Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > When I Fall Can I Catch Myself

Timmy's Goldfish

by LittleMissFae 1 review

More of Rose and her hilarious, eratic behavior. It gets even funnier by the chapter.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-07-14 - Updated: 2010-07-14 - 838 words - Complete

Authors Note: Thanks for the reviews. Didn't expect to get feedback that quickly. 2 reviews in 3 hours? Wowzers!!! And I'm new?!?! Anyway, I uploaded this chapter from my iPhone so it better have came out correct, formatically and all. Lol. Anyhoo, enjoy. Read, review, rate, message. Do all of that good stuff.

For the next 3 days I did nothing but pack, perfect my music, write more music, practice on my Fender, and perfect my music even more. Of course most of the time I was listening to my favorite bands. By the time the third day came I had heard every single album by my favorite artists since I listened to it 24/7. I was almost tired of Paramore, My Chemical Romance, Avenged Sevenfold, Foo Fighters, U2, Nirvana, Evanescence, and Seether.

October 14th came quickly. I was up 2 hours early so I could perfect myself. I had already gotten dressed in my blue ‘When I was a boy my father took me to (Flip Over) A Bar’ and turquoise skinny jeans. I had my 2nd favorite pair of converses on that was black.

I got to the Warner Bros. Headquarters around the time I was supposed to get there. I walked inside the same room that I had met Misty in last time I was in the building. Question: What was so different this time than last time that made me drop my purse? Answer: My Chemical Romance was standing about 15 feet away from me.

They were talking to Misty and Mr. Jenkins. I froze in my place unable to move. Sure I had already technically met them but this was different. We were going on tour together for 4 months. We might as well call ourselves family. Frank was the first person to turn around.

He smiled then looked down to my dropped purse. It brought me back to present time. I blushed then leaned down to get my purse. By the time I stood back up everyone was staring at me. I took a deep breath then started walking toward them. First I looked over at Misty and shook her hand then Mr. Jenkins.

“This is My Chemical Romance.” Misty said to me.

“Um Hi Gerard, Ray, Mikey, Frank, Bob. How’s your life been lately?” I tried to sound cool but I knew my voice was overly shaky.

Gerard looked at me then at my shirt. An amused look came onto his face. “Nice shirt.” He said with a smirk.

“Oh this little old thing. Made it myself. On top of everything else I had my chance at being a t-shirt designer.” I started spinning myself in circles to show my shirt in all directions.

“Ok, then. Cool I guess.” Mikey said.

“Yep!!! Oh by the way, Rosemary Blake.” I said then posed like a Charlie’s Angel. The boys laughed at me and tried to shake my hand.

“Well, you guys should get going.” Mr. Jenkins said. And so we did. MCR got on their bus and I got on mine. Misty took her car. So basically I was all alone besides the bus driver Timmy. Actually his name was Alfonzo but I liked the name Timmy better so I renamed him. Timmy and I talked for about 2 hours and we tried playing goldfish but he almost drove into MCR’s bus so he called it quits for goldfish.

I sat in my corner of the bus and just sat there. Well, for a while. Then I started writing music. Sure I could have been doing things that were more fun like playing Rock Band but of course not. It’s not as fun with only one person. I threw my notebook across the bed.

I got bored with writing and decided to go see what Timmy was doing. I wasn’t really deciding to talk to him. That was difficult. Really difficult. At first I thought he was Italian by the different language he often used then I learned it was Spanish. I really should have listened in class better.

“We’re making a stop in 5 minutes.” He surprisingly was able to form one sentence that I could understand completely.

“Well Timmy, I guess I’ll wait up here until then.” I sat down and stared out the window. I could see outside but no one could see in. It was pretty amazing how my life changed so dramatically in the past 4 days. I mean here I was 4 days ago a normal girl wanting to get noticed. Now I’m a girl who’s touring with My Chem.

My stomach was growling. I hadn’t realized before now that I was actually hungry. The bus pulled over at a diner.

“Thanks Timmy!!! I’ll see you soon.” Timmy still had a smile plastered on his face. I stepped off of the steps of the bus. I looked over at MCR and saw that they had a body guard taking them around. The thought that maybe sometime soon that would be me needing the protection from fans.
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