Categories > Celebrities > 30 Seconds to Mars > Darkness Of Flashbacks


by AlexandraSweden 1 review

Jared is struggling not to remember the awful thing that happened. A fight triggers a flashback to an event that happened 1985.

Category: 30 Seconds to Mars - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2010-07-30 - Updated: 2010-07-30 - 1709 words - Complete

- So I run and hide and tell myself I'll start again with a brand new name -

May 5th, 2007

Jared hadn't been lucky when he entered the canteen. It was lunch-time and the tables were almost full. His forenoon meeting with Madison had dragged out on the time as she believed that Jared soon would crack and talk. That was of course not the case. Usually, Jared would be almost alone in the huge room as he always got there first. The other patients would refuse to sit down at the table that Jared was at, and that suited Jared perfectly fine. The others thought that it was something odd about Jared, that he was so deeply disturbed that he would just go off and kill them all with a fork. Jared didn't want company though, and the loss wasn't on his side.

Jared was feeling uncomfortable when he grabbed a tray and went to look inside the receptacles to see what the house was offering today. It was some kind of meat-sauce with rice and some gooey vegetables. Jared was a vegetarian and therefor dissed the meat-sauce to only go with the rice and the cold vegetable which dripped of oil. That was the easy part, now it was time for him to find a place to sit. The guards and the other patients watched him closely and held their breaths. It was so quiet that you could definitely hear a needle drop to the floor. Jared spotted an empty chair where a bunch of tough-looking men with tattoos all over sat. His leather-shoes creaked against the white and clinical floor and the fabric of his red suit rustled slightly as he moved. The attention wasn't wanted from Jared's side, he'd much rather just blend in and be a face in the crowd.

"So you, the sick motherfucker that murdered his girlfriend wants to sit with us?" A guy with a shaved head and a messy beard snarled and cracked his fingers threateningly. Jared didn't answer, he just simply sat down and stuck his fork into a piece of broccoli. "Jared is you name, yeah? You sick fuck." He then continued and watched the former rock-star with disgust. "Roy, we're all sick fucks in here." Another man called towards the bald man and grinned to reveal that his teeth was in the worst condition possible. Roy gave the man with the yellow and withered teeth the middle finger and then got back to harassing Jared. "Why aren't you answering me? You cocky bastard." Roy hissed. Jared ignored him and put the broccoli into his mouth and chewed slowly. He just wanted to eat his nutrition-less meal in peace. Roy slapped Jared's fork away in an attempt of getting a reaction. The fork flew in a bow over their heads and landed onto the floor. The whole room had stopped what they were doing to watch the scene and the guards were pretending like that didn't see or hear anything. Roy expected Jared to punch him.

Instead, Jared just got up to his feet and walked over to the fork to pick it up. When he bent down to get it, Roy leaped over from his place and jumped his back. Jared fell to the floor with a loud thump with the heavy Roy over him. "I'm going to teach you a lesson." The bald man growled and turned Jared over so that he was straddling him and still had free access to his face. Jared's upper body was being held up by the collar of his red suit and he just looked at Roy's chest with a blank stare. The fact that not even after such a violent attack, Jared wasn't reacting didn't please Roy at all. He was determined to at least force Jared to scream. "You!" The first punch landed on Jared's chin. It stung, and Jared's head naturally bobbled slightly from the power. "Don't!" The second hit his mouth, but wasn't as powerful as the first one. Jared thought that his lip might have been split. "Deserve!" The next punch landed right over Jared's nose and he could hear the bones cracking underneath Ray's fist. The warm streams of blood ran down his chin and sprayed over the hand that Roy was using to hold him up with. "To live!" Ray yelled and put all of his weight behind the last punch that hit Jared diagonally from his temple down towards his face. He felt how his eyebrow busted open.

Then it was all over and Ray got up to his feet. Jared's head hit the ground forcefully as Ray let go of the grip on Jared's collar. As a last mark, Ray kicked the singer's side and then went back to his table to finish his plate which was full of slobbery meat-sauce. Jared's eyes were wide open, and he stared up at the ceiling. But he wasn't really there. Jared was having another flashback as the blood escaping his wounds formed a small puddle of blood underneath his head.


