Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Early Sunsets Over Monroeville

A Change, For A Change?

by StopThePress 2 reviews

"Someone wants to speak to you." I looked at her very confused, until I looked behind her. He had a shy smile on his face. I could tell that he had put her up to this and she just gave in.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Horror - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-07-12 - Updated: 2010-07-13 - 1819 words - Complete

When life is too ordinary, it's natural to wish something unusual to happen. My life was the definition of boring. I worked as a journalist , but never got to meet anyone really famous. I stayed cooped up in my office all day typing, giving all that I could give to make the perfect article. Digging up every bit of information on the topic that there was, but all I ever gotten was "It's fine. Keep up the good work , Shane." I just wish for one day that my boss would fall to my feet and tell me how brilliant I really was, but that would be the day that my life would become exciting.

I work for Blender Magazine. I understand that I describe it as if I work at some kind of boring cubicle, no, office job that I want to get out of desperately, but being a journalist can have it's downsides. I handle the music column. I write articles about the indie, or underground bands that deserve recognition. I guess you can say it sounds fun, I met my very talented ex-boyfriend doing my job. I go to shows and then if I'm lucky I get a quick interview without being thrown out backstage, which never really happens anyway. My favorite show I have ever been to was the one that changed my life.

A couple years back in 2004, I got this assignment to interview this band that's been around for two years and they finally needed some light. I didn't really want to go, seeing as how it was August and Shark Week was on television but anything for the job, right. I went to the show which was packed with crowds of fans that totally adored this band. This, I took an interest to. Their fans were extremely dedicated so the band must be amazing, right? Correct. That had been the best concert that I had ever been to. They were very energetic, dedicated, and the lead singer had the most unique voice. That wasn't the only unique thing about him, at least I thought so. We started dating and things went pretty well. He was on tour around the world, and I was losing my ability to see from the brightness of my laptop. He'd call every night until the both of us couldn't let out another peep. But anytime when he got a break, I was working. Even if I wasn't at work, I was working. That was our only problem. I was too busy for him, so we split, the Spring of 2006. I haven't talked to him in a year. I've talked to everyone but him actually. His brother Mikey, his best friends Frank, Ray, and Bob.

A month after we broke up, I met someone new. A nurse at the hospital close to where I had worked. He was sweet so I gave him a chance, even though I was totally in love with someone else, but I knew it wouldn't work out. We both had separate apartments, he proposed to me, we moved in together. I told him about the longest relationship I've ever had, he wants to marry me all of a sudden. Why? I honestly can't tell you. We've only been together for a year and some months and he just assumes I want to spend the rest of my life with him. Sometimes Ethan could be annoying when it came to the subject of relationships and marriage. In reality, he knew so little. Either he would compare us to his parents who met at the same age we were when we met or he would tell me how Gerard should have treated me better. The truth was, I wasn't ready to commit to anyone wholeheartedly. I was at fault, admittedly. But I needed someone to pry me away from my feelings for him and I guess that's why I wanted to marry Ethan. It seems extremely wrong but I was crazy enough to think that commitment and marriage were synonymous with each other.

