Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Scream- like you needed anymore attention

Scream- like you needed anymore attention

by xmcrmentalx 3 reviews

Kyla moves to New Jersey, Que Drama, Fallouts, Heartbreak and Mr.Way =O maybe some band crossovers too =) read if you like, if not, dont. =P

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Crossover,Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2010-07-20 - Updated: 2010-07-20 - 529 words


I looked out of the window half-heartedly, although today was sunny and bright the scenery seemed horribly dull but i shrugged it off as i knew it was probably just my crappy mood darkening my thoughts. Well this is my official new start, i missed my home terribly though but i knew there was no use crying about it, what would that help afterall? i sighed and fished my ipod out of my small bag i had with me, it was so small because my mother had taken it upon herself to make the house ready, one of the main reasons i agreed to come was because all of my things were already here.

after about half an hour of ignoring my mum we arrived at what she had informed was now our 'home' from what i could see the house had a porch with a garden out front and back and a large oak tree seperating our garden with the neighbors house which looked unoccupied at the moment. i carried my things in and my mum mumbled something about directions to my room, i flew up the stairs looking around, the stairs curled around with photo frames on the wall, all empty at the moment, i'd fix that later when i thought on. when i reached the top of the stairs there were four rooms, a bathroom, a large bedroom that was most likely mums, an office and spare room. there was one more flight of stairs, i walked up apprehensively, i wasn't expecting this. when i reached the top of the stairs i saw that it opened uo into one large room. i gasped at how wonderful it was, there was a large bay window on the wall that was the side of the house, it was infront of the oak tree and showed a view of the other room in the neighbors house. i looked around my room more, there was a large double bed, an ensuite bathroom that was huge, it even had a bath as well as a shower in there, i smiled as my eyes fell upon the guitars and drum kit but stopped myself when i remembered that i was annoyed with my mum, sure she could pretend that this is all because she loves me but i kknow really this is just her trying all she can to encourage me to stay up here and not bother her, i was only ever close to my dad ...

i sighed and jumped down the stairs two at a time, i pulled on some different shoes and set off to explore the surroundings of the house, i found a small park not far from the house and decided that this would be a nice place to sit in the sun for a bit, i looked at my pale arms, yeah sun could be good. i put in my headphones and lit myself a cigerette after i had sat at the park for a while it began to get cold so i made my way home again, my mum was in the kitchin cooking and singing, nice to know one of us can be happy
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