Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > two hearts for you

surprise my frankie.....

by acideyeliner 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero - Published: 2010-08-10 - Updated: 2010-08-10 - 1537 words


I had moved everything i new i would need to my new apartment and fixed everything up perfectly, i wanted to have everything done before the gang came back. Mikey had called me telling me they would arriving back in LA this evening, i was so excited to have everyone back. I just wanted to be able to live the life i had been living before the whole situation with Frank happened, before Trace came into my life and well before Bert had ruined what was left of the happiness i had left at that moment in my life. I wanted to start a new life were i could be happy finally and do what i wanted to do and maybe just maybe have Frank say yes to me and be with me and maybe one day marry me. I waited til there was half hour left before they gang's flight landed and i left to the airport so that i could bring Frank to my new place and we could talk over dinner.

i left to the airport and as soon as i got there, i sat by the main terminal and waited for them to land. I was trying to just figure out a way were i could just say everything i needed to say to Frank so that he wouldn't think i just wanted to go back to him because i was alone now. I needed him to understand how deep my love for him really ran. I really hoped he loved me enough to a point were we could just start fresh and be who we were meant to be together before it all went to hell for us. I just felt really undeserving of him because i wasn't the same person anymore, and i had been intimate with someone else and i felt tainted by what Bert did to me. I just hoped he didn't find me repulsive and not want to give us a try anymore, it had been so long. I didn't want to pick up where we left off, i wanted to give him my heart a new again. I wanted us to have a new romance and make new memories to add to our old. We both needed a new start with each other emotionally and intimately.

My hands were shaking like crazy as i sat there and waited, i had never felt this craziness of nervousness not even when i danced. I heard the announcement come over the speakers letting us know that the flight had landed and i got up walking closer to the terminal. I could feel my heart beating and it felt like it was gonna burst out of my chest as i saw Frankie's face come into view, i took a deep breath and i walked towards them seeing the smile on Frank's face as he saw me.

"hey you" Mikey yelled running towards me picking me up and hugging me, "hey mikes" i laughed as he passed me over to gerard. I hated being short.

"ahhhh put me down Gee" i laughed as he spun me around.
'oh alright Elles" he smiled as he set me down right in front of Frankie.

"hi Frankie" I said as i hugged him.
"hi love" he whispered in my ear as i felt his arms go around my waste hugging me tightly. I slowly pulled away but not before i felt him kiss my cheek.

"you guys ready to go" Mikey asked
I turned towards them nodding hoping they wouldn't see me blushing. As we we were walking out in the parking Frankie grabbed my hand pulling me back towards and i looked back at everyone and i saw Mikey smiling as they walked away.

"let them walk ahead love i just one a second alone with you to just say how beautiful you look" he smiled lacing both his thru mine.

"you still think I'm beautiful Frankie" i said looking into his eyes and looking away quickly.

"hey dont do that, dont look away from me like you dont who I am anymore" he whispered lifting my chin with his fingertips.

"I'm just a little taken back that you still think I'm beautiful after everything and how i look now"

"I told you you will always be beautiful to me, nothing is ever gonna change how I see you" he said putting his forehead against mine. I closed my eyes as I felt his lips graze mine "Frankie take me back" i whispered feeling my breathing get heavier.

"no love you take me back, i love you give me another chance to prove how much I love you and show you the reasons why we belonged together sense the beginning" he whispered back pulling me closer to him.

"my Frankie" I said as he pressed his lips against mine and deepened the kiss. We suddenly heard everyone cheering and we pulled apart seeing everyone cheering from the car.

"well I guess there's no need in telling everyone" Frankie laughed grabbing my hand as we headed towards the car.

"wow so you taking care of our baby sis again" Mikey smiled.
"I've always been taking care of her"Frankie smiled looking at me.
"you two needed eachother and I guarantee you now everything is gonna work out for the both of you" Gerard said as he hugged me and Frankie.

"who knows we might be attending another wedding" Alicia smiled.
"maybe you will" Frankie said leaning down and kissing my lips.
"alright you two lets get out of here that can continue when you two are not in front of us" Mikey said laughing. I shook my head and we left.

I dropped Mikey,Alicia, and Gerard off and we agreed they'd come and visit me this weekend to check out my new apartment.

"so seeing as I'm your boyfriend do I get a first look at your apartment" Frankie smiled

"why yes you do Mr. Iero but first why dont we go drop off your stuff and you can rest for a while, you just got off a plane"

"you gonna stay with me" i looked over at him and nodded.
"okay then lets head to my place"

As soon as we got back to his apartment he got his suitcase off and we walked up those familar stairs.

"god love how long has it been sense you were back here" he said as he unlocked the door and we walked in.

"not that long" i replied taking his hand in mine "come here I wanna show you something"

"okay" he nodded and i took him upstairs to his bedroom stopping in front of the door.

"close your eyes"
"you being sneaky"
"maybe so close your eyes" i laughed.
"okay" he smiled closing them and i opened the door leading him inside.

"you ready for your surprise" he nodded and i took a deep breath "open them"
as soon as i saw his eyes open i yelled "welcome to my new place"

he looke around the room, and he saw all my clothes back in the closet and my belongings back in the spots were they use to be.

"love you don't know just how happy you made me" he said hugging me and picking me, spinning around.

"so you want me to stay'
"hell ya i want you to stay this is your home it was always your home love"

"and you just made my day by saying that Frankie" i smiled kissing his lips as he carried over to the bed and we laid down. I laid my head on his chest and i grabbed his hand noticing a tattoo on his hand. It was a cute little red heart and I turned my head and i saw my intials above the word love. I looked up at him and he smiled kissing my forehead.

"when did you get this"
"while i was on vacation this past week" he replied.
"would if i would have stayed trace"
"nah i got a very intresting dvd from your mom last week and well lets just say i have been in love with you for so long and well she let me know you got a copy of that dvd to love'
"oh did she now, man my mom is very sneaky but in a loving and I'm glad she sent it to me, you had given me your love way before we actually knew each other that well, but you know secretly i had my love saved for you to Frankie"

"and I know you still do love, i love you so much" he whispered
"I love you to, this our time to make our love grow and we deserve to be happy finally my Frankie" I smiled as he pulled me into his arms kissing my lips. I had my Frankie back.

We spent the next few days with each other and we had become insepretable. Our first test was just two weeks away. Warped Tour was starting and Frankie wanted me to come with him, this was what i was dreading. right after Mikey's wedding we would leaving on tour.
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