It was a regular day at the office when I got some very unusual news. My assistant and best friend Serena had rushed up to my desk, delaying a new assignment from our boss.
"A riot broke out at the My Chem show!" I looked to her in disbelief. In all of the eight concerts of My Chem I've ever attended, they'd always kept their crowd calm and considerate. Not in a million years would I think that a riot would break out.
"Are they okay ?" I was definitely worried. It was only five of them, thousands of people were in the crowd .
"Yeah, the crowd wasn't rioting against them, they were rioting against each other." Once again, disbelief had taken the shape of my face. Their crowds usually didn't do that. "But one of the security guards of the venue was bitten by a fan for trying to break up a fight."
"What?" I almost laughed. She had gotten the remote control for the television that was in the corner of the ceiling.
"Just look." She turned the television on to a news reporter talking about something that didn't strike me until he started talking about the recent riot at the My Chemical Romance concert. They had interviewed Frank and Gerard, who had grown his hair back to black. They were totally oblivious to why it had happened. They said it had broken out in the middle of the My Chemical Romance set. They were thankful that they get out of there before anything could happen to them. I took a sigh of relief. If anything were to happen to them, I wouldn't know what to do. Serena turned to me with this weird smile. "You might get to interview them again." She nudged me.
"Wait. Is he here?" She laughed.
"Yeah. He's waiting actually." I started to panic. "Good thing Gerard didn't see the smile you had on your face when you found out that they were okay." I flipped her off. I looked back to see a guy with hair down to the bottom of his ears , waiting outside of a translucent glass window. Just sitting there. I was hoping he didn't see me look back at him. No one in the office knew that I had gone with Gerard, but Serena. She was teasing me.
"No, I rather not. But I know someone who has the hots for a certain guitarist." I smirked.
"Okay, I'll interview him but if Gerard asks about you, you're single." I shrugged my shoulders. Honestly, I didn't care. I was more focused on this article than anything. In less than two hours Serena had finished the interview and the article was typed. I had to turn it into my boss to see if it was worth publishing. I knew he was going to say the exact same thing he said all the time. I knocked on his glass frosted door that had his name in black bold letters on it. Its wooden frame was scratched.
"Who is it?" He obviously was busy eating lunch.
"It's Shane, I got that article you told me to write." I waited outside of the door as I heard his footsteps coming closer toward me. I stepped back.
"Come in." He took the paper and shut the door behind me. He sat back at his desk enjoying a cigarette with his coffee, his mouth full of the jelly filled doughnut he had devoured prior to me entering. He looked over my paper like he always did. His eyes shifting from one side to the other, his head nodded, and nodded again, and again. I got three nods and I was very proud of myself. "Brilliant." He said simply. I was almost floored by his reaction. He placed the papers on top of other stacks.
"I must say that, that was probably your best."
"Umm...thanks sir." I was confused. He had never said anything but,
"Keep up the good work, Shane." That! "One more article like this and you'll be promoted for sure." I had never gotten that reaction, ever!
"Okay, thanks sir." I shook his hand, I really wanted to hug him but I thought that was a little too personal. I almost danced out of his office, before Serena came up to me while I was shutting the door. She bared papers in her hand and I saw a person behind her but really didn't pay any attention to him.
"Someone wants to speak to you." I looked at her very confused, until I looked behind her. He had a shy smile on his face. I could tell that he had put her up to this and she just gave in. I smiled almost in laughter as he thanked Serena and hugged her. I hope she didn't tell him I was single.
"Hey." I said giving him a warm hug.
"So how's work ?" He asked, not trying to be a smart ass, he really wanted to know how things were going. I sighed walking back to my desk. Serena had put to chairs there. Damn you Serena! I thought cursing her.
"Consuming as always. How's touring?"
"Also consuming, but eventful." He shifted in his seat a little, knowing what I was mentioning. I laughed.
"So everyone's okay, right?" He was staring at me and I didn't want to make eye-contact with him.
"Yeah. I was terrified, Shanie." He held my hand, I almost snatched it away, but he let it go, seeing the ring. "That was the first time we couldn't control our audience." He looked down and I could see that he was really shaken up by this. "I mean, we've had uncontrollable crowds, but this was much different." I sighed. He was extremely confused. I could see bags under his eyes that indicated he hadn't slept.
"When was the last time you slept?"
"Two days ago." We both laughed.
"You have to realize that things happen, and they happen for a reason. Now, I don't know why that happened exactly, but I bet you guys are much wiser now. To your audience, I mean." He didn't answer. I sighed wanting to comfort him, but afraid.
"Gerard, it was nothing you could do, and thankfully he wasn't killed." I hugged him again. "You need to get some sleep."
"I'll try" He said reluctantly. I grabbed a pen from my desk, and then a sticky note. I wrote down my number.
"Here, call me sometime."
"Thanks." He gave me a hug this time.
"Thanks for coming to see me."
"No problem." He turned around walking to the door. He hugged Serena and thanked her. Maybe today was the start of something good. I thought as I watched him leave through the glass door. But little did I know, I was in for the ride of my life.
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