Categories > Books > Harry Potter > 200 Years Later

Perfect For Each Other

by HallowsNotHorcruxes 8 reviews

Lena's interview isn't exactly going smoothly.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2010-07-01 - Updated: 2010-07-01 - 1253 words

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. Obviously.

Summary: Lena's interview isn't exactly going smoothly.

If you are reading this, and read my other chapters before July 1st, due to technical errors, I was forced to repost Interview With A Dead Man, and it deleted all ratings and reviews. If you would like to re-rate it, I would love you forever. If you re-review it, you would become the immortal ruler of mankind.


“How much do you know about the War?” asked Draco.

Lena ran through her mental filing cabinet, and recalled what she read on the subject.

“Well, Vol- You-Know-Who, was a Dark wizard who rose to power in the 1970s. In 198… 1, I think, he tried to kill Harry Potter, but the curse rebounded, and You-Know-Who died, and then came back to life-”

“No.” interrupted the translucent teenager.

“What? My copy of History of Magic said-”

“Well, the book was wrong, then, wasn’t it?”

He looked at her oddly, as though she was a familiar stranger.

“Always following the textbook, eh? I knew a witch just like you once. Pain in the arse, she was. But she helped save the goddamn world, and becomes a hero, while I’m stuck in a bathroom for eternity with my name nothing but a mention in a textbook.”

“Are you referring to Hermione Granger?” she asked.

He shook his head, as though he was trying to rid himself of a negative thought.

“Right… so, your textbook is wrong. The Dark Lord never died. When he tried to kill Potter, the curse recoiled, and he was… displaced, I suppose, is the best way to put it. But he didn’t die. He just couldn’t do anything.”

Lena struggled to comprehend the new information.

“But- how? I read that Harry survived, but no one knew why, but I didn’t know You-Know-Who did too.”

She was annoyed that everything her textbook said seemed to be a lie. If there was anything she hated more than bad grades, it was incorrect information.

“I don’t suppose you know about Horcruxes, either, do you?”

Lena shook her head.

“Well, I don’t know much about the curriculum now, but when I was in school, you weren’t supposed to know about them. I doubt you’re supposed to now either, but I’m going to tell you anyways. You probably shouldn’t tell people I told you, though. Or actually, go ahead. I really don’t give a damn. So, a Horcrux is an object in which you hide part of your soul.”

“Oh dear, you’re not telling her about those nasty things, are you?” called out Myrtle, who was floating near the ceiling.

“She asked me to tell her!” he shouted back.

“Don’t you make excuses to me!” she yelled, and with a huff, she dove into a toilet, where she disappeared.

“There she goes again.” muttered Draco. “Just you wait; she’s probably listening to us, and will come back in a few minutes, when she changes her mind.”

“I will not!” called a muffled voice from the toilet.

With a sigh, Draco continued his explanation.

“You-Know-Who was obsessed with immortality. So, he made seven Horcruxes, which is to say, he cut his soul into seven pieces. In doing so, he could not die.”

Lena was horrified. The idea of mutilating your soul was despicable, but to do it seven times?! That was truly evil. She had read of the hundreds of murders, but this was beyond what she would have thought possible.

“So that’s why You-Know-Who didn’t die?” she said in a small voice.



It seemed there was a lot more to this war than she thought. If her textbook had left that out, what else didn’t she know?

“So, if You-Know-Who was ‘displaced’, how did he come back to his full powers?”

“He didn’t come back to full strength until my fourth year. He did manage to cause quite a bit of chaos before that, though. All during my years at Hogwarts. Lucky me, eh?” said Draco, his voice thick with sarcasm.

“What year did you start Hogwarts, then?”


Lena paused, doing a bit of mental math in her head.

“1991… that would put you in the same year as Harry Potter.”

Draco gave her no indication that she was correct, instead watching her, which she took as an invitation to continue.

“So, if you were in his year, were you one of his friends?”

The moment those words slipped out of her mouth, she knew they were the wrong thing to say. Draco looked disgusted, then furious. Glaring at her, he grabbed for the tie around his neck, only to have his hand plunge right through his throat.

“Dammit!” he swore. He tried again and again to grab his tie, only to have his hand pass through his neck as though there was nothing there. Lena wanted to help him, but all she could do was stand on the sidelines. It felt like watching someone fall out of a wheelchair. After about a minute of attempting to pull his tie out in vain, he gave up, and gave a deep sigh. “You can’t even see the colors of my house tie, can you?”

“Well, it is rather… transparent.”

She looked at it closely, trying to see what house colors it was, but it was simply pale shades of black and blue. It could have been anything.

“Look, it’s a Slytherin tie. I was in Slytherin house, and Potter was a Gryffindor. So, no, we weren’t friends.”

He leaned back against a sink, clearly frustrated with his handicap. Lena noticed he was actually floating an inch above the sink he was trying to lean on, but she didn’t want to mention that to him.

She wasn’t sure what she should say. It was obvious Draco didn’t want to be bothered anymore. As much as she needed that interview, she wouldn’t mess with someone in emotional distress. She backed away from him, ready to head out the door. Just as she turned around to put her hand on the doorknob, she heard an odd cooing sound, a consoling tone. Lena looked back to see Myrtle next to Draco, her arms around him, speaking softly to him with simple words of comfort.

“No worries, dear. It’s okay. You’ll be fine…”

Amazingly, this simple gesture had a perceptible effect on Draco. He immediately looked reassured, and spoke quietly to Myrtle.

“Really? Are you sure?”


At this, he smiled, looking as though he hadn’t even been upset in the first place. He looked away from Myrtle, and noticed Lena, still standing with her hand on the door.
“Well, where do you think you’re going? You still have an interview!”

This chapter was for those who thought my Draco/Myrtle pairing was too ridiculous. Now, I don’t really have any questions on the future of the story, but I want to keep up the tradition of questions. So, what are your thoughts on Myrtle’s and Draco’s relationship? Why do you think they work together, or why do you think they don’t work together, etc.

Since I have been having so many technical difficulties, I am moving to I will still try to post my stories on Ficwad, but if you want regular stories, go see Accio Dilectio on That's me.

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