Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Early Sunsets Over Monroeville

Ride The Wings of Pestilence

by StopThePress 2 reviews

They're gone." She said emotionless. "They're [/all/] gone." She stared into nothing as I caressed her back. Pulling a crimson lock out of her face. "Everyone in my building turned. Right before my...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2010-07-12 - Updated: 2010-07-13 - 1269 words - Complete

I awoke the next morning by Ethan ransacking our bedroom closet. I squinted my eyes in his direction.
"What are you doing?" I said sleepily.
"We have to go!" He turned back to me for a split second then he turned back to the closet.
"Wait. What's going on?" I sat up startled. Trying to collect my thoughts.
"Have you looked outside lately?" I looked at him confused. I pushed my chocolate brown hair back and out of my face whilst going to the window. I saw our neighbors fighting each other, which was normal, but this time they were rougher than usual. Then everyone else just started getting into random fights, tackling each other down and...biting each other. A man from across the street ran out of his house only to be taken down by his wife who didn't look like a wrestler but she sure could move like one. My phone went off and started vibrating off of the nightstand next to our bed. Ethan turned away from the closet and wanted to get it but I got it before he did.
"Hello?" I had the phone between my ear and my shoulder. I had grabbed a duffel bag out of the closet and began to pack some clothes.
"Shanie! It's terrible! People are becoming...become something other than people! This can't be a rabies outbreak!" It was Gerard's exasperated voice who called. I've never heard him sound so frightened.
"Gerard, where are you?" I heard Ethan mumble but ignored it.
"Our bus. Shanie we're coming to get you! Whatever you do, don't let them bite you!" Click. The call was done. My brain was fried with anxiety and fear. Sooner than I knew it, I started to pack random stuff but I didn't forget my laptop or Ipod. Music always calmed me and at this rate, I needed calming. I ransacked my drawers for everything I had throwing everything in suitcases and bags. I heard a loud horn beep from outside. Shoving my last handful of shirts in my bag, I looked to the window to see a bus parked on the lawn. Grabbing my hoodie and putting it on, I raced downstairs only to be followed by Ethan.
"Where are you going?"
"Looked outside lately?" I said mocking him.
"Look, there's no time for joking around-"
"No one's joking around if you'd listen to me and look outside, you'll see what I'm talking about!"I cut him off blowing up on him. He turned on his heel to go down in the basement. "Where are you going?"
"You really think I wanna be on a bus with your ex and his band mates?"
"Okay, go! But when one of those...things bites you maybe then you'll regret taking the car!" I heard him march to the basement as I moved closer to the front door, trying to figure out a way to quickly run to the bus without anything attacking me or getting on the bus as well. I turned the door knob and forced the door to open quickly. Pushing through the screen door, I saw Bob pull the lever down to open the doors. I raced onto the bus and Bob abruptly closed the doors. I hugged Bob immediately, thanking him for everything. I looked up to see Ethan's car pull out of the driveway. It knocked a few over but they managed to hold on.
"The dumbass!" I heard from behind me. I turned to see Frank leaning on the driver's seat.
"He never listens." I mumbled. Bob pulled off which weakened the balance I had. Frank managed to hold me up. I turned to him. "Thanks." He opened his arms for a hug.
"No problem."
"Shanie!" I heard a cry from the back. That can't be Gerard. I thought as I saw Serena race toward me with arms wide open. She engulfed me in the tightest hug I'd ever experience and cried into my shoulder. I went to take a seat on the couch behind the driver's seat. Grabbing her forearms I pulled her away from me.
"Rena, you have to calm down! I can't understand anything you're saying! ou have to take a few breaths, okay?" I instructed. She took a few deep breaths and proceeded to explain.
"They're gone." She said emotionless. "They're all gone." She stared into nothing as I caressed her back. Pulling a crimson lock out of her face. "Everyone in my building turned. Right before my eyes...they turned." Her exhausted voice charged on.
"Well, you're still alive," I shook her conscience. "and that's what matters because you're not alone, okay?" I encouraged her. Hopelessly, she nodded her head. I saw Mikey out of the corner of my eye. He ran his hands through his hair and began rubbing her back also. She proceeded to sniffle staring into space and then she moved to Mikey's shoulder. Ray came to stick my bags under a bunk. I didn't get a chance to see which one. I went over to a seat at the window. I looked out as we passed an abundance of trees and a house on fire. A tear rolled down my eye as I looked blankly at the flames just thinking if I hadn't gotten out of there in time, what would have happened. I felt wrong about not being with Ethan but it wasn't as if I was going to leave him. Another tear made it's way to my chin and dropped on the table in front of me. I blinked making my vision become blurry. I felt the other part of the seat go down as someone sat next to me. I didn't turn to see who it was until he put his arm around me. My emotions got the best of me and I broke down in his arms. I couldn't explain why I was crying, I just sobbed until I thought I couldn't anymore. Parts of me hated how this was so unexpected. The other parts just cried because it felt right. I finaly felt that I could speak to him.
"Gerard, if I ever turn into one of those things, do everything you can to kill me." I said blankly. He sighed heavily.
"I will."
"Promise me."
"I promise." His voice started to crack and he leaned his head on mine. I felt his tears wet my hair as I embraced him tighter. I looked up to his red eyes as our lips merged closer.
"Gerard, Mikey wants his-" I looked up to see Matt Cortez, Frank's guitar tech. We were startled. I realized I had to find something to say. Gerard's mind was searching for the right thing to say. You could see it in his eyes.
"Umm...I'm gonna-go-to-the-bathroom." Gerard stood up so I could slide out of the booth. I went to the bathroom which was behind the booth I was sitting in. I closed the door of the small bathroom looking myself in the mirror. My eyes and nose were still rosy so I took a cold cloth and wiped my face. I sighed deeply opening the door and seeing him in the same seat . I was debating on whether I should go sit next to him or not. I stood there for a few minutes debating with myself when the bus came to a screeching hault. Sending me to the floor. I lied there looking up and squinting my eyes. My vision was going blurry as I saw Gerard and Matt crowd around me. I started getting dizzy when my eyes shut.
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