Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'm broken

I'm broken

by milkyway 7 reviews

Mikey just couldn't hold on anymore. Oneshot (depends).

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2010-07-24 - Updated: 2010-07-25 - 514 words

"Mikey we're going out! Gerard should be home in about an hour! Love you!"

"okay mom got it! Love you too!"

are they gone yet?
I hear the car pulling out and driving off.
I've got to make this quick, like she said Gerard'll be home soon.

Today is the day.
I'm finally going to set myself free.
I can't take another day I just can't.
I can't stand another day of pretending to be okay,pretending to be happy.
and I don't want Gerard to find me, I hope he doesn't.
He wouldn't take it well.

After all these years of pretending it's alright and pretending I want to be here I can finally leave.
I don't belong in this world,
a world of some much hate and pain,
I don't belong here, I should've never been born.

and now today, I had the perfect plan,
good thing mom and dad don't lock anything.
my hands shake as I finally open the bottle of cheap whiskey and sleeping pills.
I just can't believe it, I'm going to be free but maybe I should- no never mind I've got to do this. they're better off, I'm just doing everyone a favor.

after a a few sips and swallows I'm feeling sleepy, then I remembered.

the letter.

I finally find it and use whatever life I have left to walk into the hallway and place it on the stairs.

and then I just sit,drink and think about why I've done this.

ever since I was a little boy,I've known there was something wrong with me.
and believe me I've tried to get help,
and I talked to my father but he just brushed it off as "bah. Just teenage drama."
and I've tried to just get over it but after years of this,one can only take so much.
I've finally had it,
I hope Gerard doesn't find me. I'm going to miss him,
and I'm gonna miss Frank.

woah why are my eyes so heavy,
oh shit forgot to lock my door,
oh well I'll just rest a few minutes and then..
and then...
wait what was I gonna do again?

Gerard POV

"Mikes,how bout we go see a movie or something? My treat?"

no answer.

"Mikes? Mikes?"

I began walking up the stairs,
just then I stepped on a note, on the front it read "I'm broken"

it was Mikey's hand writing.

"oh no,oh shit,
don't tell me"
I thought as my eyes welled up with tears.

...okay so next chapter will be what the note says..
but first I need to know what you guys think.
review,rate. :)

update : hmm it says that there has been 117 views (maybe it's wrong) but only 6 reviews and 1 rating?! Come on people! Alot of you are authors right? You also want people to rate and review right? Even if you don't like this story just say so,I won't bite your head off.
Reviews mean a great deal to me,so please Rate and review. xoxo- Milkyway
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