Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Nothing Lasts Forever~MCR~Even Cold November Rain

Cold in the dark

by oreosrock 0 reviews

Amy's initial awkwardness fades to disappointment.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2010-06-24 - Updated: 2010-06-24 - 1348 words


The first obstacle was the steps.

I heaved the suitcase up each one, cursing my weakness. I've got a big mouth, but no matching muscles.

The second was the kid at the top of the steps staring down at me meditatively.

It's times like these I wish Gerard was a tad more reliable. "Uh, hi."

He didn't smile back. "Hey. You sure you got the right bus?"

"Um, yeah." I sighed. "Uh, this is My Chemical R--"

"Yeah, yeah. Who are you, exactly?"

Goddamnit, this is awkward. "Yeah, sorry, I'm Amy. I'm Gerard's...guest, I guess."


I stood there, gripping the handle of the suitcase for a few moments, seriously considering running back to the other side of the parking lot.

Then Mikey appeared. Forever my deus ex machina, that boy. "Hey, Amy. Need some help?"

"Yes. Yes, please."

The other boy, who was hurriedly introduced as Isaac, bent down to help me. Too little, too late, jerk.

We sat down in the back of the bus and waited. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't considering leaving right then.

Gerard was late. I'd thought he would be there. Bad omen. Bad omen. Bad omen.

He came in with Danielle a half-hour later, pale and sweaty.

What does it say about me that I get jealous and suspicious a whopping two days into a new relationship?

He sat down next to me and put his arm around me, pulling me in so he could speak softly in my ear. “I’m sorry I’m so late. I meant to be here when you arrived.”

“It’s okay,” I lied.

Third obstacle—honesty.

“What have you been doing?”

He was quiet a moment, offering a smile to the roadie that came in and out of the bus. “It’s not exactly an appetizing story.”

“Tell me later?”

He nodded and put a soft kiss on my lips.


The space on the bus was so limited that people were forced to take turns sleeping on a blanket on the floor. There were four makeshift bunk beds in the sleeping area, providing eight beds for the ten musicians. Usually only two of them had to sleep on the ground at any given time. But my addition had complicated things. I wasn’t present for the discussion that apparently took place before their arrival in Atlanta.

By the time all the band-members petered into the bus, it was several hours past nightfall. One of the Warring States (I admit that at this point I could barely tell them apart) suggested that everybody shut the fuck up and go to bed.

Before I had the chance to look around awkwardly and lost, Gerard grabbed my wrist and took me out of the bunk area to the bus’s center, the general area. While I stood around with my arms crossed, he pulled out the tucked-away couch, revealing a pull-out bed. “Ta-da!” he announced with a flourish. “They decided to give us the couch.”

“Us?” I was not prepared for this.

“Yeah, there’s not really much space back there for us, so…” His voice trailed off as he realized his mistake. “Oh. Oh, is this…would this make you uncomfortable?”

“Um, well, I just…”

I could see his throat tighten as he swallowed, hard. “Okay, it’s fine. You stay here, I’ll just…”

He began to walk off quickly. Fuck. I stepped in front of him before he passed. “Wait, wait, wait.”

“What?” I was relieved that I couldn’t detect any indication of anger in his voice.

“You just caught me off-guard,” I explained. “This is fine.”

He exhaled and stepped forward, pulling me closer to him till I was right against his chest. “Fuck, you scared me,” he breathed into my hair.

I wrapped my arms around his torso. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.” I pulled away from him and gestured to my suitcase. “Can I get changed?”

He nodded and turned his back to me.

In a few minutes, we slipped under the blanket he’d set out. I felt his legs find mine, and I slid in closer to him until our arms wrapped around each other.
“Mm. I love this,” I couldn’t help but murmur.

“Me, too,” he said back. I felt his hand find the small of my back, and shivers went up my spine.

Things were so perfect when they were silent. But. “So why were you late today?” I whispered up at him.

He tensed up immediately. “Oh. Um.”

I straightened up at my waist, looking down at him. “What’s wrong?”

He cleared his throat. “No. I just, um.” Another pause. “I had…food poisoning. I was throwing up.”

“You were sick?”

“Yeah, really bad. I was in Danielle’s car when I started feeling it coming on, so she took me to a motel and rented a room just so I could vomit in the toilet.”

Inwardly, alarms were blaring. Hadn’t I been suspicious earlier, and now there was a motel in the equation?


I lay back down but made sure that I wasn’t touching him again.

He spoke again after a few seconds. “I’m sorry I didn’t call you to let you know I was going to be late.”

“It’s all right,” I murmured back.

He inched closer to me and brought me back into his arms again, while I stayed limp like a ragdoll. “I just didn’t want you to think I smelled bad right before coming on tour with me,” he said in a low voice.

I smiled at that. “Well, you’re a fucking idiot,” I replied.

“That’s news to who, exactly?”

Oh, Gerard. “True. But you should have told me. I would have come to help.”

“Midwife Amy? Sweet Amy Nightingale?”

I snuggled closer to him, my worries quelled. “Shut your fucking mouth, asshole.”

We lay in silence for several minutes. I considered the truth in my mind, turning over it like a stone in water. “You wanna hear something really dumb?”

“As opposed to just thinking something dumb?”

“Yep.” Please don’t react badly, please don’t react badly, please don’t react badly. “When you came in late with Danielle, I thought for a minute that you guys might have been…together. Together-together.”

He was quiet for a minute. Two nightmare scenarios were running through my mind. The first, that he was about to get really pissed and kick me out of bed. The second, that I was right.

“Amy, I can’t even express to you in words the huge dumbness of that statement.”

I relaxed but didn’t laugh. “I know. I was worried, though.”

He shifted so he was lying on his side and could look in my eyes. “First of all, I’m not that big of a dick, contrary to popular belief.” He paused to kiss me. The whole world is afire…. “Second of all, Danielle is off-limits to everyone.”

“Huh. Why?”

He brushed my hair out of my eyes. “You cannot say anything to him or to her, okay? But Ray is like, in love with her.”

“Oh.” I thought back to the party months ago, and pictured six feet of guitarist staring down at the girl on the floor, a look of longing… “Yeah, I thought that might be the case.”

I should probably keep my mouth shut here. “It’s just funny, I guess, thinking of rock stars in love. You don’t really picture you guys…that way.” Take the bait, take the bait, take the bait.

“Yeah, well, Ray’s different. He’s one of kind.” I deflated like a popped birthday balloon. The exhaustion creeping into his voice told me that it was time to cut my losses and shut the fuck up.

“All right, well, goodnight,” I said.

“Goodnight, Sweet Amy Nightingale,” he replied. The searing heat of his body wrapped around me like a cocoon, but I felt so cold next to him in the dark.
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