Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Teacher and I

Just Dance

by Olderthanyou 4 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2010-06-12 - Updated: 2010-06-13 - 1510 words

Chapter 19- Another short one to be followed by another

When Eva reached home she began to cry like a maniac and then dried her tears and stormed off towards her computer. She researched pyrotechnics to plan her future concerts and thought about how in the future every man would want her and Gerard Way would just be another.
Her phone rang and noticed it was Liza. Eva rolled her eyes wanting to know what she did to deserve such cursed beings in her life.

“Hey, are you going to the dance tomorrow?” asked Liza.

“Oh that shit?” began Eva annoyed. “I have no way of getting there. My parents are in the USA.”
“My Dad can drive us,” began Liza. “I want you to come, please. Teachers will be there, so it’s safe.” It made sense to Eva when she said that last line. Eva really didn’t care if teachers were there or not, Liza must have wanted to go because Gerard Way was going to be there. It made the prospect of Eva not wanting to go even greater.

“Please,” said Liza.

“I guess I’ll go,” said Eva eventually. “I need to get out more.”

By the next day Liza and Eva had planned to go to the dance at around 7. It was the first of its kind planned at school and not Eva or Liza’s thing at all, but since the rest of their year was going they decided to go. It was just an excuse for everyone to hook up, and Eva thought that the good thing about having Liza come along was that they could bitch about people being sluts even though Liza was on Eva’s nerves. The day was strange because the police had been called to remove a few paparazzi from the front of the school and then some fan girls had tried to sneak in making the mood more excitable.

Eva ignored Mr. Way whenever she saw him walking anywhere around the school and she had even seen Michaela and him talk twice that day in passing. Eva was slowly beginning to heal finalising that she had fallen for the idea of him, rather than the person he was- or so she told herself.

By the time the afternoon came Eva went through the door and jumped in the shower. She washed her slender and slightly tanned body and then applied some coconut body lotion before slipping on a tight, figure hugging, short red dress. For once Eva could even agree she looked lovely. At about 6:30 Eva heard a beep at the front of her house and walked outside to see Liza and her father in the car.

When Eva and Liza hopped out of the car and walked towards the school hall where the event was being held glances shifted their way. It was different seeing Eva out of her school uniform and she was an eyesore. Michaela spotted her and Liza and commented that Eva looked slutty to the girl next to her. It was the most pathetic attempt at making herself feel better and it made the girl next to her roll her eyes. No one could deny Eva looked like a glamour model.

“Let’s get some Sprite,” said Eva bored already hearing the hip hop music coming from the hall. Liza nodded who also looked quite nice in a purple dress.

The girls walked into the hall and were approached by the ancient Mr. Fried who began a spirited conversation with Eva about fashion from the 20’s. When the conversation had finished Eva and Liza took a seat in the corner of the hall away from everyone else and sat down to talk. It was comforting in a strange way knowing that Eva still had someone next to her even though that person hated her. Liza’s eyes were glancing around the room in search for Mr. Way and that glimmer came eventually when he walked in the door wearing a very sexy outfit consisting of a tailored suit jacket and dark blue jeans.

“Let’s dance,” persisted Liza randomly.

“What?” said Eva. “I can’t dance, and you hate dancing.”

“Let’s do something different,” pushed Liza edging Eva to get up. Eva got up and walked to the middle of the dance floor. It just so happened that after her and Liza began doing some hopless dancing that ‘Famous Last Words’ began to play through the speakers. Liza and Eva looked at each other and erupted into a fit of laughter that could be heard from the other side of the hall. It was almost as if nothing really mattered anymore and that the song made everything feel as if life was going to move on no matter what happened. That thought made Eva’s heart drop and Liza could feel it too. It made them both walk off the dance floor and take a seat back in their usual positions and think.

There was laughter coming from the middle of the dance floor and Eva and Liza's thoughts were interrupted when they noticed that Michaela and a few other students had dragged Mr. Way to dance to his song. You could almost feel the sexual tension between Michaela and Gerard and it made Liza’s eyes flash and Eva’s heart feel it was coming out of her ass.

“I’m going to the bathroom,” said Eva to Liza and Liza nodded then walked away to join her other misfit friends.

Eva headed outside and heard laughter. She looked up and saw Nick standing there away from his friends for once coming out of his car. Eva scowled.

“Laughing at me again?” began Eva. “You really inspire me to pursue a career in stand-up comedy.”

“Yeah, that’s pretty much all you’ll have to do to make people laugh- stand up,” he said smiling. Eva was about to walk into the bathroom- not to use it but just to waste time when Nick stopped her.

“I was only laughing because you look different out of school uniform,” he said standing close to her.

“Thanks?” said Eva not understanding why he was talking to her nicely after years of being nasty.

“Do you want to sneak up to the legal room and steal the legal exam?” said Nick. “I heard they finished it already.” It was the saddest way of asking Eva to go for a walk but it worked.

As they snuck through the school away from the lights and teachers they reached Mr. Way’s legal room.

“Should I pull out my pocket knife or gun to break open the lock?” asked Eva jokingly. Nick laughed.

“This is weird,” stated Eva after a few seconds of silence.

‘What is?” quizzed Nick.

“Hanging out with you,” she said. “You’re always so nasty to me like you hate me.”

“I don’t hate you,” he said and that was the end of that conversation.

They walked back towards the hall and there was a moment of silence before Nick offered to take Eva home. Eva would have said no but that was the old Eva who did everything by the rules- the new Eva however said yes after much debate.

“Meet me at the end of the oval in about twenty,” said Nick. “I need to go pick up James and drop him here before we go.”

Eva headed inside and said goodbye to Liza and told her to thank her Dad before heading off towards to oval. She walked further and further away from the hall and through the gate which lead to the now very dark and grassy area. In the corner she could hear moaning and when she turned her head towards the left she saw Michaela’s legs around Gerard and his pants unbuttoned thrusting into each other.

“Oh shit, sorry!” said Eva panicking her head turned away as Gerard and Michaela’s frightful faces readjusted their clothes. The area was one where people wouldn’t normally visit but it was as if the night had put Eva in that place purposely. Headlights drove towards her on the gravel next to the grassy area and Nick was just in time to ease the awkward situation.

“Eva, please don’t tell anyone,” began Michaela. Eva laughed and lifted her eyebrows disguising her agony perfectly. Eva looked at both of them, Gerard’s face so shocked and ashamed he didn’t know what to say. Eva continued to stare at them as she opened the passenger door of Nick’s car.

“Your secret is safe with me,” began Eva smiling sarcastically and putting one foot in the car before stopping suddenly. “Just readjust your fly Mr. Way.” Before she hopped in the car and faced Nick who looked at the scene in front of him and then at Eva. Gerard and Michaela kept staring into the car looking at Eva and Nick driving away laughing hysterically not knowing that inside Eva was ready to kill herself.
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