Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts > Happily Ever After

Chapter 6

by Riotgirl09 0 reviews

Longest chapter yet! Zexion PoV again.

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Axel,Demyx,Kairi,Zexion - Published: 2010-08-04 - Updated: 2010-10-04 - 1361 words - Complete


Why did I tell her that? What in Kingdom Hearts possessed me to spill my guts out to her? She was just some princess, one I had helped Axel kidnap. She should hate me, want me dead in some heart-forsaken world. She shouldn’t be getting me to confide in her, and then in turn confide in me! It was bad enough that she was here, and Axel’s prisoner no less. But this was beyond what I could take. If I wasn’t careful, I could end up doing something very, very stupid.
Still, it was nice to have someone to talk to. No one in the Organization had ever really listened to me. Sure, Demyx cared, but he was too preoccupied with whatever was going through his brain to really listen. Roxas had been the closest to what I would call a friend… until Kairi, that is. I wanted to get to know her. I wanted to talk with her more, spend as much time as possible with her. But, I couldn’t. she was nothing but bait, a way for Axel to get what he wanted and nothing more. If I interfered, not only would he reduce me to cinders, but the Superior would have a field day. It was best that Axel was taking her far away. The sooner she left, the sooner life could get back to normal. Sure, it would be much more boring without her to talk to, but I had survived before. I would survive again.
I was there, watching, when Axel finally took her away. She struggled, and I think I saw a glimmer of tears in her eyes when she looked back at Demyx and I, but there was nothing I could do. I prayed to whatever gods that existed, if they did at all, to protect her. Let Sora come and save her soon. It was the best thing for her, to have her knight in shining armor. He would defeat the evil monster, save the fair princess, and ride off to live happily ever after. It would be the storybook ending she deserved, the life she had waited so long for. I would probably fade away, if I was lucky enough not to get killed by her knight’s big shiny key, but that was ok. I was just a Nobody, an empty shell of what used to be a person. I technically didn’t exist, so who would miss me? As long as Kairi got her happily ever after, I would be fine. That’s what I kept telling myself, anyways.
The days went by slowly, following her and Axel’s departure. Xemnas was furious at Axel, and sent Saix to hunt him down and bring both the Princess and the traitor back. Demyx and I were left out of the story completely, thank Kingdom Hearts. We went back to life as it was. That was, until Saix returned.

“Zexy! Zexy!”
“Demyx, we’ve been through this-”I know, Deja-vu right?
“Never mind that Zexy, I’ve got something really important to tell you!” He was doing the bouncing from one foot to another thing, which made me thing that maybe this really was important. The last “important” thing he had barged into my room to tell me was that Larxene had thrown away his favorite cheese because he had called her fat.
“What is it Demyx?”
He leaned in close, suddenly serious. “Kairi’s back. Saix just locked her in a cell, like, 5 minutes ago.”
Holy. Shit.
“Demyx, are you sure?”
“Yup!” he was way too cheerful. “She even has that dog with her, remember, that one from when Axel kidnapped her?”
“Is… Are we… can we go see her?” I asked, suddenly nervous. I didn’t want to think of what state she might be in. Going from Axel to Saix? No one deserved that fate, especially not her. What happened to her happily ever after?
“We can sneak past Saix, if you want. He’s almost never down there anyway.”
“Then let’s go.”

To be honest, I was scared shitless of seeing her again. What if she was even worse off, just some broken doll, a songbird who lost its song to a metal cage? I couldn’t take the idea that someone so amazing, so perfect could become that. And if she was gone, if the life was gone from her, it was all my fault. I didn’t do anything to help her. In fact, I enabled all of this to happen to her. I was to blame for her pain, for everything that had hurt her lately. She should hate me, yet the mere idea made me nauseous. I didn’t think I could live with her hating me. I was barely living now.

“Zexion?” Her voice was so small, it was almost like she wasn’t there. It was, no she was, as beautiful as I remembered. Her hair, her face, her smile even. Her smile! She was smiling, happy to see me! How? “It’s really you?”
“Kairi… I’m so sorry”
Even her laugh was beautiful, as strained and fake as it was. “Don’t be. I don’t even remember what happened. Last thing I remember is being locked in here by some creepy guy with blue hair.”
“Saix” I could almost hear the growl in my voice. “He’s horrible. This is all my fault.”
“Zexion, don’t worry.” How could she still want to talk to me, how could she sit there and reassure me? She should be trying to kill me, after what I put her through. “Zexion, listen. I know you feel guilty, but it’s not your fault!” She leaned through the bars and took my gloved hand her own. It was so small, yet it seemed to fit perfectly with mine. “I’m fine. Axel and Saix are to blame, not you. I know you. You’re a good person.”
She was so good, so wonderful. If I could’ve cried, I would’ve been bawling right then. She actually made me it seem like I had feelings, more so then even being around Demyx had. I wanted to stay with her forever, to hold her close and never let anything hurt her. I wanted to protect her beautiful heart, even if I had to sacrifice my own.
“I’m going to get you out of here Kairi.” I looked up into her eyes, not-quite blue and not-quite purple, and brushed a strand of her not-quite red and not-quite brown hair out of her face. “You deserve a happily ever after, not this. You deserve all of the happiness in all of the worlds. You deserve the life you want, not the life of a beautiful bird in a gilded cage.”
“Zexy! Saix is coming!!” Demyx called from lookout, so frantic that his voice was about 10 decibels louder than it needed to be.
I turned to Kairi and gave her hand one final squeeze. “You’ll be out of here and back with Sora in no time.”
“What about you?” I couldn’t meet her pleading eyes. It was all I could do to gently place her hand back through the bars.
“I’ll be fine.” I whispered, and walked away. It took all my strength not to turn back, to reach through the bars and hold her a tightly as I could, to stroke her hair and wipe away all her tears. But, I had to. I had to walk away, do my best to get her the life she deserved, a life far away from Nobodies and prison cells. Even when I heard her start to cry, the small, pitiful sobs following me down the hall and all the way up to my room, I had to walk away.

The young witch looked up at me, pausing whatever drawing Xemnas was forcing her to do. “Yes, Zexion?”
“I need your help. Can you draw something for me? It has to do with your Somebody…”
She just nodded, a slight smile on her lips. “Of course I can.”
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