asked.I shook my head.
"Well,answer!",her friend yelled at me AGAIN.
"No!I haven't talked to him at all.",I lied.
"But he did bring you to the nurse's office.",she said.
"Yeah,but he left real quick after that.Meredith,I have to get to class.I'll to you later.",I said and stood up heading for the door.I opened it and there stood Shen.
"Oh,hi,Shen.",I heard my sister said.I gulped and blushed at the sight of him.
"Shen.",I whispered.He smirked and gave a nod.
"Yo.I need to talk to you.Let's go.",he said.I stammered,but he grabbed my arm and pulled my away.
Crap,he did that in front of my sis!Now my nightmares will really begin.
But it's good that he didn't do it in front of Lance.Lance was like an older brother to me,and it is very obvious that he did not like Shen.
But...what did Shen even want?
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