Categories > Books > Harry Potter > 200 Years Later

Interview With A Dead Man

by HallowsNotHorcruxes 1 review

Lena meets her mystery ghost, and is determined to get an interview.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2010-07-01 - Updated: 2010-07-01 - 1288 words

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. Obviously.

Summary: Lena meets her mystery ghost, and is determined to get an interview.

This chapter is dedicated to datbenik513. I have no idea who you are, but you write really nice reviews of all my stories, and I want to give you a hug. I love you random stranger!


“Myrtle, I promise, you look lovely, no matter what Olive Hornby-”

The ghost froze as he looked down at Lena, who was standing in the open doorway, watching the odd duo floating by the ceiling. She considered bolting, as she had obviously interrupted something. Before she could close the door, however, Myrtle was already drying her eyes, and the boy who had been comforting her began to glide down towards the alarmed witch.

Lena watched him approach her, her heart pounding. She was paralyzed, unable to run, horribly anxious. Lena watched him, looking for some indication of his emotion, but his face was unreadable. He reached the ground, and walked the last few feet to her. For one terrifying moment, he said nothing, merely stared at her with eyes that Lena was sure were just as cold in life as they were in death. He then flipped his straight blonde hair out of his face, smiled widely, and Lena relaxed instantly, knowing there was nothing to fear from this boy. Still grinning, he looked up to Moaning Myrtle, who was watching the whole episode from a rafter.

“Love, someone’s finally come to see us!”

Lena was speechless. Not only was the ghost a boy who looked a couple years older than herself, he was sweet on Myrtle?! If this was really the Moaning Myrtle she heard some of the seventh years talk about, how could anyone fall for her?

After the initial shock had worn away, Lena, who wasn’t a Ravenclaw for nothing, after all, figured that the stories she had heard about Moaning Myrtle must be stretched, or completely fabricated, as no one had ever mentioned the boy who lived with her.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud squeal of joy, as Myrtle flipped in midair, zooming quickly up to Lena, peering at her curiously through the thick-rimmed glasses, and Lena couldn’t help but to notice the resemblance of Myrtle to an overexcited puppy.

“So…” began Myrtle, who seemed rather giggly. “You came to see me?”

“Actually,” said Lena awkwardly. “I kind of came to see… well, I don’t actually know his name…”

Myrtle gave an indignant gasp, glared at Lena for a moment, and then burst into tears. It seemed this was very routine, as the boy automatically wrapped his arms around Myrtle in a comforting hug, and took her away from Lena, placing Myrtle on a windowsill. She was becoming more and more hysterical by the second, bawling her eyes out. The boy stroked her hair, and then turned to Lena, who still hadn’t moved. He looked down at her, unmistakably angry this time, and Lena felt light-headed from the constantly switching mood of the conversation. Was this not the same girl who was now happy and giggly five seconds ago, and now she was crying as though she would do so for hours. It looked like the stories about Myrtle were true.

With a strong sense of déjà vu, Lena watched from the doorway as the boy comforted Myrtle, for the second time in less than five minutes. He seemed to be discussing something with Myrtle, speaking lowly so Lena couldn’t hear him. Myrtle was beginning to stop crying, instead gesturing towards Lena. After another ridiculously short moment, the boy left the bipolar ghost sitting on the windowsill, and came over to Lena, who didn’t understand anything that had just happened.

“Well…” he said, looking slightly bored. “You said you came to see me. What do you want?”

Lena was still confused. She had been so sure he had just been angry. She wondered if this ghost was as crazy as Myrtle.

“Umm… Professor Binns sent me to see you.”

He seemed genuinely surprised by this.

“Really? I remember him from my years at Hogwarts… he never said anything of importance. Is he still dreadfully dull?”

“Kind of. But you see, he assigned an essay on the Second Wizard War, and there’s not a lot of information in the textbook. I asked him who could help me, and he recommended you.”

The boy looked at her oddly, not as though he was insulted, just as though that was not the answer he expected.

“Yes…” he said, still looking slightly out of it. “Right… the War.”

“I’m Lena, by the way. Lena Davies.”

The boy looked surprised, like he had forgotten she was there.

“Lena? Okay. I’m Draco, by the way. Draco Malfoy.”

That name was familiar to Lena. She briefly searched her mind, wondering where she had heard it.

“Malfoy… I think I’ve heard of you.”

Draco looked quite offended.

“I should damn well hope so. What, did you think I was bloody Harry Potter?”

“Harry Potter… that was the boy who defeated Voldemort.”

Draco winced.

“Please, call him You-Know-Who.” he muttered, slightly embarrassed that the name of the Dark Lord still made him flinch after two centuries.

“Okay. You-Know-Who then. But, about the interview. You were there, right? Through the Second Wizarding War? Professor Binns said you died in the final-” Lena broke off, unsure if she had just said something discourteous. She didn’t know too much about the laws of etiquette when it came to dead people.

Draco leaned back on his heels, and for a moment, he looked all his two hundred and seventeen years.

“You really want to know about the War, don’t you?”

“Yes, sir.”

“You do know, though, this isn’t a happy story.”

“I know.” said Lena.

“Do you really?” said Draco, raising one eyebrow. “People died, you know. Friends and families torn apart, traitors at every bend, the entire Wizarding World in disarray. It was a scary time. No one lived happily ever after. As a matter of fact, nearly no one lived.”

Lena wished he would stop talking about tragedy in such a cavalier manner, but she couldn’t let that get in the way of an Outstanding on such an important essay.

“Yes.” she said with certainty. “Yes, I know.”

“Well.” chuckled Draco, running his hand through his transparent hair. “Take a seat then.”

Congratulations to Cateagle, DrT, and Theo for guessing the ghost correctly within a 72 hour period. Thank you for all those who rated and reviewed, you made me do my happy dance.

Also, about Draco and Myrtle. When I was writing this, it somehow came together before I even realized I had wrote it, and worked. After all, Myrtle was very kind to Draco in Year 6, and a lot could happen in 200 years. Of course, some things will never change, as you will later see.

It seems giving a question gets a lot of replies, so here is one: Who do you think killed Draco?
Hint: It's the reason he's kind of grumpy about what happened immediately after the Final Battle, and it's AU, so don't search Deathly Hallows. But go ahead, take a guess. And while your at it, why not press that rating button up?


P.S. My apologies to those who rated and reviewed before July 1st. Due to some glitches and technical difficulties, I had to reset my story, and the reviews vanished. It also deleted my most recent chapter, but to make it up to you, I will rewrite it with more content than it already had. Once again, I am so sorry.
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