Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Early Sunsets Over Monroeville

Trapped In By All These Mountains

by StopThePress 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-07-14 - Updated: 2010-07-14 - 2463 words - Complete

After our little rendezvous in the restroom, we cleaned ourselves off and changed our clothes. Giving each other looks as if we both new we were thinking about each other. A look and a laugh was all we had given each other. After that we would proceed putting our clothes back on. Looking down at ourselves and shaking our heads, smirking. We were both decent when we decided to leave. Both of us looking in the mirror realizing the way things were then was how it was going to be for a while, at least until we got out of the mall. But who had been thinking that far ahead?

"You know," I spoke breaking a comfortable silence. "That was amazing!" I continued smirking. He had brought something out in me that lay dormant while with Ethan. I was never that way with Ethan. With us, having sex was an occasional thing. Nothing that happened every day and definitely nothing I looked forward to. But Gerard, well he was special. We didn't have to do it everyday. Although, if he had a week off from touring, we would knowing that the next time we would see each other again we wouldn't have the time.

He stopped fixing his hair when he noticed what I had said. He stepped closer to me grabbing me by the waist.

"Thanks." He leaned in closer as he forced his tongue in my mouth as our tongues twirled in unison. I grabbed the his hair going deeper, then we stopped. I laughed licking my lips.

"We gotta get out of here." He cackled loudly grabbing the door.

"After you." I walked ahead of him out of the door and waited so we could walk at the same pace walking down the hall where the two restrooms met. We didn't care that anyone would notice our changing of attire.

I sat at the table nervously bouncing my foot. I tried to listen to what Ray was saying but thoughts just surged through my head so quickly that my ears were too busy to process anything that he was saying. I could tell Gerard knew something was wrong although he didn't push himself to ask. He already knew what I was going to say. But I guess he knew me all too well to know that I wasn't fine and everything wasn't okay, at all.

He tugged my hand gently as he turned to me.

"Let's go for a walk." He got up from his chair, holding my hand as we walked through the mall. "So what's bothering you?" I sighed.

"Gerard, I don't wanna die in here. I don't even wanna live here." I leaned my head on his shoulder. He sighed.

"I was thinking the same." He gave me a peck on my forehead. I almost lost my balance. "But there's no way to get out without one of us being killed." I nodded my head frowning.

"I know, and I honestly don't want to think it's an every man for them self situation. " He nodded his head.

"Me neither. It's like it feels safe now but once everything is going fine, it just feels like something's gonna go wrong again." The thought had haunted me..

"Y-Yeah..." I stammered. Running my fingers through my hair. "This just wasn't how I planned living the rest of my life."

"I really don't think anyone did, to you tell the truth."

"It's like, I try not be on edge all of the time but I have no choice but to."

"I know how you feel."

"And it feels like we've been in here forever! I've never even been in this mall before." I looked around. Gerard took notice to the Spencer's across the way. We walked in looking at the merch on the wall once you walk in. Gerard had picked up a shirt, holding it out in front of himself. I looked around to find a door.

"I wonder where that leads to." I pointed to the door as we both walked toward it. He had twisted the handle, surprisingly it was unlocked. The door opened as a breeze blew past our faces. Behind the door there were metal stairs which winded up to a cracked door which lead outside. I went up first, guiding my way was the scarce light. He followed close behind me as I opened the door to reveal the roof. The brisk Autumn wind met my face as I pulled my arms around myself. My hair blew clearly out of my face as I saw one of the officer's in a chair aiming at the ground. A dry-erase board lie on his lap with a marker. He scribbled words on the board hastily. He raised the board over his head, looking across.

"What are they doing?" Gerard had asked. A shot had rang through the air. The skinny man on the roof across from the mall also had a board where he hastily wrote Jay Leno on it and raised it over his head. The man too aimed and shot. I walked out of the doorway fully to get a glimpse at what they were doing. I looked over the shoulder of the officer who sat in the chair. He scribbled Bert Reynolds hastily on the board again. I looked down to the ground where there were thousands of them. Gerard stood close behind me holding me by the waist. There was one dressed in somewhat of a cowboy get-up. The officer took aim and then


His brains were splattered all over Carmen Electra. The officer laughed weakly. I looked to the other side of the roof and seen a tall man with short brown hair that spiked up a little. He had to be of his late 30's or early 40's.

"Good aim." He stated leaning on the chair in which the officer sat. He smoked a cigar as he turned to me. "You guys wanna try?" I shook my head.

"N-no we just found this door and-"

"Why not? It's easy and harmless." He took the gun from the officer. "See, what you do is you find a noticeable celebrity and then you aim, and shoot." Gerard stepped from behind me.

"Is Marylin Manson down there?"

"Gerard!" I hissed pulling him back.

"He might be, he would be the only pale dude with A-Cups." We laughed. I looked down again noticing that there were more than thousands.

"Why do you think they came here?" The officer shook his head.

"Maybe they spent a lot of time here." He suggested.

"Yeah, but why not schools, or office buildings?" He shrugged his shoulder and shook his head.

"We may never know."

"Do you have any ideas for escaping?" Gerard asked. The officer paused and turned to him.

"Not as of yet. I don't think there's anyway we can escape with millions of them guarding this place. It won't be as easy as getting in." He sighed. "Don't worry. This wasn't how I planned on going either." He aimed his gun again, firing at a hefty woman with black hair. He scribbled on his board Rosie O'Donnel. I smiled a little bit turning back to the door. I tugged Gerard's hopeless hand. I could tell that his heart had dropped when the officer told him that we may never get out alive. Going down the stairs, back into the store, I couldn't tell if he was crying or not. I knew for a fact that I was about to. I turned to him as his lips curled tightly and he squinted his eyes. He left the shirt over a rack of clothes. He walked out of the store tugging my arm with him.

