Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Chatroom

I know where you live.

by MCR_Vampire_321 7 reviews

Roxy starts chatting to ChickenLittle, FOBGeek and MCRBoy again... But one of them says they know where she lives.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2010-07-08 - Updated: 2010-07-08 - 658 words - Complete

I decide to talk to 'Gerard' about it straight away.

MCRGirl - Hello, I have a question to ask.
MCRBoy - Okay.
MCRGirl - My friend asked you if you were Gerard Way and you denyed it.
MCRBoy - Nobody asked me if I was Gerard Way, so I don't know what you're on about...
MCRGirl - FOBGeek wouldn't lie to me.
MCRBoy - You don't even know him.
MCRGirl - For all you know, he could be my brother!
MCRBoy - But he's not and I know he's not.
MCRGirl - You don't know anything!

I click the X in the corner, angry. Why has he turned into such an asshole lately?
Oh god. ChickenLittle is talking to me again.

ChickenLittle - Hey, I'm sorry about the other night... My friends say I have anger issuses init?
MCRGirl - Oh. Okay.
ChickenLittle - So, I think we should start again.
MCRGirl - Oh. Okay.
ChickenLittle - Hiya, my name is Frank.
MCRGirl - Hiya, my name is Emily.

Lying again, I know. But this guy's probably lying to!

ChickenLittle - Emily?
MCRGirl - Yeah?
ChickenLittle - Nothing.
MCRGirl - Really, what's up?
ChickenLittle - It's just, last time you said your name was Nicole.


MCRGirl - Did I? It was just a typo then.
ChickenLittle - Writing Nicole instead of Emily is a pretty big typo error, huh?
MCRGirl - Well... I guess.
ChickenLittle - Look, Nicole or Emily, or whatever your name is... I want the truth about you or we can't even be friends.

He wants the truth? HE WANTS THE TRUTH?
Well I decided, he can't HANDLE the truth.

MCRGirl - My name is Paula but I hate my name and Nicole and Emily are like two of my favorite names so I used them instead. And I'm 13 but I've had some pretty bad expierences on the internet... That's another reason why I don't usually use my true name but we're friends now, aren't we?

I grabbed a sticky note and quickly scribbed - Note To Self - When talking to ChickenLittle aka. Frank, my name is Paula.

ChickenLittle - You swear that's the truth? You're a 13 year old girl called Paula who has had bad expierences on the internet?
MCRGirl - Yeah, I don't usually start talking to stranges...


MCRGirl - But like you said, we're friends.
ChickenLittle - Sorry, I have to go. I may be on tommorow.
MCRGirl - Okay. Byee.

I sighed and noticed that none of my new friends were online. Jason was my all time favorite online chatter but I had a few. I made sticky notes for all the ones I had spoken to more than once. Nikki, Hannah, Jasmine, Luke, CJ and all their online name's aswell.
It didn't take long though for someone I knew to come online, and someone I really wanted to talk to.

FOBGeek - 'sup 'sup MCRNerd (:
MCRGirl - 'sup 'sup FOBGeek (:
FOBGeek - Did you talk to that MCRBoy?
MCRGirl - Yeah, but he denyed you asking him. And he thinks you're tricking me like NotEmo...
FOBGeek - Who's NotEmo?
MCRGirl - Just some guy. Anyway, what's up with you lately?

We got into a long and rather complicated conversation. It started off about chocolate and we ended up talking about cheerleaders by the end. Turns out Jason's sister is a cheerleader. Cute.

FOBGeek - Ouch, we've been on for a long time. I'd better go.
MCRGirl - Will you be on tommorow?
FOBGeek - Yeah, around seven.
MCRGirl - Cool, chat then.
-FOBGeek is offline-

I was about to log off when yet another person started talking to me.

MCRBoy - Hello.
MCRGirl - Uhh, no offence Gerard but you're really starting to annoy me.
MCRBoy - I know where you live.
MCRGirl - How?
MCRBoy - I know where you live.
MCRGirl - Gerard?
MCRBoy - I know where you live and I'm gonna get you.
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