Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts > Happily Ever After

Chapter 7

by Riotgirl09 0 reviews

Last Kairi PoV. Maybe happily ever after isn't as happy as she thought

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Kairi,Zexion - Published: 2010-08-04 - Updated: 2010-08-04 - 441 words - Complete


I’ve always been told that there’s no place like home. Whenever someone goes away, whether on a trip, an adventure, or any other endeavor, they always talk about how good it is to be home, how much they missed it.
At least, that’s sure how Sora and Riku felt. I should’ve been overjoyed to finally see them again, for the three of us to finally back together, finally home where we belonged. But, I couldn’t help but feel like something was missing. The Islands didn’t feel like home anymore, and neither did Riku and Sora. Nothing felt the same, and I didn’t know why. I should be happy! This is the life I’ve wanted, what I’ve waited and waited for. I used to sit and watch the horizon, waiting and dreaming of this. Now that I have it, I’d give all up in a heartbeat.
If it hadn’t been for those few short days, those precious hours full of blue eyes and grey hair, things would be different. But try as I might, I can’t forget. I’ll never be able to forget, never be able to stop comparing. I kow I’ll never see him again, and how could I hope to? How could I do that to Sora? He’s worked so hard, I couldn’t, just couldn’t live with the disappointment if he found out that he’s losing a contest that he didn’t even know he was in. Losing, to a Nobody, a dead man.
So, I do my best. Little by little, I forget. I laugh at his jokes, share in his secrets, and listen to his stories. Day by day, it gets easier to fall into this life, to find even the small in the moments he finds huge. I’ll be the perfect mate, the girl he deserves, the one he worked so hard and did so much for. And maybe, someday, I’ll actually be that girl. Maybe, someday, I’ll stop checking the clock for 11:11, looking for clovers, or searching the night sky for shooting stars, just to bring him back. Maybe, just, maybe, the day will come when I’ll stop watching the horizon for what I know isn’t coming.
They say home is where the heart is. Well, maybe someday it’ll be here, with the boy I should love and the happily ever after of all the books from my childhood, instead of with a slate-haired boy with ocean-blue eyes who stole it in the most unlikely place, in the most unlikely way.
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