Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Early Sunsets Over Monroeville

The Voice of Reason

by StopThePress 0 reviews

"But if I somehow get Rabies, Gerard I want you to shoot me before I bite anyone else." He laughed. "You don't have to worry about contracting Rabies because I'd protect you."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-07-12 - Updated: 2010-07-13 - 940 words - Complete

I came home in the late afternoon. Not expecting anyone to be there. Ethan was in the kitchen on the phone. I walked in surprised that he was home this early. I saw a bandage wrapped around his arm. He got off the phone noticing that I had come in the kitchen.
"What happened to your arm?"
"I was assisting a patient with a serious bite and out of nowhere, he just scratched me."
"How many stitches did you have to get?"
"They gave me sixteen." I looked to his face which was sweaty and pale.
"You wanna go lay down. You look awful." I said touching his face.
"Yeah, I feel awful too." He said turning away going upstairs. I followed him getting changed into pajamas and plopping down on our bed. I turned to Ethan who was lying next to me.
"The patient with the bite, was he a security guard?" I asked opening my laptop.
"Yeah. Why?"
"Well, did you here about what happened last night at the My Chemical Romance concert?""No, why?" I laughed he was obviously annoyed. He turned over on his other side.
"Something happened to a security guard at there show. He was bit by someone in the crowd while trying to break up a fight." He back over to face me.
"Sounds violent." He said inattentively. Then something caught his attention. "Why did he come to visit you? Doesn't he know you're married?" He was trying to hide the anger in his voice.
"I don't know about me being married but I know he knows I'm engaged." He rolled his eyes looking back to the television. "Don't be so abrasive."
"Don't be what?"
"Why are you so mad if we still talk?"
"Because he obviously has feelings for you. He'll try something! Who knows?" He yelled. I sighed heavily. This was very normal for us. We didn't need to be with each other, we didn't even need to live together. I'm not even sure why I liked him.
"Whatever." My phone went off so I grabbed it without looking at the number.
"Shanie?" I heard from the other line.
"Yeah. Hey," It was Mikey; I hadn't spoken to him in a week. Mikey and I were like brother and sister. I'd protect him, he'd protected me and then we'd argue about the stupidest things.
"I got your number from Gerard. He was really happy to see you." I smiling like a school girl and happy that Mikey wouldn't tease me about it. "So what's new?"
"Nothing really. My boss wants to promote me, but I don't wanna be promoted because then, I can't have an assistant."
"I'm sure you'll find that some things are good when you do them on your own."
"I dunno, Rena's amazing at what she does. She's a fun interviewer and I'm really shy around people I don't know so I wouldn't be good for the job."
"Maybe you could learn something from her," I laughed and turned around to look at Ethan who was sleeping, thankfully.
"I try."
"Hey, someone wants to talk to you." I always wondered why he couldn't just do things directly like call me or talk to me. Before he could just openly say whatever to me, but now he needed a middle man. I heard the phone being passed over, and things being said in whispers.
"Hey," his voice rang awkwardly.
"Hey, get any sleep?" He sighed.
"No, but I was trying and I just have a lot on my head right now." It was now eleven at night and I was surprised he was going to sleep that early.
"Maybe it was just too early. You usually went to sleep at one in the morning." He responded to me while I listened to the breaking news. I interrupted him talking about sleeping on tour. "Gerard, turn to the news." It was a video of a girl with a barricade around her. She was growling and hissing and obviously she didn't look too well. She was being taped by a teenager. There was another boy in the room also, jumping back whenever the girl had neared him. They had interviewed the boy who caught it all on tape. He was nervous but he tried to keep his composure. He was telling the news reporters how she came over to his house for help. He explained that she had this vicious bite, almost like a dog had bitten her. The phone call remained silent as we both watched the news.
"That's so weird. Do you think it's some kind of epidemic?" He was seriously worried.
"I dunno, they're saying it is but they interviewed some doctors who say that it was a Rabies outbreak."
"Oh yeah, I meant to congratulate you, on your engagement." He seemed surprisingly happy.
"Thanks, I appreciate it."
"So he's okay with your crazy work addiction?" In all actuality I wasn't too sure. Ethan never really cared how much my job consumed me.
"I don't think he cares," I wanted to change the subject. "But if I get Rabies somehow, Gerard I want you to shoot me before I bite anyone else." He laughed.
"You don't have to worry about contracting Rabies because I'd protect you." I smiled to myself as goose bumps trailed up my arms. The call remained dead silent but not too awkward.
"I'd do the same for you, but right now, I have to go."
"I'm gonna try and get some sleep."
"Good luck with that, night." With that the phone call was over. I had turned off my lamp and gone to bed.
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