Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Early Sunsets Over Monroeville

Is This Sanctuary? Or Is This Feeding Grounds?

by StopThePress 1 review

"Do you love him?" He expelled without a thought crossing his mind. "What do you mean by that?" I said defensively. "Do you, Shane Ariana D'Angelo, love, Ethan...yeah, I don't know the rest of hi...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-07-12 - Updated: 2010-10-10 - 1272 words - Complete

My head lie on a soft pillow, my body under a warm comforter. I smiled to myself, thinking that it was all just a dream. I had this mind set that my alarm would go off any minute or Ethan would wake me. I sighed turning expecting to feel someone. He's probably in the shower. I thought. I didn't hear any shower taps running so I opened my eyes.



They all were made differently and they all had various sizes. The dim light soothed my eyes as I looked around seeing no one. Startled, I sat up. The back of my head seared with pain. I touched it lightly feeling the bump that grew from falling. I winced as I got up reluctantly. I walked around slowly heading for the curtain department to find the nearest exit. I kept asking myself how I got there. How the hell did I just randomly wake up in Bed Bath and Beyond? I tried searching for another exit but there were none. There weren't even any by the registers. Suddenly all the lights shut off in sequence making loud noises. I looked around not knowing what to do. The store was almost pitched black and I knew something was after me. I knew I had to find a place to hide but before I knew it, it was too late. They came out of the dark like an army. I slowly backed up against something deciding to run, but I was cornered. They neared me as my defenseless body slid down the wall. My hands were shaking at my sides as bullets of sweat ran down my face along with tears. I screamed as the first one had advanced on me. All I saw was his hair and he had these eyes. I knew those hazel eyes from anywhere. My throat choked for a scream but it was silenced by it sinking its mouth into my neck. I screamed. A blood curdling scream. A glass shattering scream.

Only to wake up again. In the same place, but this time Gerard was next to me with a worried face.
"Bad dream?" I was even more startled to see him there.
"Uhh...You can say that..." I sat up only to feel my head pound with pain. I winced lying back down. I turned to Gerard. "What happened?"
"We were driving and one of them ran out into the road. Bob wasn't sure whether it was..." He hesitated to say it. "human or not so he hit the breaks and you fell." I took a great understanding to why I had a huge bump on the back of my head.
"So, why are we here?" I asked.
"We can't get out of the city. It's a traffic jam all the way up. People fled from their cars and ran. It was hell getting in here. Shanie there were millions of them! There were cops with guns and armor. Some of them dropped like flies, but there were too many to kill all at once." Gerard had this empty look in his eye thinking back to the horrific scene. "It's like some scary movie!" He held me laughing to himself lightly. "Shanie, it's like...hell on earth!" He said softly. I sighed trying ignore what he just said. I didn't want to believe that these were the last days of our lives. I still had 70 more years to do a lot and now my time was running out right before my eyes. "One of them stole your shoe because your feet were dangling in my arms. I fought it off, but it still has your shoe." I laughed to myself not realizing that that was the only pair I had grabbed.
"Shit." I groaned.
"That was my only pair." We both let out nervous laughs.
"Do you love him?" He expelled without a thought crossing his mind.
"What do you mean by that?" I said defensively.
"Do you, Shane Ariana D'Angelo, love, Ethan...yeah, I don't know the rest of his name." He laughed weakly. "So do you?" Honestly, I didn't. I hesitated to answer the question as if I didn't know what language he was speaking. Almost as a natural reaction I wanted to answer.
"I don't think...I don't think that I should be talking about this with you." I looked away ashamed and embarrassed. Looking down at my feet, he persisted.
"So let me get this straight," I rolled my eyes. "he asks you to marry him but he doesn't even know that you don't love him?" I continued looking down, while a smile crept onto my face subconsciously. "You don't even like him do you?" I wanted to laugh so bad./ It was so funny how he could read me like an open book without even being around me for more than a week. I was hopeless. He laughed again. "To be honest, I can see why. The selfish fucker wouldn't even fight for you."
"Gee," I stated firmly. "it shouldn't matter to you whether I love him or not. It's our business and it has nothing to do with you. I don't ask you about your personal affairs, now do I?" Taking off my other shoe, I proceeded to walk off.
"He didn't even want to carry you in." He said simply. "He didn't even help when one of them could have bitten you. But I'm sure that's just his definition of love." Hearing this made me crack inside but I couldn't show Gerard that I needed him. I couldn't show him that I was hurt.
"I can't believe I'm still listening to you!" I shook my head and walked toward the curtain department.
"Shanie, wait!" He grabbed my arm I snatched away. His eyes conveyed hurt.
"Where's the goddamn exit!"I snapped. He glared at me for a few seconds and then pointed in the direction. I walked off searching for the exit. I came to it and seen about 20 people scattered around the rest of the mall. Six of them in which I knew. I pushed through the doors as tears flooded my eyelids. Serena ran up to me engulfing me in a tight hug.
"I'm so happy you're okay Shanie!" She looked to my face, noticing the tears. "Is everything okay?" We walked over to the fountain to sit.
"Yeah, Gerard and I just had a little disagreement." I wiped my face casually as if nothing happened.
"Was it over Ethan?" I looked to her amazed. I swear she could have been a mind reader. She heaved a heavy sigh.
"I hate to say it but, Gerard was probably right. He acted as though you didn't even exist today." She said sadly. I sniffed and laughed, wiping the remaining tears. "Shanie, I love you to bits, and you know that. And I could care less who you marry but just think of who was by your side when you passed out." With that she walked away. I heaved a sigh hiding my face into my hands, running my fingers back through my hair when Ethan rushed up to me.
"I'm so glad your okay, sweetheart." I sat there apathetically. He famed sobs and lied to me about fighting them off of my arms and legs and rescuing me. While I took time in ignoring him, I thought over what Rena had said. Maybe Gee had a point. "Oh Shanie, I don't know what I'd do without you here!" Goodness, he did have a point!
"Don't call me Shanie." I said simply.
"You heard what I said."
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