"Gerard, wait!" He stopped in his tracks turning around to me. His eyes were red as tears shot down his face. I hugged him as I felt tears flood down my face.

"We're gonna be okay." I whispered.

"No. We're not. It's just a matter of time before they get really annoyed and break in! And if we even try to get outside, they've got us out-numbered! There's twenty-nine of us and thousands-maybe millions of them!"

"Well we can't stay here forever and I rather die trying than rotting here, any day! We can't just give up like this! Our lives aren't over-"

"As of yet!" He cut me off letting go of my hand and walking away. I wasn't sure if I should have ran after him or not. I stood in the doorway of the store watching him speed off. My vision was blurred by the tears that flooded the ducts of my eyes. My hands weakly ran through my hair. I walked back to the table seeing that Gerard wasn't there. My mind was occupied with the vision of the undead crowding around the mall. I thought about all of the things I had planned when I was little. Getting married, having children, and having a beautiful funeral that celebrated the death of me, instead of grieving it. Since I was a child, I wanted to die of old age. I wanted to live life to the fullest with the people I loved and it looked to me now that my hopes and dreams were shattering right in front of me. I knew I wasn't the only one.

A few hours later, we all had dinner together. Even the officer and Steve who were on the roof had come down. Gerard had apologized for earlier and I accepted it. I knew exactly what he was going through although I just kept lying to myself instead of seeing everything for what it was. We sat at a long table. I sat in between Gerard and Matt who sat next to Serena, who sat next to Frank. Bob, Ray and Mikey were on the other side and Terry who sat next to Mikey had sat next to a young girl who failed to smile. She just looked down at her plate, poking the food with her fork. I looked around the table to notice that the man and his pregnant wife were missing. I assumed that she needed a rest.

We started eating and a few conversations were started. I sat there quietly eating what could have been my last meal, suddenly, the lights flickered out. I grabbed Gerard's hand as tightly as I could. The officer from earlier stood up and so did CJ. The officer threw his rifle over his shoulder.

"Who's coming?" I held Gerard's arm so he wouldn't even think about going with them. Two men who I didn't recognize got up from their chairs and stood next to the officer and CJ.

"Bud c'mon! You prick!" CJ called his apprentice. Bud looked to Terry who was holding the terrified girl he sat next to. "C'mon!" He got up not taking her eyes off of her.

"We need someone to guard the door." Gerard had struggled to get up but he knew I wasn't letting go. Frank stood up. Serena gasped and tried to pull him down.

"You're not going anywhere." Her arms were coiled around his as tight as she could get them. He lowered himself back into his seat.

"Look, they just need someone to guard the door. I promise I won't let them get me." He kissed her passionately as she let go of his arm. "I love you, Rena."

"I love you too, Frankie." Gerard and I looked at each other and smiled.

"You comin' or what?" CJ had asked Frank.

"Yeah." Frank had gotten up from his chair and gone with them. Gerard had turned to me.

"I can't let him go alone." I looked at him in his eyes with tears filling mine. I couldn't hold Gerard back from anything he was willing to do. He pressed his lips against mine as he withdrew his tongue from his mouth. Our tongues danced around each others as Serena shouted,

"Wait!" I let go of him.

"Promise me that they wont get you." I whispered.

"Let's go Ben Affleck!" CJ had shouted. My middle finger had gone up without me even noticing.

"I promise." I let go of his hand as he followed Frank and the rest. I didn't know if what I did was right or wrong. I just knew I couldn't tell Gerard not to go help. I also knew that I loved him too much to lose him. I looked across the table to the girl in which Terry sat next to. She impatiently running her hands through her hair and and cupping her face in her hands. I got up from my chair and sat next to her. She broke down moving her plate from in front of her as she leaned her elbows onto the table. I rubbed her back as she sobbed long sobs. I ran my hands through her short red hair.

"He's going to come back." I whispered to her and myself. She shook her head.

"I've already lost my family to them and he was so nice to me." She sobbed. She leaned her head on my shoulder as I rubbed her arm.

"I know exactly what you mean but we have to get through this." She sobbed some more as I thought about Gerard and Frank who were guarding the doors. What if they get in? That was the question that ran through my head at a hundred miles per hour. As much as I didn't want to think about it, it kept haunting me. I just hated to think that both of them were dead by then.

"I'm Shane."

"I'm Nicole." She introduced herself.

We waited almost a half an hour until they came back. I ran up to Gerard hugging him and making sure he was okay. Serena did the same with Frank and they were perfectly fine. Nicole looked around for Terry to come. He came bearing a dog by his collar. The dog ran straight up to Nicole and Terry still looked sad.

"What happened?" I turned to Gerard.

"One of them got Bud." He said almost out of breath. Frank and Serena walked off to where we weren't sure of.

"We should give them some privacy." Gerard nodded his head.

"I'm glad you're okay." Gerard sighed.

"Shanie, we need to talk." I looked at him confused. I knew he meant privately when he dragged me away from the table.

"I thought we did enough talking earlier." I winked.

"Shanie, where are we going with this?"

"With what?"

"Can I even call this a relationship?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Only if you want to..." He nodded his head as his hands were placed on my waist.

"I'd like to..."
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