Categories > Games > Final Fantasy 7 > Deliveries

Delivery 45: Husband

by Mikari 0 reviews

Delivery 45: Husband

Category: Final Fantasy 7 - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Cloud Strife,Reno,Tifa Lockhart - Published: 2010-08-02 - Updated: 2010-08-02 - 1030 words - Complete


Delivery 45: Husband

It took Cloud a good forty-five minutes of begging and pleading to make Tifa understand that he was not engaged to anyone, let alone the rich old woman who announced her engagement to him on the newspaper. The ancient fossil, I mean, the old lady, could no longer count on her eye sight for much and got Reno mixed up with Cloud when the redhead had to spend the day taking care of the blond's deliveries, after making yet another of his famous messes where Cloud had to suffer the consequences again.

The sweet old lady had given Reno cookies, convinced that he was Cloud, and asked about a certain something she had requested of Cloud. Reno, without knowing what the request was about, agreed to it, thus accepting Cloud's engagement to her.

"So you're telling me this is all Reno's fault?" Tifa finally seemed to understand, "that does make sense."

"Yes, it's his fault!" Cloud stressed, "now what am I going to do? What if I break off the engagement and she's so sad she drops dead right there and then, I mean she is old and fragile, then I'll be a murderer!"

"So you're going to marry her?" Tifa knew this was a lose-lose situation as well as Cloud did.

"Of course not!" On the verge of a nervous breakdown that would probably leave him comatose, Cloud sat at the bar, "Tifa, what should I do?"

"Reno got you into this mess so he should get you out!" Tifa insisted.

Cloud vigorously shook his head, his blond spikes not even moving, hardened with a helmet of gel, "I can't let him interfere anymore. He got me into this mess by trying to fix another mess from earlier, he broke my toes and that's why he was doing my deliveries, remember?"

"That's a good point," Tifa acknowledged, "but that doesn't change the fact that Reno needs to learn to clean up after himself, I'm going to call him."

"No!" Cloud glomped Tifa, trying to stop her from calling, "do you know what the ultimate doom is? Do you know what my biggest curse is? Do you know what a sure disaster is? Do you know the name of true despair?" Cloud dramatized, still holding on to Tifa. "Reno! Reno! Reno!"

The aforementioned red haired Turk entered the Seventh Heaven, his expression frightened and very un-Turk. He backed away slowly, "Cloud, please tell me you don't always call out my name when you make out with Tifa."

"Cloud Strife, get your hands off me!" It came to light just how Cloud was glomping Tifa, he let her go immediately, but she slapped him anyway.

"Oh no, you even got her to wear goggles just like mine, what's next? You'll whine at Tifa until she agrees to dye her hair red? I'm seriously going to be creeped out if you do that, even more than I am now!" Reno continued to back away slowly until his back hit a wall.

"Why are you wearing Reno's goggles?" Cloud inquired suspiciously, he knew there was something different about Tifa, but in his panic to explain his dilemma, he couldn't figure out what it was. Now he knew, what was out of place were Reno's goggles on her head.

"Because, Reno forgot his goggles here the other day and I wanted to remember to return them," she removed the goggles handing them to Reno.

"So that's where they went, I thought my collection looked smaller," Reno eyed Cloud suspiciously, "so, this isn't part of anything weird?"

"You know what's weird?" Cloud growled, "your strange ability to get me into trouble!" He took the newspaper and pointed out the engagement ad.

"You're getting married to that old hag?!" Reno gasped in surprised, "wow, who would have thought, you just got even weirder, yo!"

"You're the one who got me engaged to her so now you have to solve it!" Cloud yelled, "Tifa was right, you should be the one to fix this mess, how much worse can it get? You'll fix this even if you have to marry her in my place, it's not like she'll be able to tell the difference!"

If not because Reno was already against the wall, he would have backed away more. "Wait, you said she can't tell the difference, right? So why don't I just send someone else to take your place?"

xoxox xox xoxox

The next day Cloud received two messages, one from the old lady breaking off their engagement and explaining that she understood could not stand in the way of true love. It was apparently something that she realized after Cloud's so called soul mate went to see her with a tearful confession of undying love for Cloud. Tifa denied over and over ever visiting the old lady.

The second message confirmed Tifa's innocence and revealed Reno's plan. "Reno!" Cloud yelled at Reno, who had shown up at the Seventh Heaven that day to give his report, claiming that everything was alright. "Why did you send Mukki to the old lady?"

"I was trying to play matchmaker, I mean they're both clearly desperate if they like you, so they have that in common. I didn't expect it to turn out like this, but it's not so bad, I mean you're not engaged anymore and Mukki already liked you before!" Reno tried to defend himself.

"Of course it's worse, if you're involved, it has to be worse, I shouldn't have let you fix things after all, I never learn," Cloud dramatized exasperated, even if it looked like a situation couldn't get any worse, Reno could always make it worse.

A somewhat amused, "oh oh," escaped Tifa as she looked at the newspaper, which caused Cloud to rush over to see. The rich old lady had decided that she would give up on marrying Cloud, but instead she would support Mukki. The newspaper was full of ads with 'Cloud+Mukki' on them and several variations of this surrounded by hearts. Cloud promptly fainted and while he was out, Reno made his get away.

End of Delivery 45

Delivery 45 is a sequel to Mission 72, requested by demonlifehealer.
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