Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Boys Are Like Chocolate

Cocunut Filling

by MCR_Vampire_321 5 reviews

Frank goes through life with one theory - Boys are like chocolate.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-07-26 - Updated: 2010-07-27 - 676 words

Dear Diary,
Mum and Dad had another arguement today. It ended with Dad storming out of the house. That was this morning. And now it's 10PM, my bed-time, and he still hasn't returned.
Mum has been angry all day, so I've had to stay in my bedroom. I always do when she's in a bad mood. I still hear her ranting while I'm in my room though "All men are the same!" She yells, but I think I have to disagree. And not just because I'm a boy.
Because, the way I see it, boys are like chocolate. I mean I've had my fair share of boyfriends and each one has been different.
I've got to stop writing now. Mum is coming up the stairs and she'll be angry if I'm not in bed.
Night - Frank xoxo

It all started with a boy called Bob.
He was amazing, good at sports, everybody fancied him. Well, all the girls fancied him. I think I was the only boy.

Chocolate Number 1 - The Cocunut Filling
Information - Looks nice on the outside, but the inside is nasty and you don't like it.

I asked him out the next day. I had been at the school only two days, and I was already asking out the most popular guy in the school. Lucky for me, he said yes otherwise I would've been bullied for the rest of my days at that school.
He was the perfect guy for me for the first, well, couple of hours we were going out. He introduced me to all of his friends, let me play football with them at breaktime, sat next to me in lessons... Then we saw each other after school.
Bob suggested that just him and me went down to the local park. Mum was in a bad mood at home and Dad was probably at the pub. Nobody would even notice I was gone. And I did want to spend more time with Bob. So I went with him.
His idea of the 'local' park took about half-an-hour to walk to. And when we got there it was a waste of time. It wasn't just me and him, a gang of other people were there aswell. They were laughing at me and calling me names. Bob began to join in.
"I thought you loved me?" I asked.
He laughed then and said "Awww, I do love you!" Then he kissed me.
My first kiss.
It was horrible. It wasn't exactly a kiss, we were just pushing our lips against each others. But then Bob pushed me away and I fell over, into the dirt. He started kicking it on me, laughing. The others began to join in aswell.
It went on for twenty minutes, until the gang got bored and walked away. Bob turned soft again, and helped me up. But I didn't care anymore. I ran out of the park, crying my eyes out.
I came home crying and Dad had got home. He wasn't concerned that I was late home. He asked what was wrong, so I told him the truth. I expected him to say something nice, comfort me, atleast tell me everything was going to be alright...
All I got was "You're gay?"
But Dad must've said something to Mum, because ten minutes later she came into my bedroom. But she wasn't helpful either.
"Honey, here's something you gotta learn if you're gay. Boys are all the same. What Bob did to you, is just like your Dad. And you're just like your Dad aswell. And don't let anyone tell you different." Then she left without another word.
I creid for days after I ended it with Bob. Bob hated me, all of Bob's friends hated me even all the girls hated me which was stupid. Now they had a chance with him, right? I had HELPED them technically.
That was the one and only time I listened to my Mum's advice. Are all boys the same? Am I like Bob and my Dad?
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