October 1th, 1985

"Please. You don't need to punch me. I can give you the money tomorrow. I promise!" Jared screamed as the two older guys got closer to him. Jared had been stupid enough to loan money from them, and couldn't pay it back together with the massive yield. "No. We had a deal. We were going to get the money within a week. Your time is up." The larger one said and grinned viciously. He was the guy that had terrorised the sandbox when they were younger, and had grew up to be an excellent bully. The other boy was Rob, Chris's little helper. Rob only liked to beat people with his fists. That was his big passion.

Jared backed slowly and stared at the two boys with fear and panic in his eyes. He exhaled a puff of air loudly as his back hit a wall and he knew that he was trapped. "Please... Please." Jared pleaded. The boys got a thrill out of his begging and Chris ran forward to pin Jared's arms down his sides. Both Chris and Rob were huge, muscular teenagers and Jared who was a bit thin had nothing to put against them. He wished that Shannon would come to his rescue, but knew that it wasn't the case. Shannon was probably still in school. It was an afternoon, and no one could see the boys who were arguing behind some containers on the schoolyard. "I hope that this will teach you a lesson." Rob said and raised his arm. Jared winced even before the fist hit him in the face. Then the punch came for real.

Jared screamed in pain and tears ran down his face. He dropped to his knees and cried. "Now you know what happens if you don't pay us back in time, motherfucker." Chris said and spat at the much smaller boy. He and Rob soon escaped the area and laughed loudly, being very proud with what they just had done. "Oh mom, Shannon, anyone. Help me." Jared whispered to himself as he heard the bigger guys leave. That was the first time someone else than Shannon had hit him. It would only leave him with a black eye, but it was still a traumatic event for the thirteen year old boy. His mom had cried at the shape of her son, and Shannon had been furious when Jared had got home.

"Who did it? Tell me who it fucking was!" Jared's older brother yelled. Jared just shook his head, he didn't want Shannon to get hurt too. "You shouldn't put up with anyone's shit. Never let anyone hurt you again, okay?" Shannon then said after cooling down a little. Jared had only nodded and received a brief hug from his protective brother.


"Oh my God. What did they do to you? Poor thing."
Jared snapped back from his flashback to see a nurse standing over him. He didn't like how she talked to him like he was a baby. She had white clothes, and short black hair. Jared didn't know how long he had been lying on the floor, but figured that it had been quite a long time as there were no other people in the canteen and that the blood in his face had dried. With a lot of effort, Jared stood up. His body swayed warningly, but he managed to stay upright. "Let's go to my office and I'll fix you up." The nurse said and smiled sweetly.

Jared had to put some weight onto the small and frail woman as they walked. His side stung when he breathed. They soon got into her office that contained some lockers with medical gear and a bunk. She gestured for him to sit down on it. Jared did so, and could see himself in a huge mirror that hung sloping on one of the walls. He looked like a war survivor with the open eyebrow and dry blood in his stubble, that more looked like a beard now. The nurse cleaned him with tissues to get the blood away. "Is it okay if I shave you? There might be some wound hiding underneath your facial hair." She asked, and grabbed a razor and some shaving cream when Jared didn't answer. "Sorry for that. I've read your files and know that you're not that much of a talker." She added as she let the razor sweep over Jared's chin. Soon he was clean-shaven and smooth as a baby's bottom. It felt great for him, like he had regained some of his lost hygiene.

"I'll put a band aid over your nose and stitch your brow, and then we can only hope that it will heal properly." The nurse said as she pushed the needle of a shot into his skin. It was supposed to make the pain go away when she fixed him. "Jared, I don't think that you were the one who did it. You know the awful thing?" She mumbled. Jared wanted her to shut up. He didn't want to remember what had happened as he was working so damn hard on keeping the memory in the shadows.
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