Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > We're In This Together


by connor_constantine 2 reviews

Meeting with Trent's manager.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor - Published: 2010-07-10 - Updated: 2010-07-11 - 1217 words

"Wake up." I heard.. but it sounded so distant… peaceful. I couldn't tell who it was, and I didn't even realize I was awake yet. Suddenly… SPLASH!

I jumped out of bed, soaking wet.

"What the fuck!" I yelled.

"Connor! It's noon." Amy shouted. "When are you supposed to meet the guy at Trent's label?!"

"Pfft. That's not 'til Thur-" I began. Then my eyes widened. "Today's Thursday!"

I jumped out of bed and hopped over to the hotel closet (we checked into a hotel after the party at Gerard's house so we wouldn't overstay our welcome) and I threw on the nicest shirt I could find. I didn't have much. Just a normal button-down shirt, but that should do. I've done this kind of thing before. It's nerve-wracking the first time, but this isn't the first time. I have no reason to be nervous. Right? … Right?! Oh, who am I kidding. I'm scared out of my mind. This is huge! Nine Inch Nails is my all-time favorite band! I CAN'T mess this up!

I ran into the kitchen in my button-down shirt and grabbed a bagel.

"Nice pants." Jeremy said, smirking.

I looked down. All I had on was my underwear! I yelled, and ran back upstairs.

"Calm down!" Amy yelled, catching me in the hall.

"I can't! This is big!"

"That's what she said." Jeremy said from the kitchen.

Amy rolled her eyes and continued. "We've done this before. It's no big deal! You just have to show up and he's gonna talk about this whole tour deal."

I took a deep breath and relaxed.

"You gotta stop wigging out." She said.

So I went back to my room and changed to into a silky black t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans. I was wearing a simple, but impressionable outfit.

As I walked back into the kitchen, Jeremy said "So when's this meeting of yours?"

"It's at 2:00." I replied.

"Come on, guys. The joke's up. You don't have to keep pretending so I'll believe you." Taylor said as she walked in the room. I shot her a look, and she smiled, saying "I'm just kidding Connor. I know it gets on your nerves."

I let out a fake laugh, saying "Har har" with an annoyed expression of my face. Then I looked at the clock; it was 12:38.

"I have to get going!" I said.

I turned towards the door, and Jeremy tossed the car keys to me. I opened the door and ran out into the hotel hall, running into Maggie.

"Oh. You're leaving for the meeting already?" She asked.

"Yeah." I said. "It's at 2:00 and if I'm gonna make it in time, then I have to get going."

"Ok, well good luck." She said as I continued down the hall.

After I made it downstairs to the lobby, I walked outside and into the parking lot. I ran over to my car, which was the silver Mustang convertible parked closest to the building. I didn't use to drive very often, but during the tour I decided I need to, so I got my own car. And man, was I right.. It makes things so much easier being able to go somewhere that no one else wants to go. I got inside the car, turned the key in the ignition, and pulled out of the parking lot.

On the way to Nothing Records, I began to get hungry. A bagel just wasn't enough, so I quickly pulled up to the Drive-Thru window at Jack in the Box. I ordered a cheese burger and a Coca-Cola and continued to the label.


30 minutes later, I arrived at the label and parked my car. I got out and walked into the building. Once I was inside I felt the cool air hit my face. It felt nice, considering the fact that it was a hot day.

"Connor Constantine?" I heard a voice say. I looked ahead and there was a man in a suit standing there. He walked up to me and held his hand out for me to shake.

As I shook his hand I asked "You're Trent's manager?"

"Yes, I am." He said. "You can call me David."

It was silent for several seconds. Then he said "If you'll follow me, we can talk this through more thoroughly."

So I followed him into a room business-like room. He walked over to the chair at the head of the table and sat down.

"Please, sit down." He said.

I sat down and looked back at him.

"Now, I gave you the basic idea on the phone, right? Trent saw a video of you performing and he wants you to be the touring guitarist."

"Yeah." I said.

"Okay." He said, pausing for a moment. "Well, have you decided if you'd like to go on tour? You don't have anything else going on?"

"No… nothing." I said. "I just finished a tour with another band and I already recorded and released a record with my band. We don't have any tours scheduled."

"Well, then all we have to discuss is tour scheduling and you’re going to have to learn all of Nine Inch Nail's songs."

"Okay… and am I going to meet Trent today?"

"He's busy today, but since you have to learn his songs how about learning them from him on Saturday?"

"Uh, that sounds great!" I said, excited and nervous at the same time.

"Well, then. We still have to discuss tour scheduling. I'm not going to just tell you all the dates and have you memorize them, because there's no point in that, and you've already toured with another band, you said, so you get the idea of how it works. But anyways, basically the tour kicks off here in LA later this month. You are going to perform two back-to-back concerts at a venue downtown. Then you head to Washington to perform a show, which is already sold out, by the way. After that, the next couple states you perform in are Nevada, Arizona, and Utah. There are still more after that."

I continued to listen, and he said "Well, now that you get the idea of the tour opening, I think this meeting is finished. I have some other things going on today, so be sure you come back here on Saturday to meet Trent and practice songs with him and the rest of the live band. You might want to get a head start learning some of the songs, though." He said, standing up. I also stood up.

"Thanks for coming." He said, and we shook hands again.

As he began to walk out of the room, I asked "Would it be possible to get the other members of my band tickets to the opening show? Since we're here in LA?"

"I think I can arrange for your friends to receive some tickets." He said, and walked out of the room.

I stood there for several minutes before running out to my car and leaving. On the drive home I thought about how exciting this is. I get to meet Trent Reznor on Saturday and I might be able to get tickets for the others. Today has been a great day. But now comes the hard part… learning all those songs.
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