Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Chatroom


by MCR_Vampire_321 3 reviews

Sequel to my other story PenPals. Roxy joins a new chatroom and starts talking to 'an old friend'

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2010-07-03 - Updated: 2010-07-03 - 346 words - Complete

"Come on, it's been a fucking year. And anyway that perv has been arrested there's nothing to worry about anymore!" Toran argued, when I told her I didn't want join a new chatroom. I couldn't forget what had happened last time.
"But, you never know..."
"Just don't agree to meet up with anyone!" Toran argued back "Come on, it's totally safe!"
So that night, I thought I'd give it a try...
I logged on as MCRGirl, like I had on the last chatroom I had been on. It was a big chatroom with everyone talking or you can go into private chat. Just like the last one. The conversations on this website were stupid...

SxciGirlz - Who wants to hook up wiv me?
Sk8erboi - Me!

I don't even want to write about what they talked about after that. Suddenly, somone started talking to me over private chat.

MCRGuy - Hi!
MCRGirl - Who are you?
MCRGuy - We met at McDonalds, remember me? Gerard Way!

Gerard! What was he doing on this chatroom?

MCRGirl - Why have you joined this chatroom?
MCRGuy - I've always been a fan of this chatroom.
MCRGirl - What's there to like though?
MCRGuy - I don't know. My wife hates it but I think it's pretty funny.
MCRGirl - Yeah, my friend Toran likes this chatroom aswell. That's why I'm even on this chatroom.
MCRGuy - We should meet up again sometime.
MCRGirl - I don't know... After what happened last time, I dunno if I should go around meeting with strangers at random over the internet.
MCRGuy - But I'm not a stranger, we're friends.

Me? Friends with someone as famous and cool as Gerard Way!?

MCRGirl - Give me some time to think about it then atleast.
MCRGuy - Ofcourse. I understand. Damn, dinner's ready sorry. Got to go.
MCRGirl - Be on tommorow?
MCRGuy - 11AM.
MCRGirl - Great, see you then.
MCRGuy - Byeee.
MCRGirl - Byeee.

Then Toran came online, so I pushed all my thoughts of Gerard Way out of my head.
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